Group therapy: put down the electronics!

Months ahead of my social media hiatus (coming soon: this September!), I’m recognizing a trend in “advice” columns and articles and what-not, all about putting down your electronics. Stow your cell, and enjoy the life and people in your presence. Be. Present.

Aren’t we all a little bit guilty of this? That, Always Being in Touch. I find it difficult, given the appeal of online personalities (most of which are friends in real life too). Because social media has some great benefits — say, like finding friends in a new city or something fun to do at the last minute — there’s not anything drastic we’re going to suggest here. But we should be conscious and conscientious of being around our friends and significant others — of being in the moment. Of getting to bed at a reasonable hour (and potentially curbing insomnia caused by the glow of screens). Or not being consumed by an electronic device. I mean, didn’t you sit around long enough looking at a computer at work all day?! I love my Kindle, too, but make sure that I alternate with reading actual books too. Social media addiction is serious business.

Your twitter timeline will still be there when your happy hour with friends is over. Facebook status update eye-rolling once the workday is done. I’d go so far to say even TURN OFF THE TV since it’s obviously replacing quality time and conversation with your significant other. Hello, hulu! Most of all, don’t take your phones to the dinner table. This is a new rule that I’m putting in place in my house. I mean, it’s hard enough that I work from home full time AND my boyfriend continues to work once he’s home. We could at least enjoy dinner in silence, right? Ha.

Have you made your own “rules” for electronics and cell phones in your house? Have you found ways to lessen your addiction to social media?