WEEKLY THERAPY: Don’t let your stubbornness stand in your own way

*cough* *cough* Is this thing on? (Thanks for the headline, Co-Star notifications!)

the week:
I’ve heard this week between Christmas and New Year’s referred to as “Dead Week.” I’m confused about what I should be doing this week, really. Like, I’ll dabble with work here and there. Tend to my plants. Go to a few yoga classes and gym sessions. Finish up a couple of books to complete my 50 Books Challenge for the year. Absorb all the warmth of furry cat snuggles.

Eat cookies. (duh)

And of course, I’ll do a few deadlifts for S&G.

The New Year’s Eve dinner goddesses smiled upon us and opened up a reservation for Harbinger. Also: The Capital Striders will be again hosting its annual Mitten Run tradition on January 1st – to collect cold weather items for the Boys & Girls Club of Central Iowa.

seven things, seven days:
1. I am mere days away from transitioning into my preferred day planner — one that I completely dropped the ball on ordering in time for last year and which, inevitably, sold out before the new year arrived. (For context, I ordered my 2023 planner in JULY!!)
2. Twenty twenty-three though. JFC.
3. It’s hilarious to revisit prior resolutions + intentions posts and read themes that have seemingly sustained themselves for nearly 10 years. Also: Remember that year when I set a “30 Days of Promises” challenge for EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR?
4. Bathing suit shopping = it’s the worst!
5. Thinking a lot about this lately (after seeing a horrible “take” on why certain participants in sport don’t “count”): If you do athletics, then you’re an athlete. {via She’s a Beast}
6. Is anyone else feeling “stuck” when considering 2023 goals or resolutions or intentions? The only thing I’ve really landed on is the word “warmth” as a guiding focus for my year.
7. For your further consideration: The word of your year {via Shangrilogs}