WEEKLY THERAPY: Don’t let your stubbornness stand in your own way

*cough* *cough* Is this thing on? (Thanks for the headline, Co-Star notifications!)

the week:
I’ve heard this week between Christmas and New Year’s referred to as “Dead Week.” I’m confused about what I should be doing this week, really. Like, I’ll dabble with work here and there. Tend to my plants. Go to a few yoga classes and gym sessions. Finish up a couple of books to complete my 50 Books Challenge for the year. Absorb all the warmth of furry cat snuggles.

Eat cookies. (duh)

And of course, I’ll do a few deadlifts for S&G.

The New Year’s Eve dinner goddesses smiled upon us and opened up a reservation for Harbinger. Also: The Capital Striders will be again hosting its annual Mitten Run tradition on January 1st – to collect cold weather items for the Boys & Girls Club of Central Iowa.

seven things, seven days:
1. I am mere days away from transitioning into my preferred day planner — one that I completely dropped the ball on ordering in time for last year and which, inevitably, sold out before the new year arrived. (For context, I ordered my 2023 planner in JULY!!)
2. Twenty twenty-three though. JFC.
3. It’s hilarious to revisit prior resolutions + intentions posts and read themes that have seemingly sustained themselves for nearly 10 years. Also: Remember that year when I set a “30 Days of Promises” challenge for EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR?
4. Bathing suit shopping = it’s the worst!
5. Thinking a lot about this lately (after seeing a horrible “take” on why certain participants in sport don’t “count”): If you do athletics, then you’re an athlete. {via She’s a Beast}
6. Is anyone else feeling “stuck” when considering 2023 goals or resolutions or intentions? The only thing I’ve really landed on is the word “warmth” as a guiding focus for my year.
7. For your further consideration: The word of your year {via Shangrilogs}

Weekly Therapy: On fear and Imposter Syndrome

the week:
I had my first one-on-one practice counseling session with my professor this week — and it wasn’t a disaster! SUCK IT, NERVES! I started a daily reflection/reading OUT LOUD habit to keep perspective of WHY I am going to grad school at old lady age 40 (OMG my birthday is less than 3 months away, send chocolate). I ALSO started a meditation practice. I’m probably falling victim to “too much, too soon” but I am desperate to exorcise these physiological demon stress responses from my life.

I was re-listening to a podcast with sport psychologist Dr. Rob Bell, and the quote he uses near the end of the episode is SO BIG INSIDE ME right now: Some battles are worth fighting, even if you lose.

I’m not going to let fear or Imposter Syndrome win.

Half marathon training is underway, so maybe this Saturday I’ll get my legs over to a Striders run and run some of those Drake hills. My CPR/AED certification expired, so I’ll be getting re-certified this weekend, too.

seven things, seven days:
1. Imposter syndrome, WHAT?! This article does a nice job of explaining it. {via Guardian}
2. Oooh-oooh! Probably not the fun kind of internet quiz you’re used to, but see what type of Imposter Syndrome you have!
3. One more: Feeling like a fraud {via APA}
4. And now for the Olympics! Yes, I have been watching during any allotted free time, and I am currently obsessed with watching the athletes breathe before performing. You may be looking for a triple salchow, but I am watching for evidence of energy management.
5. Life after competition ends is an inevitable:Finding new meaning after The Olympics {via The Atlantic}
6. The amazing: CHLOE KIM {via NBC}
7. And probably definitely the best thing to happen to this year’s Olympic games: Adam Rippon {via NBC}. Did you watch that short program? DEAD. (And he skated to one of my favorite dance songs.)

Weekly Therapy: New Year, New… Face?

the week:
Wordpress has been having some wonky-ass glitches in the editing panel, so this post has been sitting for almost two weeks. They STILL haven’t responded to any of my tweets – despite figuring out what is causing the edit task bar (where you can add links and change font) to disappear. I can’t even go to Visual mode either because while I SEE it, I can’t click it. I also cannot add tags or any photos to my posts. It seems tied to how many drafts of a post are saved – or maybe something with one of my plug-ins. All this happened right after the last WP update, so something is incompatible now. SO FRUSTRATING!


I got my first retinol chemical peel (which I’ve been sharing to my Insta Stories) because I wanted to see if it would work to clear up some of my old acne scars and sun spots. WOAH BOY, has this been an interesting experience! I experienced a couple days of disruptive and uncomfortable annoyance (read: burning, itchy face peeling)… and even if the results were awesome, I’m not sure that I’d do it over again. 😬 I’m not at all embarrassed by how my face looks – then or now; I went to both yoga and boxing AND fancy dinner at our club in the midst of major peeling – though I find myself not wanting to wear a lot of makeup anymore. And when I DO wear makeup, my skin just looks awful. So that was what spurred me to do such a thing.

Spoiler alert: I have definitely noticed some positive changes in my skin – and the aesthetician warned me about having unrealistic expectations. But still. I guess for ACTUALLY BURNING SEVERAL LAYERS OF MY FACE OFF, I had some bigger expectations than the results that I have. 60% chance I do it again.

I know.

Despite us having a brief temperature warm up this week, we’re back to just about freezing again. But I’m planning some trail miles this morning at Brown’s Woods and a gathering with my fellow Turkeys.

Also, pretty sure I want to go to 80s/90s Skate Night.

See also: HOMEWORK.

seven things, seven days:
1. We bought a new couch… but because it had to be custom (due to the small size of our living space), we’re not getting it until March.
2. My hot pink boxing gloves are ALSO back-ordered through March. BOO!
3. In the meantime, I finally purchased a curtain rod set with my Restoration Hardware gift card that I received on my birthday. In May. 😬
4. And some new throw pillow covers from West Elm – that are even better in person! 😍
5. I’m starting to play around with heart rate monitoring during my runs. Any resources to recommend to learn more?
6. Why January is your least productive month {via Fast Company}
7. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting VERY excited about the upcoming Winter Olympics. Here are 3 steps to handling pressure like an Olympian (from a sport psychology alum of the program that I’m currently in!)

Weekly Therapy: Happy Shiny New 2018!

the week:
I’m still working on my race schedule for this year… which is a little difficult to complete, as I do not have the confirmed dates for my summer internship (for which I’ll travel to the west coast). My goal focus will be my half marathon PR, and I am still undecided if I want to train further than my 20-mile trail race scheduled for summer. I think doing the shorter distances of some local trail races throughout the year would be fun, still keep me in good training condition, and allow me to focus on my graduate studies. I am tentative on a few traveling opportunities later this year (for races) – though my husband and I have two non-running vacations on the calendar!

The Health & Fitness Expo is happening at the Iowa Events Center in downtown Des Moines this weekend, so I plan to check it out and participate in some of the free fitness sessions (yoga mimosas early Saturday AM, hello!). Also: weekend runs begin again this Saturday for Capital Striders from Drake University!

Meanwhile, I’ll be starting some assignments — winter quarter begins on Monday. YAY!

seven things, seven days:
1. No cavities! Great way to start the year.
2. In 2015, I completed a 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge. While I don’t believe I can complete in addition to all my school assignments, I set 24 (2 books per month) as my Reading Challenge goal for 2018.
3. More yoga in 2018! Keeping with that promise to myself, I went to an amazing Good Vibes yoga session at the Windsor Heights Community Center this week. Every Wednesday, yoga for everyone, donation class. Come out and hug some strangers and connect deeper with your own practice and the Des Moines yoga community.
4. Another visit to the vet for my middle cat child. Because of our adventure before Christmas, I was worried that she was obstructed (given her litter box behavior) and seems the poor kitty’s stress has inflamed her bladder. 😿
5. Want to say “no” more in 2018? The Art of Saying No (to prepare you for saying “yes”). {TED Talk}
6. What are your predictions for fitness trends in 2018? {via Outside}
7. This is an excellent piece from Runner’s World on how to incorporate “gains” into your 2018 goals. All of their suggestions (except for maybe the cold showers, because NOPE I’d rather just run outside) are realistic and easy improvements to goal-setting that I plan to incorporate into my upcoming training schedule.

Weekly Therapy: 12.22.17

the week:
Woo! Final grades are in, and I passed my courses from Fall quarter (all A’s!). I’m super excited to be on break right now, but looking forward to my next set of classes for winter quarter. My program will continue to get more challenging and take me out of my comfort zone, and I’m so thankful that I’ll be able to focus on my studies full time.

CHRISTMAS WEEKEND! My in-laws are visiting, and I am so excited to host Christmas in our Iowa home this year.

seven things, seven days:
1. Any good, new Christmas movies I should be watching? I have some free time to fill.
2. Not only did I get Christmas cards out this year but all of my presents are wrapped, too.
3. And because all our presents were wrapped and placed around the tree, we misjudged that our cats would mess with anything… which ended up in a $200+ vet bill for x-rays for my middle “child” who decided to snack on a wired ribbon. (Thankfully, the x-ray didn’t show anything remaining in her stomach.)
4. I took advantage of the holiday special at Title Boxing Club, which includes 2-week unlimited classes (and a set of gloves and wraps), AND I AM HOOKED. I am already paid up for Farrell’s for the 10-week Challenge starting in January, but I feel like I’ll be spending a lot of time at Title in the future.
5. I went out to Center Trails for a little night hiking this week, which was super fun – and exciting to see how many other runners and bikers enjoy the trails at night.
6. Had my introductory meeting with Girls on the Run, as I signed up to coach this spring. Really looking forward to getting more involved in this organization.
7. My husband made 5 different kinds of gluten-free Christmas cookies, and OMG he is the best. 😍😍😍

Christmas is coming, tra-la-la-la!

Weekly Therapy: 12.08.17

the week:
Finals week in grad school is a VERY different place than finals week in undergrad. It about took all of my energy, while also taking a little bit of my pride. All-in-all, some great learning experiences outside of the course content. Last week was my last week at my full-time job, so I look forward to being able to focus more on my studies in future quarters – and having a LOT more sanity in my life.

30 something therapy finals week

This was the weekend that I was going to run my first 50-mile at Hitchcock, but I withdrew. With all my leftover energy focused on grad school (since I have also been working full time all this time), my training dropped off and I was sincerely worried about the stress of everything injuring me physically if I attempted the race. It took a lot of contemplation, but in the end wasn’t worth the risk – particularly because I have just had one bad race after another this fall, and Route 66 marathon was kind of the top of the bad for me. Hitchcock half remains one of my favorite races, and I hope to get back out there healthy next year.

In any event, I’m excited to see Waitress tonight at the Des Moines Performing Arts Center! We’re trying out a new downtown restaurant, too. Stay tuned!

seven things, seven days:
1. I’m on a 4-week winter break starting Monday; there’s a lot of free time to fill (and cat hair to clean and furniture to move… WHAT IS THIS FREE TIME?!)
2. My race and training season are over, and I’m filling the void with strength workouts, yoga, and… barre.
3. I’m also looking forward to my kickboxing classes that start up in January.
4. And I’m also considering doing a drop-in roller derby practice in a few weeks. Am I crazy?!
5. Maybe I’ll actually get all my drafted race reviews published over the next few weeks!
6. I don’t like going to the movie theater, but there are so many good films out right now that I want to see (Three Billboards, Lady Bird, Murder on the Orient Express, The Greatest Showman…). Maybe there is a matinee in my future. Also: STAR WARS NEXT WEEK!
7. Why ultra-running needs to solve its gender inequality problem {via CTS, Jason Koop}

Weekly Therapy: 11.17.17

the week:
Last Friday, I went to the Foo Fighters concert – a bucket list concert for me, as I somehow never saw them live for their 22-year existence. And while it was a little underwhelming (Dave Grohl’s voice was shot from laryngitis or something), I’m still excited to cross off the list. Then Saturday morning, I went to brunch with my running buddies (skipping my long run, meh) and ended up spending SIX HOURS at the restaurant. Worth it.

Last marathon of the season! Road trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma for the Route 66 Marathon. I have a few friends traveling down from Des Moines, so this is going to be a blast. I also have to do an all-day personal development seminar from my hotel room on Saturday, which is a bummer for the timing (mandatory session for school), as I hoped to get out and sight-see a bit.

seven things, seven days:
1. I’ve been eager for new podcasts to listen to, and so excited to discover a new favorite: Sincerely, Hueman.
2. Finally went to yoga this week after a TOO LONG hiatus. Hotel Renovo will be hosting sessions all winter long! (I would link to their page, but OMG autoplay 😒 )
3. I feel like I’m having a bad hangover to Daylight Saving Time ending. The week of, I was OK but this week, …
4. Thursday is not casual Friday. 😑
5. No, YOU bought a pair of rainbow glittered pointed toe booties.
6. And also these lulu tights that look like glitter.
7. LOVE THIS >> This Race Means Nothing {via Trail Sisters}

Weekly Therapy: 11.03.17

the week:
My surgery is this morning, and I’m unable to eat anything or have any coffee and OMG I AM GOING TO BE SO CRANKY IN A FEW HOURS! For those unaware, I’m having an intraductal papilloma removed from my right breast. I ran last night with our local Fleet Feet store, and the reduction in miles for the last couple weeks has returned a pretty good response in my body. My recovery time should only be a few days, and my “return to activity” directive is anything after that – if it feels good to do so.

I’ll be recovering from my surgery, so I see a lot of lazy ice cream-eating, roller derby binge-watching hours on the couch. And homework. AND GO BUCKS!

seven things, seven days:
2. Zipper-front sports bras are not a thing for A-cups. #tmyk
4. The Christmas lights got installed on our house. BEFORE HALLOWEEN.
5. Halloween didn’t bring out too many kids this year because of the cold temps, but I enjoyed participating in our neighborhood’s Boos & Booze event again.
6. Worst costume was the kid in a full M*chigan football uniform. -_-
7. What boredom does to you (spoiler alert: it’s not all bad!) {via Nautilus}

Weekly Therapy: 10.20.17

the week:
Oh, HI! It’s been a few weeks. ?

I’m closing out Week 4 of grad school, and as expected, it’s kicking my ass! I’ve finally found a groove with my assignments and reading (so much reading!), but will admit to feeling wholly intimidated by so many brilliant people in my classes. I’m inspired by the topics and coursework so far (though wish I could spend more of my time focused on school – still trying to figure out the work-school balance). Actually, that balance part has been really important to me and I have worked HARD on the days I need to in order to enjoy a “free” day.

I took a week off running after Chicago (oh yeah, I haven’t posted about that or ANY of my races from last month either!), and felt good to have some space from that. This past weekend, I cheered on the Des Moines’ marathoners from Mile 20 (half marathoners Mile 7) and it filled my whole heart to be able to do so.

Des Moines Marathon Cheer Station Mile 20

This weekend is GOATz 50k in Omaha. Yep, another race weekend road trip. Have I mentioned this is my first ultra race? This should be a fun one! I’m WAY less anxious about running this than Chicago.

seven things, seven days:
1. My knuckles are bruised from extreme cow-belling at the marathon last weekend.
2. Story of my life: I bought this for my cats (they don’t care), and now I’m having all the fun!
3. I saw Christmas lights up (and on!) during my morning work commute this week. ?
4. I also saw a meteor! Peak meteor showers this weekend from Halley’s Comet!
5. Generation X Women are having midlife crises. {sigh, Oprah}
6. My podcast feed is stale. What are your favorites? Got any new ones to recommend?
7. Find your motivation in sport. {via Psychology Today}

Weekly Therapy: 9.15.17

the week:
Within the last couple weeks, I’ve had two separate mammograms and an ultrasound, and the doctors saw *something* in my right breast. I had my boob biopsied on Friday, so I’ll know Monday what/how I need to deal with that. Fun Fact: during the procedure, they implant a tiny titanium clip (that happens to be in the shape of the breast cancer ribbon). I’m feeling OK, if a little bruised and sore in that area.

But in better news: I got accepted into grad school! I start my master’s program on September 25, and while I’m a little stressed out to get everything started so soon (you know, considering ultra training and unexpected medical things), I am positively thrilled to continue my education in sport psychology.

Capital Pursuit race is Sunday – read my recap of last year’s race. Should I wear the same outfit? ?


seven things, seven days:
1. Officially received my one-year certificate at work! (Gimme that 401k match, plz.)
2. I also got a new manager (my 6th in a year-and-a-half) and re-organized into a new team.
3. Doing the FAFSA for the first time in two years was just as annoying. Also, why in the world do I need to add my husband’s income from 2015 when we only got married 6 months ago?
4. Went to a kickboxing class at Farrell’s this week (thanks to our local lululemon store), and I am obsessed! When ultra training is done, I’m definitely going to do the 10-week Challenge (and will also probably do a couple drop-in classes over the next few months).
5. How much time do I have to waste?
6. I don’t know. I’ve failed A LOT in the kitchen, and it has nothing to do with fear. {via Lifehacker Skillet}
7. Exercise is a waste of time… Ehhhhhhh, I’m not sure that I totally agree with this – why create MORE barriers to getting people to work out? First, we all have different motivators, and a goal can be as simple as “I’m going to to the gym three days a week.” It’s OK to JUST SHOW UP. Frankly, this type of ALWAYS ON thinking is probably going to cause burnout. And he sort of hints that you can only have success if you have a coach, which… ick. Thoughts? {via Entrepreneur}