Weekly Therapy: 8.18.17

the week:
Some kind of summer cold or upper respiratory infection has been trying to kick my ass this week. It seems to be pushing all out of my lungs now, which has made running… interesting.

I am SO EXCITED for Solheim Cup this weekend in Des Moines. It is hosted by our club, Des Moines Golf and Country, and is just such an awesome event to have here in Iowa. I took PTO Friday to volunteer a morning shift and not miss the first set of matches (what a long day!). But we’ll be hanging out and cheering our USA lady athletes all weekend. Gotta peep those Michelle Wie sparkly Nike golf shoes.

seven things, seven days:
1. I’ve decided that I want to go to grad school, so I’m getting things in order to meet my admission requirements.
2. Oh, the eclipse is coming! I’ll be watching it here.
3. I really, really love that my eye doctor’s office sent out a detailed email about viewing the eclipse safely and the dangers of staring directly at the event. Well done and timely marketing — Bravo!
4. Check this out: Katherine Beattie is a badass extreme wheelchair motocross athlete.
5. I had this thought this weekend (I mean, I’m definitely not stopping for 7 minutes, but still): Are my long run water breaks too long? {via Runners World}
6. Have you had a long-term (6+ weeks) injury that has inhibited you from playing your sport? Participants are needed in this survey.
7. Proven performance practices from billionaires and elite athletes. {via Thrive Global}

Weekly Therapy: 8.11.17

the week:
This week I celebrated NINE YEARS since I quit smoking. Pretty proud of that milestone!

Ready to quit? Check out the Quitter’s Circle for resources on quitting AND staying smoke-free — and find the community support you need to quit for good.

Off to Riverside, Iowa to see one of my favorite bands, Better Than Ezra, at the Casino. They’re touring with The Wallflowers, who I haven’t seen live since, like, 1997.

Also, it’s THE IOWA STATE FAIR time! Tater tot-nachos, I’ coming for ya.

seven things, seven days:
1. My tomato plants are finally producing some fruit – and I got to pick my first tomato!
2. Have you heard about The BibRave 100? Check it out, and nominate your favorite races.
3. Can anyone run an ultramarathon? Short answer: YES! Even Dr. Stanley Beecham agrees. {via Paste}
4. I participated in a wonderful webinar about energy management, which included some exercises for core values clarification and identifying energy resources. These topics are so interesting to me — as they were in my undergrad — and fueled my desire once again to look into applied psychology graduate programs.
5. SEE?! Why you should manage your energy and not your time {via BBC}
6. This was also long-sitting in my inbox: Define Your Core to Design Your Life {via Day Designer}
7. Running with a therapist: I LOVE IT! {via LA Times}

Weekly Therapy: 08.04.17

the week:
I’ve had a pretty awful go of the PMS this week. I’m dealing with an awful ingrown hair (which I used PTO to visit my doctor about, and basically got instructions for warm compresses and a script for an antibiotic). My dentist finally sent me to an endodontist to check out a tooth that has been super sensitive and causing deferred pain in other teeth for over two years; so, I got a root canal this week (I guess the molar has experienced “trauma” and is inflamed, which is why it’s been bothering me, but no infection).

Did I mention how a small animal somehow got into my car overnight and left his smeared prints and scratches on the INSIDE of my windshield? (See also: WTF?!) And then a WASP hit my side mirror and bounced into my car. I didn’t know it was a wasp at first, until I turned around and found it sitting on my back WHILE I WAS DRIVING. I frantically flicked it off me, and pulled over to a gas station a mile down the road to shoo it out. I couldn’t find it. I STILL HAVEN’T FOUND IT. I’m terrified that it’s lying dormant underneath my gas pedal and is going to crawl up my pant leg one day.

You ever have one of those weeks?

Going to the “Glow with the Flow” yoga event tonight at Brenton Skating Plaza (so excited for this!), and I have another massage on Sunday (praise, Jesus). Waiting to see if any of this rain hits us overnight Saturday; if not, our trail group may travel up to Ledges to get some elevation fun on the legs.

Long run Saturday with the Striders, as is tradition!

seven things, seven days:
1. Hey there, 50% off sale stuff, J.Crew!
2. Why is a nude sports bra so hard to find?
3. Do Not Be Afraid of Your Dinner: Louie’s Wine Dive is doing a gluten-free meal event! (YAY!)
4. My golf clinics are done for the summer, and I miss the weekly lessons. If they don’t do another session in Fall, I’m likely going to sign up for private lessons again. Dare I say that I actually enjoy it!?
5. Am I the only one irritated by a LARGE local race that is promoting a certain on-the-course product that isn’t even available to purchase locally ANYWHERE?!
6. Eh, that medal doesn’t excite me either. #subtweet
7. Oh, man, is this an excellent article about The Barkley Marathons {via Esquire}

Weekly Therapy: 7.07.17

the week:
My week as told in bug bites: Sunday, after my trail run, I took off my tall socks and slipped into my OOFOS sandals. While I stood around talking with my friends, I got bit twice on my right calf. My stupidity at spraying my bug spray while my socks were on, which was rendered useless with the removal of them. Then Wednesday, while I was waiting for our golf session to start, I felt something fall down my shirt AND PROCEED TO BITE ME twice in my bra area. Then today at work, something BIT ME ON MY FACE while I sat at my desk. WTF?!

That’s it, I’m bathing in DEET from now until Winter.

Capital Striders long run on Saturday, followed by a visit to the Downtown Farmers Market. And then another trail run Sunday with the CS Turkeys. We are also going to a house concert on Sunday afternoon to hear Amy Gerhartz and hang with our fellow Rock Boat peeps (and have some Jell-O shots, probably).

seven things, seven days:
2. Happy that the 4th celebrations are over and I can return to my regularly scheduled sleep program.
3. The baby barn swallows under our deck have seemingly grown out of their nest — though they still haven’t fledged!
4. When I was on the treadmill last night, I noticed out the window that we also now have a Robin’s nest under our deck. 24-HOUR BIRD WATCH OVER HERE!
5. Chicago Marathon made a lot of effort to provide an excellent training program for its race participants… in PDF format. Would really like to see a major race do its own app that includes a training program!
6. What should you yell to encourage runners, so sayeth Science? Personally, I like to use: YOU GOT THIS! {via Runner’s World}
7. Fascinating. What cookies and meth have in common {via NYT}

Weekly Therapy: 6.30.17

the week:
I finally moved back into my office building this week, since being displaced by a fire back in February. I’m on my second week back to running, too, and it’s nice being back on something of a regular schedule (trying to get in at least 3 runs a week). A return to usual habits and familiar surroundings brings with it a certain kind of peace…

30 something miles blog weekly therapy july
Day and Night…

…but also opens itself up to some fun.

Last night, I danced my ass off to STANTON WARRIORS at Lime downtown (still kind of shitting myself that these guys were in Des Moines). Today: my ears are still ringing and I am feeling the effects of a bit too much vodka, though hopefully I find my second wind this afternoon to get some miles on the roads. Sunday Funday: I’ll be enjoying the outdoors and doing a bit of trail running in the AM, possibly biking or skating, and maybe some kayaking (and probably brunching). I opted not to use a PTO day for Monday, but look forward to having the upcoming July 4th to catch up on my hammock time.

seven things, seven days:
1. Somehow I made the list of Top 100 Running Blogs {via Feedpost} at #74. Neat, but… is this a real thing?
2. I joined a Brooks test run/social run from Fitness Sports Ltd. in Clive this week, followed by drinks at 515 Brewery. What a fun night (but holy moly, will I ever remember to use Glide this summer?).
3. There was not one – but THREE – Great Horned Owls in my backyard this week. With the owls and hawks in our area — and our house cats — I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about field mice.
4. Three ways running changes after 40 {via Runners World}
5. And here’s 5 exercises you’ll want to do every week if you’re over 40 {via Prevention}
6. What makes us happy?, asks The Atlantic in 2009. Wonder how this would be written today, with a society so entrenched in digital communities.
7. To wit: The psychology of social media and Stoic truths for a digital world {both via Psychology Today}

Weekly Therapy: Thoughts after marathon training

the week:
Oh, heyyyy! It’s been a few weeks. I finally started introducing runs into my workouts this week, and also getting back into the swing of blogging since my marathon. I also had a wonderful trip back “home” over last weekend to celebrate with family our recent marriage.

post marathon training blog

We’ve got a formal event this weekend (yay, another dress up weekend!) — and I’ve got both roads and trails planned with my Strider & Turkey buddies (yay, 70-degree temperatures!).

Tonight and throughout the weekend is also the annual Des Moines Arts Festival. Lots of YAY!

seven random thoughts from marathon training:
1. The cliché is true: Put. Glide. EVERYWHERE. And then put it everywhere else.
2. Why does my shoulder joint hurt when I’m running? Probably time to do a running form assessment with someone.
3. I was so used to being hungry ALL THE TIME. I’m eating like half the calories I was a month ago.
4. My weight dipped below 120 pounds for the first time in over a decade… and then my bathroom scale broke, so I have no idea what I currently weigh post-marathon.
5. I broke out in a rash from sunscreen during my 22-mile run. That makes 3 different scenarios of rashes that I experienced in this training cycle… which means I probably have to visit an allergist to figure out what is going on with my immune system (again).
6. Remember that time I got stung by a wasp? Haaaaaa. This marathon cycle really had it all.
7. I still like running! ?

Weekly Therapy: Fuzzy Lemonades and PTO

the week:
Almost done with my second full week of NO RUNNING. And I’m doing a whole lot of… well, nothing else. Though I spent the last two days volunteering at the Principal Charity Classic Pro-Am Tournament, so lots of walking and lifting golf bags and sunshine. I’ll definitely go back next year to volunteer again; I had a blast!

Principal Charity Classic volunteer

I finished Life of the Party: The Remarkable Story of How Brownie Wise Built, and Lost, a Tupperware Party Empire

What an inspiring story about a woman who I hadn’t previously known! As the epilogue emphasizes: This is a story about a courage. Brownie Wise was a strong woman with the courage to change and strive for independence in the 1950s – And not be quiet in a man’s world of business. This is an incredible story of success; I also hadn’t known much on the history of Tupperware (which we all have in our homes). High stars!

One more weekend that I won’t wake up for an early Saturday morning long run. I think I may check out the Farmer’s Market, and then spend some time at the club pool. But then again, I finally got my hammock set up at home and I may just dive into that. And this.

And then Sunday, we’re going downtown for Capital City Pride Pridefest and parade.

seven things, seven days:
1. I’m on my 2nd full week of a new work schedule, and it has made me so happy!
2. The Leftovers is over… and it’s exactly how the series should have ended.
3. It’s been over 80º all week, and I have honestly been loving it. Though, in no time, I’ll be complaining about humidity.
4. Another year of no cavities! However, I did get fitted for a night guard for my teeth grinding.
5. How to know when it’s time to quit a workout {via Well + Good}
6. Change at work linked to employee stress, distrust and intent to quit {via APA Center for Organizational Excellence}
7. “Real knowledge is knowing the extent of one’s ignorance.” {via Aeon}

Weekly Therapy: Recovery Week Wine

the week:
Recovery has been nice! I’m one my first of TWO WHOLE WEEKS without running. I started my ladies’ golf clinics and went roller skating for a few miles (including wiping out in the grass within the first five minutes lol). I feel like I have all the energy and time in the world — using it to clean out dressers and organize closets… and, um, drink a lot of wine.

wine is in your future

Being fresh off a marathon finish has also given me a new kind of confidence to take on all the other life bullshit falling into the Procrastination category, and I’m on a roll crossing things off my to-do list! #gettingshitdone

I volunteered this morning at Dam to Dam at the Tacopocalypse food table. It was so hot, and I was SO happy not to be running. Sorry to all the runners who didn’t get any pork nachos — we ran out of food after only 2 hours. 🙁

I plan to go for a bike ride tomorrow morning, and then partake in a little Sunday Funday (and probably Jethro’s BBQ brunch). I’m kinda liking this run-free summer lifestyle right now.

And here’s how to make your weekend feel longer. I love the first comment on the article: Don’t sleep in.

seven things, seven days:
1. Can you believe the back brake pads and rotors of my NEW CAR had to be replaced already? Crazy.
2. I put on my big girl pants and cancelled my gym membership (that I barely used once a month).
3. And now I need a place to do drop-in yoga. Any suggestions for Des Moines, preferably west/northwestern suburbs? No membership, please.
4. Got any early favorites for this season’s The Bachelorette? ?
5. Deep Inside Taco Bell’s Doritos Locos Tacos. I haven’t had Taco Bell in a few years, but I still crave it like my post-party, bar-crawling former 20-something self.
6. The Rise and (Maybe) Fall of Influencers {via NYT}
7. Brutalist redesigns of your favorite social platforms. BE STILL MY BRUTALISM-LOVING HEART. {via The Verge}

Weekly Therapy: 40 + 1

the week:
I’ve experienced all kinds of weather in Iowa, but this week’s crazy severe storms and tornado warnings had me legit freaking out. I don’t ever want to be in my car during a 70-mph wind storm ever again! I saw a trampoline in a tree, so I’m pretty sure that’s like Iowa Bingo right there.

four seasons of weather in iowa

All that said, what was 94 and humid at the beginning of the week is now 45 degrees and depressingly gloomy.

It’s a weekend of brunches! After my Saturday morning run, our group is having brunch at Louie’s Wine Dive to celebrate our race reason. On Sunday, the hubs and I are going to see “Curious Incident…” at Des Moines Performing Arts Center and having brunch beforehand at Bubba | Southern Comfort (I need those buckwheat waffles).

seven things, seven days:
1. A coworker gave me two heirloom tomato plants. I’m so excited to take care of these guys and tend to fruit! I miss our little urban plot that we had in Pittsburgh, and want to make a plan to have a small vegetable garden in place by next year.
2. Did you see the FitSpi shorts that will be in next month’s Runner Crate? Got me to subscribe. [affiliate link] 3. I found the cats have been taking turns napping on my workout bag that I leave on the bench in our garage entry. One of them is snoring over there right at this moment. ?
4. That Demi Lovato collection at Fabletics is ?.
5. Lucky Charms is hosting a contest to win a MARSHMALLOW ONLY box of cereal. Gimme.
6. A story too close to the skin for me: Vitamin D deficiency vs. Skin cancer {via HealthLine}
7. I no longer feel guilt over wasting time (though I am also much, much better at managing my time) {via Quartz}

Weekly Therapy: And then I was 40

the week:
mel is 40


seven things, seven days:
1. My birthday week was lovely, and it was so nice to receive cards and flowers in the mail and SO many messages on social media. Lots of ❤️
2. Pure Barre is opening in West Des Moines (actually, in Clive, but who can keep track of these suburban boundaries!)
3. I bought a GORGEOUS midyear planner from Day Designer (the packaging alone made the price point worth it!), and I LOVE the reminder and tips emails they sent that coordinate with use of the product starting on June 1.
4. I haven’t shopped at Sephora in a couple YEARS… but their birthday gift was better, and I guess Ulta doesn’t have exclusivity on one of my brands anymore.
5. Why so many businesses mess up employee development — my company uses a strength-based development program and monthly assessments, but development is often not referred to until the annual review. {via Entrepreneur}
6. There’s so much of me in this article: The Rise of Run Rage {via Runner’s World}
7. So… this is 40!