Weekend Therapy: Rain, Rain, Go Away!

the week:
It’s finally stopped raining. Yesterday, we were on six straight days of rain. This kind of weather is so depressing — even a pair Wellies wasn’t enough to make me enjoy the puddles. Alas, I’ve been pretty much living in my new sweatshirt and fleece pants for the entire week because everything is all… blah.

And drinking hot chocolate.

Thankfully, our area was free of damage from the storms, but I had buckets at the ready for any leaks. It was sad to see on the news some of the places of my previous vacation locations underwater and experiencing the devastating destruction of Sandy. My heart goes out to the East Coast (and some friends in Cleveland, who seemingly got the midwest brunt of the storm, and are still without power).

I was excited when I didn’t see anything on my schedule for the weekend — it would be an opportunity to relax, catch up on housework, put away all the Halloween stuff… wash my gear. But that “freedom” didn’t last long: Halloween was rescheduled to Saturday evening because of this week’s storms; since I was without a car for an entire week those overdue errands need crossed off the to-do list FOR SERIOUS (I’m also sans car for tomorrow when I was hoping to DO all of this stuff *sigh*); my brothers’ band is touring through town; and I have marketing responsibilities to task for derby.

{deep breath}

I need some yoga therapy, but spinning will probably be more my speed for the next three days.

I’ll also try to squeeze in some time to watch roller derby. CHAMPIONSHIPS!

Oh, look, an extra hour!

If you’re around Pittsburgh, check out the Three Rivers Film Festival (runs through November 17) and Saturday’s Ti Kanaval Cocktail Party (um,did somebody say “UNLIMITED DESSERT BAR”?!).

seven things, seven days:
1. Consider making a donation to the Humane Society or the Red Cross to help with relief work for those people and animals affected by Sandy.
2. This post from J’s Everyday Fashion is a great read: the anatomy of a trend. Are you an early adopter?
3. Currently on a Spending Strike for November. More on that later…
4. Seriously, I made three more batches of this Apple Pie dip — first, for our bowling league last weekend (and another separate just for me because, well…) and another for the boyfriend’s work/food party. EVERYBODY LOVES IT!
5. Speaking of bowling, I had my best game last Friday and totally screwed up my average (95) in the process. Hooray, 121!
6. Back to home team practices next week! As much as I enjoyed personal leave and NOTHING TO DO, I’m ready to be back in my skates.
7. Twelve ready-to-style Fall outfits: time to shop my closet.

Post #2 complete.

Weekend Therapy: whiskey is the only thing that will kill this sickness. And maybe some dessert.

the week:
I don’t even know how one person can be sick for this long. What started as the flu — and went away — is now some kind of cold. And it is LINGERING. I suppose that I should be thankful that those dry cough episodes at night have ceased. The little things… but it’s totally throwing me off my game — and my workout schedule.

I usually kill my cold with lots of Vitamin C and Zinc. These new Hall’s Zinc & Echinachea drops have totally helped the sore and dry throat.

And you can’t beat three cuddly cats who want to snuggle in the warm bed all day.
Now pass me a tissue, please.

Besides some necessary work to catch up on, this weekend we’re attending an anti-baby-shower baby shower, followed by a dinner of Mexican proportions with friends of ours who recently engaged. So much excitement and celebration happening around us. (Maybe one day we’ll finally have our housewarming.) Naturally, I have no idea what to wear.

I’m the worst kind of procrastinator — I’m procrastinating on my procrastinating!! — and it’s certainly something I need help with. I filed for a tax extension, which expires on the 15th. They’re “done,” they just need to be filed and paid. PROCRASTINATOR: YOU MUST BE STOPPED! So add that to my weekend To Do list.

seven things, seven days:
1. Hot Toddies and apple crisp (with ice cream, natch) for Friday lunch pick-me-up? Best decision EVER this week.
2. Does anyone have a greater tendency to bake or crave sweets when sick? Because I’m making these pumpkin doughnut muffins on Sunday (thanks, Brown Eyed Baker!). Having a mid-week S’mores treat was fun and delicious too.
3. I found a fun Halloween costume… but I’m not sure that we have any party plans this year. Outside of passing out POUNDS of candy at our house! (so. many. kids.)
4. Also trying to plan the boyfriend’s upcoming birthday. I had one idea, but we couldn’t make a mid-week travel schedule work. And he thinks he’s old now and doesn’t need birthdays, which means he needs to celebrate even more, of course. With alcohol.
5. Cursing Netflix for not having “It’s a Funny Kind of Story” on Instant. It’s been on my must-watch list for too long. I’m not much of a movie person, but when you’re sick and recovering, you need things to pass the time.
6. I have no idea why I’m dreaming of a road trip, when I JUST RETURNED from a long weekender to Vermont (and have been sick since). That was a brutal ride in a 12-passenger van, however.
7. IT’S FALL, PEOPLE! And I’m a brunette again. 🙂

Weekly Therapy: hot male models

Need some hot male model therapy? I’ve got you covered this morning…


Dolce & Gabbana Men’s

RTW Spring 2013

Continuing their hymn to Italy, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana time-traveled to Sicily circa 1950 for a nostalgic spring collection. The clothes came to life on a cast of around 70 boys and men from all over the island. They resembled characters from an old movie as they sped down the runway at a frenetic pace set by a live folk band, its leader plucking on a jaw harp.  For More

Weekly Therapy: a little pick-me-up with flower therapy

The smell of geraniums is so calming to me. 

And the sight of sunflowers fills me with such happiness. Especially when they’re wild.

I also love purple flowers. These were wild in the garden bed of my new home. I wish that they could be there everyday.

While I don’t unfortunately have my own green thumb, I regularly purchase small bouquets of flowers for myself as a little pick-me-up. Trader Joe’s always has something inexpensive and colorful, and I look to my local farmers markets as well.

What is your go-to happiness therapy?

Weekly Therapy: A New Pillow!

I don’t know why finding the “right” firm pillow is so difficult — or so expensive. And I need a really firm bed pillow. Yeah, I’m That Guy who lays on the showroom floor testing all of these suckers out. Some of the brands I’ve looked at are nearly $100… I mean, it’s just a pillow. And most of us replace pillows on a semi-yearly or yearly basis, right?

I’m a sleep-flipper, but just cannot get comfortable on something flimsy, thin or soft. Or feather (the horror!). The only pillow that I’ve continued to purchase is the Extra Firm Support pillow from Laura Ashley Home (exclusive to Bed, Bath & Beyond). This King Sized slumber pad holds up quite nicely with the inexpensive $20 pricetag too. 

Because Sleep Therapy is very important to this 30-something.

Weekly Therapy: How to Walk in High Heels

A good challenge for ALL of us to live by!


Photo via Neiman Marcus.

Women tend to fall on two sides of the shoe spectrum: there’s Carrie Bradshaw with her closet full of Manolos on one end, and then there’s me with my collection of orthopedic clogs. As a lifelong klutz, I need my footwear to be as accident-proof as possible, which is why I favor the same shoes prized by emergency room nurses and the Dutch. The few pairs of heels I own have rarely seen pavement. But the ladies at Birchbox are a mighty tall and stylish bunch, and at 5’1” I wanted to measure up. So last week, I gave myself a shoe challenge: to find a comfortable way to wear high heels from morning to night. No limping, blisters, or tears allowed.   

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