Weekly Therapy: So long. Farewell. Auf Wiedersehn. Goodbye, Pittsburgh.

the week:
Lots of “lasts” in Pittsburgh this week — last spin class at the Y with my girl Kylee, last run//yoga//run//club at Urban Elements with my tribe, last drink at the Pub (and my favorite salad in this city), last run through the Point (but definitely not the last cry), last massage (I’ve been seeing the same massotherapist for over 3 years!), last walk into downtown. People keep asking if I’m nervous (I’m not); I’m positively excited and anxious to get to my new home. That doesn’t take away at all from my amazing experience living in Pittsburgh for the last 5.5 years — I’ll miss the hell out of this place. And the reality of moving away from some wonderful friends struck me kinda hard this week.

Also, if you need to know the best (read: my favorite) place to cry in Pittsburgh, it’s at the Point, near the fountain at the top of the stairs… looking back out at the city. I don’t know how or why I always end up there when I’m feeling really freaking sad, but it’s become a special place for me.

30something_point state park Pittsburgh
Bye, ‘Burgh!

Tonight is the last night in our Pittsburgh house, and we leave first thing in the morning. *waves*

By Sunday Lately, I’ll be publishing from Iowa!

seven things, seven days:
1. I’m a huge fan of overnight fridge oats, and this week I made a couple with the flavor packs that I received from Devotion Nutrition — swapping out my usual maple syrup for coconut biscotti and banana fosters Flex Flavors. SO GOOD.
2. I continue to get regular massages because my left IT band is almost always tight – and my shoulders and my glutes. But at this week’s appointment, my hip flexors are really messed up. Read: need to find a way to stretch my psoas? WHOOF.
3. Um, I intentionally and willingly ate gluten for the first time in over two years. (And the carrot cake cupcake was DELICIOUS.) So… I’ll be watching for any symptoms for a few days. I definitely got a headache that night, but it didn’t linger.
4. Speaking of all things gluten and not: I found a gluten-free bakery (donuts!!!) within walking (running?) distance of my new house.
5. I’m on the job hunt, so this article was incredibly eye-opening!: A top recruiter on what anyone can see after 30 seconds with your resume {via Quartz}
6. “Here’s the awesome thing about making choices and decisions – we get to make them. we get to decide and then change our mind when circumstance change. ” YES YES YES, ALL OF THIS, YES! Procreation Choices {via The New Wifestyle}
7. Good reference for any age group: 30-somethings should be doing a mix of interval training and lifting heavy weights — The best exercise for your age {via Huffington Post}

Weekly Therapy: Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow

the week:
Well, the BIG news of the week is that I MADE TRAVEL TEAM! I’ll be playing for our A/varsity team, The Steel Hurtin’. So excited, you guys!

steel hurtin pittsburgh 2016
My Team!

If you’re in Pittsburgh, this weekend the orchid and tropical bonsai show opens at Phipps’ Conservatory. Visitors can experience this tropical escape starting Saturday through February 28. (Hours 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily and until 10 p.m. on Fridays.) More details can be found at phipps.conservatory.org.

Also, you can cheer for the Steelers again… if that’s your thing.

seven things, seven days:
1. Unfortunately dropped off the Dry January wagon, when we were invited to a neighbor’s Steelers party last weekend (back on as of Monday — dry weekdays instead for this month, maybe). Eh.
2. I’m (finally) through season 2 of The Leftovers, and all I can comment is WTF?!
3. Got my first Wantable Fitness Edit this week and I have… conflicted feelings about it. Is this something you guys would like to see reviewed?
4. Celebrated our department’s post-holiday holiday party this week, complete with a “regift” exchange. Good fun to break up the work week.
5. Therapy Wars: The revenge of Freud (long read, but really interesting look at CBT) {via The Guardian}
6. The top 5 fitness trends for 2016 looks a lot like last year (and the year before that). {via Runtastic}
7. You can’t trust what you read about nutrition. This is a fun one about correlations. {via FiveThirtyEight Science}

Weekly Therapy: Happy bellies, happy hearts.

the week:
I’m giving a lot of gratitude this week: to a holiday-cooked-for-two, and full bellies, and convalescence from this cold that’s been dragging me down all week. I was too sick to run the Turkey Trot this year. And I guess in hindsight, though disappointed, it was the right thing to cancel our travel plans for the holiday. We stayed home, and the boyfriend smoked a small turkey (even though neither of us eats/likes it that much, it was delicious!) and made all the Thanksgiving fixings (enough for a week’s worth of leftovers for 8 people, for sure).

Work gave us an extra holiday today, and I’m using a vacation day on Monday. A five-day weekend sounds like perfection right now. I might be crazy enough to go out shopping for some deals (since I have a couple gift cards still yet to use from my birthday/graduation), since I am nowhere started on my Christmas lists yet. At some point this weekend, I’ll get back on my exercise plan that’s been wholly derailed because of this sickness (I’d really like to do the Ugly Sweater Run on Sunday).

Make no mistake, my cats are NOT happy about all this coughing!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#45 Life and Other Near-Death Experiences by Camille Pagan — Quite different of a book that I usually go for, but thanks to Kindle Unlimited for the title suggestion and pulling me out of the non-fiction shelves. Enjoyable, guilty-pleasure sort of read, despite the main character’s cancer diagnosis and (without giving away plot lines) other life shit. Considering the circumstance — her circumstances — the book provoked some optimism in an otherwise tragic story.

seven things, seven days:
1. I found out this week that my favorite face cosmetics brand (the only powder that has ever matched my skin tone and not changed color when I get oily!) has discontinued stocking in the US. So, currently stalking eBay and Australia beauty sites for Napoleon Perdis camera finish compacts. Apparently they ship internationally, but OMG $69 for a compact is a real sticker shock… and I can’t get my checkout order to process anyway, and their customer service is downright awful. DAMMIT IT ALL TO HELL.
2. I was detecting a funky smell somewhere in my kitchen and as I walked around looking for it, I smacked my face right into the side of the table. YEP.
3. Pre-Black Friday Deal: Finally purchased an Apera performance duffle during an online sale this week. Hopefully my search for the perfect gym bag ends here.
4. We started binge-watching The Leftovers on Thanksgiving… and ZOMG. Only 5 episodes into Season 1, so NO SPOILERS, PLEASE!
5. I realized when clearing boxes out of my front closet that my marathon shoes were a half-size smaller than my training shoes in the same exact model. That’s… interesting.
6. Everybody needs to read this: Exercise is not punishment for eating. {via Nia Shanks}
7. The technology that created a whole new generation of runners {via The Atlantic}

Weekly Therapy: Play to win or play to have fun?

the week:
It was a short week for me work-wise having both Monday and Friday off, but I certainly crammed a week’s worth of work into those three days. I feel like next Monday will be unbearably long…

I won’t tire of bragging about my retreat — I am positively elated and looking forward to a weekend full of yoga and relaxation. And being on the lake. I might even play some air hockey at one of the arcades nearby.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#17 Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, The Sleep You’re Missing, The Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy.

While my overall feel of this book was lukewarm and I wished it would have pursued more where my interests were (and a lot less where they weren’t), it prompted me to take action in regards to stopping my birth control last month (it took me a while to get through this book). I’ve been talking about it for a few years already and after reading about the long-term effects (that my doctor certainly has never talked to me about), it was time to give it up — and to enjoy what’s left of this glorious perimenopausal time of life.

seven things, seven days:
1. My allergies were out of control this week. POLLEN VORTEX.
2. I was seriously so pumped that I had the opportunity to see Neil DeGrasse-Tyson’s lecture earlier this month; naturally, I was extra-excited when a friend pointed this limited edition poster out to me. It’s GLOW IN THE DARK.
3. Nicky’s Thai for lunch on Tuesday, means Nicky’s Thai leftovers for lunch on Wednesday and Thursday.
4. Contractors who came out to do an estimate for cleaning the basement after the sewer backed up have STILL not given us the freakin’ estimate. So annoyed.
5. My “new” chair is finished! Urbane Reclamation customized this AMAZING vintage chair for us with new fabric and a new stain. I can’t wait to show you the finished project once it’s in my living room!
6. This post “Why Kids Quit Sports” include several reasons why I finally quit roller derby this year. Important viewpoints for adults here too, if you have kids who play sports {via Changing the Game Project}
7. I enjoyed this article immensely — especially as I’ve struggled with overcoming nagging injuries leftover from roller derby and finding a passion for CrossFit again. A Different Version of CrossFit: How I made my training sustainable and injury free {via Breaking Muscle}

Weekly Therapy: what do you want?

the week:
I went to a wonderful Levo League event this week focused on goals and resolutions for 2015. With the help of a life coach, we did partner exercises similar to what I’m learning in my coaching class — using the 5-W Questions to help one another get to the root cause of our resolutions. For many of us it’s an emotion or feeling that is underlying, and well… MAN it is difficult to actively listen and figure out what to ask next. That said, I got a LOT out of the session, and I really put myself out there to be receptive to the process. It is difficult enough to leave the house to meet new people, but recently I’ve felt re-energized in my pursuits to own my weaknesses and face them (mine: social anxiety and looking foolish in front of strangers) and meet new people. Anyways… wow, this could easily be its own post.

Regardless, I left with one big personal takeaway from the emotional session, prompted by the discussion from the coach: BE MORE FUN.

That’s loaded, eh?

I have Pippin tickets tonight, and that is complemented by the Gallery Crawl; I will probably eat all the fried things at Grit & Grace too, since they’re batter everything with tapioca flour. My last day at work and farewell party is Saturday… it’s bittersweet. I promise that I’m getting in a training run on Sunday though! OH yeah, and homework natch.

52 books, 52 weeks:
#4. Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck. There were some really good parts in this book about how to reframe your situation — especially when emotionally (over) charged — and lesson on how being the nicer person is better for everyone (but more-so yourself). Most of the wit felt forced, however, which left a lot of intended jokes not so funny. Also, that dating chapter, while partially rooted in sociology and science, made me visibly cringe; I felt those topics to be wholly unnecessary and, frankly, out of touch. But I am neither author or sociologist.

seven things, seven days:
1. My application to be a FitFluential Ambassador was accepted! WOO!
2. I was also asked to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador to their community too. Two amazing communities of which to be a part.
3. My favorite coach is leaving my CrossFit gym. I have the sads.
4. BOB SEGER! Life achievement seeing him in concert: unlocked.
5. I need to make a decision on car vs. bus for commuting to my new job. I first typed “car vs. bar” I’ll have you know. That’s a fun slip.
6. Did a little (bit too much) credit card damage this week, since I need office-appropriate clothes and shoes for my new job. It’s been fun trying to figure out what my Office Style is at this stage of my life.
7. Wow. A striking read on marriage, middle age, and happiness. {via Pacific Standard}

Holy crap, I ran a 5K!

It was really a crazy thought process: oooh, hot apple crisp — I could totally run a 5K for hot apple crisp!

photo 4

Yep. That’s some self realization there: YOU SO CRAY!

And then I did. In the rain. Basically 2 out of 3 miles up hill. For this year’s Harvest Moon 5K, I placed 12th out of 16 in my women’s age group — ha, so not impressive on paper. Not only that, but with basically no running schedule or program aside from doing CrossFit and roller derby, I beat my personal record. My last 5K was somewhere around 3 years ago, and I clocked in at 33:some odd seconds.

When I was rounding the corner to the finish line, the clock had a 32 on it — a 32! I wish someone would have grabbed a picture of that expression. I ran so fast (yeah, not-so-much) that my boyfriend missed my finish. We talked before the race, and I was honestly thinking I would finish in 36 minutes, so he sat in the car because of the rain. I had already finished, almost puked in the parking lot, and ate an orange and my apple crisp before finding him.

race 5k apple crisp

Finished: 32:30

race clock finish 5k

Next up: Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving

Weekly Therapy: rock me mama like a wagon wheel

the week:
Do you do the unthinkable in the name of fitness? Like, waking up at 5am to go to a 6am Crossfit class? Two sessions in, and I am totally hooked (also, very sore). Also, also? I squatted with a bar for the first time in my life (many squats!).

HOOTIE! Going to see Darius Rucker Friday night — my first time at Stage AE — AND we’re scheduled for the preshow meet-and-greet.


Then I’m on “assignment” for the Steel City Big Pour. And then it’s the infamous waffle brunch at Fathead’s the next morning; ah, the sweet nectar of KBS. And hopefully CBS. How did yet another beer week sneak into my schedule?!

Sunday also marks the Steelers home opener… if you’re into that kind of thing, Pittsburgh. 😉

seven things, seven days:
1. Two nights out this week with various neighbors. So much white wine.
2. We’re signed up for the home & garden tour (the latter portion; we’re definitely not ready to show the inside) in our neighborhood and were hosted to a wonderful dinner this week.
3. Adding to that, we’ve got a new plan for the garden — and one week to finish it. I feel like I’m on a home decorating reality show, for real.
4. Somebody in the neighborhood said they thought the gray trim on my house was primer. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.
5. I lost my D&G sunglasses at some point in the last two weeks. So mad. Not going to admit that the shopping therapy for a new pair made me feel any better (buyer’s remorse again).
6. No remorse over my latest Stitch Fix [affiliate link] though! Once again, I loved EVERYTHING in it.
7. Don’t Panic! But Psychology isn’t always a science … but it can be. {via Mind Hacks}

Weekly Therapy: deine Katzen sind wilkommen

the week:
My sister had major surgery this week to remove a tumor (the size of a football o_O). Thankfully, it wasn’t cancer, but she still has 4-6 weeks of recovery (she had one ovary and tube removed because of this). Please send good healing (virtual) wishes her way!

duolingo german iphone app

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer (and I guess I can get rid of those white shoes and bottoms that I never wore this season). It’s a little surreal to think that my favorite season is around the corner (fall-flavored beers and pumpkin lattes and Halloween candy). It’s also a super-slow time at work, which… boring.

Because I donated my well-loved tennis shoes to the Tough Mudder’s foundation, I am on the hunt for a new pair. I’m no marathoner, but I can DEFINITELY get behind stomping around in the woods and mud again for fun, so trail running shoes specifically. I hope this will not be a tortuous process (but if so, THERE ARE MACAROONS TO BE HAD). See also: where did all my bandanas go, and why can’t I find the old school 100% cotton ones anywhere?

My boyfriend is away for the weekend on a bachelor party somewhere on a farm in Pennsyltucky-nowhere. I don’t know. I heard there would be skeet shooting. His (our) friends are weird.

For me, a ladies-only neighborhood happy hour Friday night, an extra Saturday afternoon practice and work Sunday.

seven things, seven days:
1. You know I lost my driver’s license TWICE last weekend at Tough Mudder? Seriously, found it in the grass the first time I realized it was dropped from my hands (thankfully I found it!); and somehow my boyfriend ended up with it the second time.
2. Skating outdoors is fun!
3. Remember that guy who came to seal up the chimney? Yeah, it’s basically raining into our living room now when it’s raining outside. And of course he hasn’t returned our calls to fix it. FML.
4. Am I crazy to sign up for a 6am Crossfit class? Probably. But it’s about the only time I can fit it in.
5. I started brushing up on my German again via Duolingo. It’s really fun to see what I can remember and laugh at some of the verbs that I still misinterpret.
6. With all this talk about road trips, here is Seventeenth & Irving’s Road Trip Essentials
7. Now I’m obsessed with this Weekender bag from Everlane.

Got any road trips planned for this last weekend of summer?

Every 30-something needs… some resolutions.

I hate the word “resolutions” just as much as the next 30-something (I mean, it’s like settings up for failure, right?), but I do set some goals for myself for the year. We need goals — something to live for, strive for and accomplish. This is what makes our life worth a damn: purpose.

Resolutions. Or at least some intentions.
To be a better person (in more ways than one).
To be healthier.
More motivated. More generous.

The following for 2013:
Financial: Pay off my credit card debt before starting school next Fall. Pay off old school debt to get my transcripts released.
Education: Apply to an additional college (not one I was originally anticipating attending, but would be proud to “get in”.) Finish all application and registration requirements. GO BACK TO SCHOOL! (yay!)
Diet & Exercise: Make A-level travel team. Train for my relay leg in the marathon. Get stronger. Lift more. Find easy, healthy meals that I can make on my own.
Work: Better business tracking: time spent on projects, job app-to-hire percentage, all business expenses. Continue to look for work that is new and challenging. Pitch more.
Relaxation: Shut down the phone and read once per day. If I’m on my phone every day, I can have my nose in a book everyday. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes.
Home: Finish house projects. Complete paint remodel of the first level. Decorate my master bathroom.
Love: Love and support the boyfriend in all aspects of his life (including his high-stress job and travel). Stop being so bitchy and expecting to suddenly live with a mind reader (ie: tell him what’s on my mind instead of being defensive upfront). More date nights.
Friendships: Send one handwritten letter to a long-distance friend or family per month. Make the time to visit and reconnect with long-time friends in Ohio. Connect and hang out more with my team/leaguemates.
Do Good: Continue to volunteer and donate time and money to my favorite charities and causes. Be emotionally available for friends and family in need.

But then I took this whole Resolutions thing one step further. I made a list of promises for each month of the new year. Because I’m mostly crazy, but also because I really like to challenge myself. Each directly relates to my resolutions — and are tied bad habits that I’d like to break or motivation that I’d like to gain.

A Year of Promises
January: 30 days of no alcohol.
February: 30 days of WAKING UP BEFORE 8am. (I’m going on vacation this month; will be interesting)
March: 30 days of no sweets
April: 30 days of “something new”
May: 30 days of yoga
June: 30 days spending freeze
July: 30 days of NO PANTS (dresses and skirts only; save for working out)
August: 30 days of volunteering
September: 30 days without social media (this is when I intend to return to school; will be taking a month-long hiatus from both social media and blogging because I WILL NEED IT)
October: 30 days of dates!
November: 30 days of blog posts
December: 30 days of relaxing (sit back and listen to Christmas music; you’ll need it!)
*if there are 31 days in a month, consider Day 31 a “freebie”; 28 days, an “easy” goal, which… not really.

More: 5 Questions You Need to Ask Before Making Your New Year Resolutions {from Psych Central}
10-step Guide for Making Your New Year Resolutions {from PsyBlog}

Image credit: FrameAngel

Motivation. And puking.

There was a moment I thought my knees would give out. And when I puked in my mouth leaning over to gasp for breath (ew, the sweet, sweet burn of blueberry waffles, banana and peanut butter). I also had a throbbing headache, coinciding with dizzyness (probably getting sick… again). And then i had to run to dry heave into the rink toilets when it was all over. Yeah, I pushed myself.

I still hear the voice of my junior high cross country coach, telling me that if I throw up at the finish line, I get a cheeseburger. I guess that meant then that we pushed ourselves just enough. I threw up a lot that season.

I not only passed my roller derby assessments; I nailed them. Surpassed all requirements, so that I can try out in January for our league’s A (Varsity) team.

I am endlessly amazed at what this 30-something body can do.