Weekly Therapy: This is why I’ve been procrastinating on making resolutions.

the week:
The big news of the week was our announcement of our move to Iowa! Yes, Iowa! Today, we close on our new house in the Des Moines area (which, I unfortunately couldn’t travel back for, and we had to rush to get a power of attorney for the signing). And we also already accepted an offer on our Pittsburgh house (inspection happened this morning!). Things are moving super fast, you guys. More gushing about my new city to come!

iowa t-shirt

Using my remaining weekends to meet up and celebrate with local friends, since I only have a couple weeks left in Pittsburgh. Tonight, a dessert crawl to celebrate a friend’s birthday; tomorrow, Mexican for brunch; Sunday, hanging out at our new neighborhood coffee shop (and eating all the gluten-free goat baked goods!) with some neighbor-friends.

seven things, seven days:
1. Found a gluten-free bakery down in Sarasota, and they made OMG incredible cranberry walnut muffins. Wish I could have brought back 18 of them.
2. I am sincerely smoothie inept. Every recipe that I try tastes nothing like a smoothie. Any tips?
3. Because we were showing the house, we’ve, err… stored some things in unusual places to tidy up quickly. Tonight, I found a dead cat grass plant in the kitchen linen basket underneath the sink. Can’t. Stop. Laughing.
4. Did I mention that I don’t have to pack for this move? There is a God!
5. I do, however, need to drive 12 hours with 3 cats in the car, so the universe is in balance.
6. These tips are good to save a few thousand a year (with some healthy side effects). But I wish it was stuff I wasn’t already doing, so that I could find a way to squeeze more savings from my already-stretched (and soon-to-be gone) income. {via Prevention}
7. This list, on the other hand… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ {via Huffington Post}

Every 30-something needs… happy, healthy joints.

Are you a daily supplement user? How do your joints feel during — and after — activity? Research indicates that active people should take glucosamine daily for joint health. I only recently started reading about supplements for my bones and joints because of my severe Vitamin D deficiency and the side effects of such. Glucosamine supports the function and mobility of joints.

Breakfast of Champions: coffee, Joint Juice and leftover cranberry bread from Thanksgiving! :)
Breakfast of Champions: coffee, Joint Juice and leftover cranberry bread from Thanksgiving! 🙂

The producers of a product called Joint Juice® connected with me recently to tell me about their products that supply a full day’s worth of glucosamine and chondroitin. Originally developed by an orthopedic surgeon for pro-athletes, Joint Juice® contains 1,500 mg of glucosamine in each of its products. Even better, their ready-to-drink supplement has 400 IUs of Vitamin D3, along with Vitamin C and other antioxidants. This daily drink is a convenient way to keep joints healthy and happy so you can do what you love and continue being active in your 30s and beyond. I received samples of the cranberry pomegranate-flavored drink from Joint Juice, which is tasty, though I did detect a slightly off-putting aftertaste. Kind of like when you chew vitamins — a necessary but temporary suffering.

So, what is glucosamine? Glucosamine occurs naturally in your body, which we tend to produce less as we age. That’s where supplementing has been shown effective in maintaining healthy joint cartilage. Glucosamine also works to lubricate your joints by helping cartilage tissue absorb water and to perform its job of cushioning and mobility.

What is chondroitin? Chondroitin is an element of healthy cartilage. So, taking chondroitin with glucosamine supports joint function.

Bonus: Vitamin D Recent research indicates that Vitamin D is essential for a number of cellular activities and most people don’t get enough. And I need all that I can get!

30-Something Approved: I’m an active person, so I am also actively concerned with keeping my body healthy and working properly. If you’re interested in trying Joint Juice®, it can be purchased at Costco, Sam’s Club, Walmart, and the Joint Juice online store. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram. If you’re in Pittsburgh and interested in trying, I have a couple samples that I can share too.

Disclaimer: Premier Nutrition sent me a case of Joint Juice® in exchange for review as part of the FitFluential network. All opinions herein are my own.

Weekly Therapy: what do you want?

the week:
I went to a wonderful Levo League event this week focused on goals and resolutions for 2015. With the help of a life coach, we did partner exercises similar to what I’m learning in my coaching class — using the 5-W Questions to help one another get to the root cause of our resolutions. For many of us it’s an emotion or feeling that is underlying, and well… MAN it is difficult to actively listen and figure out what to ask next. That said, I got a LOT out of the session, and I really put myself out there to be receptive to the process. It is difficult enough to leave the house to meet new people, but recently I’ve felt re-energized in my pursuits to own my weaknesses and face them (mine: social anxiety and looking foolish in front of strangers) and meet new people. Anyways… wow, this could easily be its own post.

Regardless, I left with one big personal takeaway from the emotional session, prompted by the discussion from the coach: BE MORE FUN.

That’s loaded, eh?

I have Pippin tickets tonight, and that is complemented by the Gallery Crawl; I will probably eat all the fried things at Grit & Grace too, since they’re batter everything with tapioca flour. My last day at work and farewell party is Saturday… it’s bittersweet. I promise that I’m getting in a training run on Sunday though! OH yeah, and homework natch.

52 books, 52 weeks:
#4. Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck. There were some really good parts in this book about how to reframe your situation — especially when emotionally (over) charged — and lesson on how being the nicer person is better for everyone (but more-so yourself). Most of the wit felt forced, however, which left a lot of intended jokes not so funny. Also, that dating chapter, while partially rooted in sociology and science, made me visibly cringe; I felt those topics to be wholly unnecessary and, frankly, out of touch. But I am neither author or sociologist.

seven things, seven days:
1. My application to be a FitFluential Ambassador was accepted! WOO!
2. I was also asked to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador to their community too. Two amazing communities of which to be a part.
3. My favorite coach is leaving my CrossFit gym. I have the sads.
4. BOB SEGER! Life achievement seeing him in concert: unlocked.
5. I need to make a decision on car vs. bus for commuting to my new job. I first typed “car vs. bar” I’ll have you know. That’s a fun slip.
6. Did a little (bit too much) credit card damage this week, since I need office-appropriate clothes and shoes for my new job. It’s been fun trying to figure out what my Office Style is at this stage of my life.
7. Wow. A striking read on marriage, middle age, and happiness. {via Pacific Standard}

Weekly Therapy: a change will do you good is SO cliche, but SO true.

the week:
YAY, new hair! No joke, it’s been somewhere between 8-10 months since I’ve had my hair cut OR colored. Embarrassing. Also why you’ve been likely to see me sporting a pony tail for the last 6 months. I needed a new stylist too, and finally… FINALLY I found one that I love! It only took me two canceled appointments and waiting for the end of derby season for me to see her. I swear if she moves, I will hunt her down for trims and touch-ups.

I’m running a race on Saturday morning. What was I thinking?! Oh, yeah… apple crisp.

Sunday, work. Then… DERBY! THAT I’M NOT PLAYING! It’s our home teams season opener, and to be honest, I’m excited about being on the spectator side.

52 Books in 52 Weeks:
Did I tell you that I lost my Kindle charger? Yeah… this is three things in the last three months that have left me perplexed. Luckily, a helpful twitter person told me that an Android charger would work. We didn’t have any of those things around the house, but found a random charger with a Microsoft-looking logo on it (maybe it’s a Blackberry, I don’t know). The hell, IT WORKED!

seven things, seven days:
1. Alladin’s falafel wrap: my last meal, please.
2. The Pirates run has ended — but OH, what a season! Looking forward to see what this team can do next year. GO BUCS!
3. Naked 2 eyeshadow palette now in my possession! (after a much-needed old makeup dump)
4. I also did another closet dump too.
5. And then I moved around my entire dining room BY MYSELF. Because, no derby season means BOREDOM, apparently. But also: living spaces as inspired by Pinterest.
6. Has anyone local tried Pittsburgh Fresh? I’m SERIOUSLY considering the service, especially that it’s paleo-friendly and locally-sourced meals. I have a problem when it comes to healthy lunches.
7. Which of the four “romantic archetypes” define you (and what do men find attractive about each type)? {via PyschCentral}