2019 Goals and Reflecting on last year

At yoga last week, a friend commented on how much I’ve changed in a year. We attend this weekly community yoga class lead by the awesome Ben Spellman (Good Vibes Yoga, for those not in the know) – and his classes typically start by introducing yourself to others in the room accompanied by a hug.

credit: Hugs are Nice

The thought of giving hugs to strangers one year ago made me shiver in ick and roll my eyes at the general woo-woo feelings of it all. I generally stayed around my own mat, hugging a couple friends and awkwardly received a few strangers but ultimately felt really, really uncomfortable. I play a contact sport where I have to actively touch my teammates and they sweat all over me and yet I was wrapped in anxiety over a stranger giving me a hug.

That was last year. If you meet me at one of those yoga sessions now, I am actively seeking out people I don’t know in the room and freely giving hugs. #sorrynotsorry

Doing this small act had a big impact on me. Getting over the weirdness of it was a first step; gaining the happiness and connectedness over doing so was a far greater and deeper soul-enriching benefit.

The theme that keeps coming up for me, when reflecting on this last year and brainstorming on how I want 2019 to go, is: DOING. As in, DOING THE WORK.

Or maybe, likely, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

I’m trying not to have an existential crisis this year, but at times it feels like it. Because I am 41 (howwwwww is my birthday already 4 months away again?!), it is likely sprinkled with a dose of Erikson’s stagnation stage and a dash of a midlife crisis.

By the time I close out 2019, I will be 42 AND done with grad school. Now, I don’t know if that means I’ll have my actual degree yet (because internship hours and completed/approved thesis and what-not), but my actual coursework will be completed. I have to do the work, else I won’t be prepared to present my thesis or pass my oral exam. Or be prepared for any of my upcoming internships. Or to DO THE ACTUAL WORK that comes after completing my degree in sport psychology. What will my consultant business look like? What type of athletes will I be working with? What other state certifications or licensure might I need?

Doing the work also includes incorporating some of the mental skills training techniques into my OWN athletic pursuits. I’m aiming to complete another half marathon this year (Drake Road Races in April) – maybe a marathon in the fall if I stay healthy. And I’m back to playing roller derby in 2019! I’m also doing my first barbell competition this year. And I’m signing up for my first women’s 9-hole golf league. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I think a lot about doing the work, but rarely sit down and take the time to, you know, actually do it.

2018 tested my strength and purpose a lot. When my anxiety is triggered in certain situations โ€” my self-worth in danger โ€” I often relied upon my safety behaviors of avoidance. Like, I wanted to quit everything… including grad school. And not because I didn’t want to learn and pursue this new career, but because it was hard and I was exposed and my intelligence was challenged. Too often in my life I have followed the easy path because of its soft blanket of comfort. And 2018 was finally when I started therapy to change these maladaptive behaviors. I plan to continue this work into 2019. I go to sessions weekly, and together with my therapist we’re challenging a lot of stuff that is uncomfortable (and a lot of times, incredibly sad and defeating when it comes to my core beliefs). Talking about going to therapy and my social anxiety openly – and DOING the work of therapy – has honestly been really helpful. Wrapped in a bow, those ideas summarize what I plan to do more of in 2019 – be more open, more vulnerable…

And give more hugs.

Extra credit:
Want to track your habits? There’s an app for that. But it might not be as effective as you think. {via Vox}
Science says you need more hugs. {via Time}
How to balance Learning and Doing {via For the Interested} for THIS truth gem: “Learning is tempting because itโ€™s hard to โ€œfailโ€ at it. This also makes it an attractive place to hide from the more important work of doingโ€Šโ€”โ€Šwork that likely will include failure.”

Weekly Therapy: New Year, New… Face?

the week:
Wordpress has been having some wonky-ass glitches in the editing panel, so this post has been sitting for almost two weeks. They STILL haven’t responded to any of my tweets – despite figuring out what is causing the edit task bar (where you can add links and change font) to disappear. I can’t even go to Visual mode either because while I SEE it, I can’t click it. I also cannot add tags or any photos to my posts. It seems tied to how many drafts of a post are saved – or maybe something with one of my plug-ins. All this happened right after the last WP update, so something is incompatible now. SO FRUSTRATING!


I got my first retinol chemical peel (which I’ve been sharing to my Insta Stories) because I wanted to see if it would work to clear up some of my old acne scars and sun spots. WOAH BOY, has this been an interesting experience! I experienced a couple days of disruptive and uncomfortable annoyance (read: burning, itchy face peeling)… and even if the results were awesome, I’m not sure that I’d do it over again. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I’m not at all embarrassed by how my face looks – then or now; I went to both yoga and boxing AND fancy dinner at our club in the midst of major peeling – though I find myself not wanting to wear a lot of makeup anymore. And when I DO wear makeup, my skin just looks awful. So that was what spurred me to do such a thing.

Spoiler alert: I have definitely noticed some positive changes in my skin – and the aesthetician warned me about having unrealistic expectations. But still. I guess for ACTUALLY BURNING SEVERAL LAYERS OF MY FACE OFF, I had some bigger expectations than the results that I have. 60% chance I do it again.

I know.

Despite us having a brief temperature warm up this week, we’re back to just about freezing again. But I’m planning some trail miles this morning at Brown’s Woods and a gathering with my fellow Turkeys.

Also, pretty sure I want to go to 80s/90s Skate Night.

See also: HOMEWORK.

seven things, seven days:
1. We bought a new couch… but because it had to be custom (due to the small size of our living space), we’re not getting it until March.
2. My hot pink boxing gloves are ALSO back-ordered through March. BOO!
3. In the meantime, I finally purchased a curtain rod set with my Restoration Hardware gift card that I received on my birthday. In May. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
4. And some new throw pillow covers from West Elm – that are even better in person! ๐Ÿ˜
5. I’m starting to play around with heart rate monitoring during my runs. Any resources to recommend to learn more?
6. Why January is your least productive month {via Fast Company}
7. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting VERY excited about the upcoming Winter Olympics. Here are 3 steps to handling pressure like an Olympian (from a sport psychology alum of the program that I’m currently in!)

Weekly Therapy: Happy Shiny New 2018!

the week:
I’m still working on my race schedule for this year… which is a little difficult to complete, as I do not have the confirmed dates for my summer internship (for which I’ll travel to the west coast). My goal focus will be my half marathon PR, and I am still undecided if I want to train further than my 20-mile trail race scheduled for summer. I think doing the shorter distances of some local trail races throughout the year would be fun, still keep me in good training condition, and allow me to focus on my graduate studies. I am tentative on a few traveling opportunities later this year (for races) – though my husband and I have two non-running vacations on the calendar!

The Health & Fitness Expo is happening at the Iowa Events Center in downtown Des Moines this weekend, so I plan to check it out and participate in some of the free fitness sessions (yoga mimosas early Saturday AM, hello!). Also: weekend runs begin again this Saturday for Capital Striders from Drake University!

Meanwhile, I’ll be starting some assignments โ€” winter quarter begins on Monday. YAY!

seven things, seven days:
1. No cavities! Great way to start the year.
2. In 2015, I completed a 52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge. While I don’t believe I can complete in addition to all my school assignments, I set 24 (2 books per month) as my Reading Challenge goal for 2018.
3. More yoga in 2018! Keeping with that promise to myself, I went to an amazing Good Vibes yoga session at the Windsor Heights Community Center this week. Every Wednesday, yoga for everyone, donation class. Come out and hug some strangers and connect deeper with your own practice and the Des Moines yoga community.
4. Another visit to the vet for my middle cat child. Because of our adventure before Christmas, I was worried that she was obstructed (given her litter box behavior) and seems the poor kitty’s stress has inflamed her bladder. ๐Ÿ˜ฟ
5. Want to say “no” more in 2018? The Art of Saying No (to prepare you for saying “yes”). {TED Talk}
6. What are your predictions for fitness trends in 2018? {via Outside}
7. This is an excellent piece from Runner’s World on how to incorporate “gains” into your 2018 goals. All of their suggestions (except for maybe the cold showers, because NOPE I’d rather just run outside) are realistic and easy improvements to goal-setting that I plan to incorporate into my upcoming training schedule.

Weekly Therapy: 10.20.17

the week:
Oh, HI! It’s been a few weeks. ?

I’m closing out Week 4 of grad school, and as expected, it’s kicking my ass! I’ve finally found a groove with my assignments and reading (so much reading!), but will admit to feeling wholly intimidated by so many brilliant people in my classes. I’m inspired by the topics and coursework so far (though wish I could spend more of my time focused on school – still trying to figure out the work-school balance). Actually, that balance part has been really important to me and I have worked HARD on the days I need to in order to enjoy a “free” day.

I took a week off running after Chicago (oh yeah, I haven’t posted about that or ANY of my races from last month either!), and felt good to have some space from that. This past weekend, I cheered on the Des Moines’ marathoners from Mile 20 (half marathoners Mile 7) and it filled my whole heart to be able to do so.

Des Moines Marathon Cheer Station Mile 20

This weekend is GOATz 50k in Omaha. Yep, another race weekend road trip. Have I mentioned this is my first ultra race? This should be a fun one! I’m WAY less anxious about running this than Chicago.

seven things, seven days:
1. My knuckles are bruised from extreme cow-belling at the marathon last weekend.
2. Story of my life: I bought this for my cats (they don’t care), and now I’m having all the fun!
3. I saw Christmas lights up (and on!) during my morning work commute this week. ?
4. I also saw a meteor! Peak meteor showers this weekend from Halley’s Comet!
5. Generation X Women are having midlife crises. {sigh, Oprah}
6. My podcast feed is stale. What are your favorites? Got any new ones to recommend?
7. Find your motivation in sport. {via Psychology Today}

Weekly Therapy: 9.15.17

the week:
Within the last couple weeks, I’ve had two separate mammograms and an ultrasound, and the doctors saw *something* in my right breast. I had my boob biopsied on Friday, so I’ll know Monday what/how I need to deal with that. Fun Fact: during the procedure, they implant a tiny titanium clip (that happens to be in the shape of the breast cancer ribbon). I’m feeling OK, if a little bruised and sore in that area.

But in better news: I got accepted into grad school! I start my master’s program on September 25, and while I’m a little stressed out to get everything started so soon (you know, considering ultra training and unexpected medical things), I am positively thrilled to continue my education in sport psychology.

Capital Pursuit race is Sunday – read my recap of last year’s race. Should I wear the same outfit? ?


seven things, seven days:
1. Officially received my one-year certificate at work! (Gimme that 401k match, plz.)
2. I also got a new manager (my 6th in a year-and-a-half) and re-organized into a new team.
3. Doing the FAFSA for the first time in two years was just as annoying. Also, why in the world do I need to add my husband’s income from 2015 when we only got married 6 months ago?
4. Went to a kickboxing class at Farrell’s this week (thanks to our local lululemon store), and I am obsessed! When ultra training is done, I’m definitely going to do the 10-week Challenge (and will also probably do a couple drop-in classes over the next few months).
5. How much time do I have to waste?
6. I don’t know. I’ve failed A LOT in the kitchen, and it has nothing to do with fear. {via Lifehacker Skillet}
7. Exercise is a waste of time… Ehhhhhhh, I’m not sure that I totally agree with this – why create MORE barriers to getting people to work out? First, we all have different motivators, and a goal can be as simple as “I’m going to to the gym three days a week.” It’s OK to JUST SHOW UP. Frankly, this type of ALWAYS ON thinking is probably going to cause burnout. And he sort of hints that you can only have success if you have a coach, which… ick. Thoughts? {via Entrepreneur}

Weekly Therapy: Arrrrrrgh you ready?

the week:
Just trying to stay mentally and physically strong for these races this weekend. I’m doing it all for the bling and the fun – and happy that I’ll have a group of SCRR runners there with me to celebrate.

I plan to post next week all about my recovery, in my recovery week!

Without further ado… it’s GASPARILLA WEEKEND! I’m leaving for Florida on Friday morning and the Ultra Challenge races take place on both Saturday and Sunday (early wake up call, like woah, on Sunday morning). I’m nervous about the weather forecast because it’s perfect for being in Florida, but awful for running 30 miles.

seven things, seven days:
1. So, Meb and Shalane are in Tampa this weekend, too, and I can’t spend the $100 to have dinner with them. Harumph. Hoping to catch a glimpse of them at least at the Expo.
2. I seriously *just* got access to the multiple accounts feature in Instagram. IT’S ABOUT TIME! (You feel me, social media marketing peeps?)
3. Are you guys all caught up on The Bachelor yet? Do you have any Top 3 favorites?
4. Those Grammys though. *eye roll*
5. I took my niece and sister to the Aviary to see the baby sloth… but we didn’t see him. ๐Ÿ™
6. I like the idea of creating/having a “shutdown ritual” but just laying there in the dark for HOURS doing nothing is enough to drive anyone (ahem, me) to madness. I do like this list though: The 7 Step Evening Ritual {via Barking Up the Wrong Tree}
7. Is the triathlon only for the rich? Interesting story about amateur Ironmen paying for elite training. {via NYT}

Weekly Therapy: Running, running. And running, running.

the week:
I hit my 30-day countdown point for my marathon training. I also got my first marathon reminder email this week. So… EEEEEEEEEK.

This weekend I’m running the Akron Marathon Relay with a few friends. It’s my first relay, and I’m running leg 3 (the leg with the “hill”), which is 5.5 miles (I also need to run 18 total miles for my long run this week). I’m already experiencing a good amount of anxiety about the race because relay-ing seems so complicated because of its many moving (ahem, running) parts. And how the heck do I get to my starting point? Do I *have* to line up at 7 a.m. with everyone else?

If you’re in Pittsburgh, the Great Race (aka: the Great Big Clusterfuck) is happening on Sunday.

52 books in 52 weeks:
I happened to start two different 400-page books this week, so I’m not finishing anything soon (but both stories are SO GOOD). One is a work of fiction, which I haven’t included in my reading for a while.

seven things, seven days:
1. I started two applications for grad programs, and I have two open houses on my calendar. Highly motivated to start graduate school in early 2016.
2. My new on-site, day-to-day manager is two floors below my current office (no clue if that will eventually change), so I’m getting a lot of stairs in.
3. Reality TV is one of my guilty pleasures, and no matter how much Bachelor in Paradise annoyed me, I still watched and rolled my eyes incessantly. Read: Misattribution in Paradise {via Science of Relationships}
4. Speaking of TV, how do you feel about the season openers of Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder? Me: MEH.
5. How to be mentally tough: lessons from sports psychologists {via Today}
6. What’s the source of success in sports? A great listen from NPR.
7. Not there yet, but almost time to taper (and 11 fears you experience while tapering for a marathon). {via Women’s Running} I legit nearly cried from fear when I read this article.

Weekly Therapy: When you take responsibility you ensure your evolution

the week:
I’m so exhausted this week, you guys. What’s up with that?

Tonight is the Tar & Feather party at Wigle, followed by Beauty Slap at James Street Gastropub. Saturday, I FINALLY get to see a Steel City Roller Derby game this season. Sunday evening we’re having dinner hosted by some friends in the neighborhood. And OH GOD, WHEN WILL I DO HOMEWORK.

Pilates Fest is this Sunday at Keystone Health Club in East Pittsburgh. I’m hoping to get most of my homework done on Saturday so that I can attend. There’s also Yoga in the Square and Pride March, if you’re staying around downtown.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#20: Using Individual Assessments in the Workplace (course textbook) — I’m sure it will be a good resource in the future, but… thank god I’m done with it! (I have three books for this one class.)

seven things, seven days:
1. The Aviary’s new Condor Court exhibit is complete and looks to be opening soon — the birds were out testing their new rock structure and ponds!
2. Six-year-old children are exhausting. Maybe that’s what I’m still recovering from?
3. GOT MY NEW MACBOOK! (Happy belated birthday.)
4. I’m on an organizational rampage this week.
5. Ooooh, Knix Wear has a subscription! Probably the best exercise-friendly underwear EVER.
6. Found a new armband for running: this Armpocket Xtreme (yes, in the wild colors) is AMAZING.
7. The Mental Game: great piece to about what sports psychologists are doing at The University of Utah.

Weekly Therapy: Play to win or play to have fun?

the week:
It was a short week for me work-wise having both Monday and Friday off, but I certainly crammed a week’s worth of work into those three days. I feel like next Monday will be unbearably long…

I won’t tire of bragging about my retreat — I am positively elated and looking forward to a weekend full of yoga and relaxation. And being on the lake. I might even play some air hockey at one of the arcades nearby.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#17 Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, The Sleep You’re Missing, The Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy.

While my overall feel of this book was lukewarm and I wished it would have pursued more where my interests were (and a lot less where they weren’t), it prompted me to take action in regards to stopping my birth control last month (it took me a while to get through this book). I’ve been talking about it for a few years already and after reading about the long-term effects (that my doctor certainly has never talked to me about), it was time to give it up — and to enjoy what’s left of this glorious perimenopausal time of life.

seven things, seven days:
1. My allergies were out of control this week. POLLEN VORTEX.
2. I was seriously so pumped that I had the opportunity to see Neil DeGrasse-Tyson’s lecture earlier this month; naturally, I was extra-excited when a friend pointed this limited edition poster out to me. It’s GLOW IN THE DARK.
3. Nicky’s Thai for lunch on Tuesday, means Nicky’s Thai leftovers for lunch on Wednesday and Thursday.
4. Contractors who came out to do an estimate for cleaning the basement after the sewer backed up have STILL not given us the freakin’ estimate. So annoyed.
5. My “new” chair is finished! Urbane Reclamation customized this AMAZING vintage chair for us with new fabric and a new stain. I can’t wait to show you the finished project once it’s in my living room!
6. This post “Why Kids Quit Sports” include several reasons why I finally quit roller derby this year. Important viewpoints for adults here too, if you have kids who play sports {via Changing the Game Project}
7. I enjoyed this article immensely — especially as I’ve struggled with overcoming nagging injuries leftover from roller derby and finding a passion for CrossFit again. A Different Version of CrossFit: How I made my training sustainable and injury free {via Breaking Muscle}

Weekly Therapy: SPORTS and spring and all the things.

the week:
Happy First Day of Spring! And Happy International Day of Happiness! And Happy International Macaron Day (freebies at both Jean Marc and Gaby et Jules, by the way). And OMG Gaby et is setting up a location within the new fancy-schmancy grocery store opening in downtown next month). (I’ve had a lot of sugar today, including chocolate-caramel popcorn from Pittsburgh Popcorn Company.)


Oh yes… it was also my 6-YEAR anniversary this week! We celebrated by going for burgers at Benjamin’s (I drank almost a full bottle of wine, save for the glass that I knocked over and the glass I gave to my neighbor) and went to see Cold War Kids. Ah, blissful normal-ness.

OMG does my house need some spring lovin’ (that’ll be me up on a ladder, trying out the new fan blade cleaning trick with a pillow case that I saw on Pinterest!) I also have to tweak the living room layout, clean the wood floors, lay down a new rug, replace my one off-sized window panel, vacuum EVERYTHING… I’m putting the boyfriend to work outside to clean up the courtyard. Because, SPRING!

seven things, seven days:
1. Registered for the Niagara Falls International Marathon in October. Half-excited, half freaking out.
2. Also getting more serious about training now, and signed up for coaching through Steel City Road Runners.
3. And so long as I make it through this year’s longest of long runs, I’m planning for Prague Marathon in 2016.
4. I also now have a mentor through AASP.
5. While we’re on the topic, The Sports Psychology of March Madness. {via Sporting News} FWIW, I’m in the “Sleepers” bracket category at work for only properly guessing 9 out of 16 in the first round. First prize is a free vacation day. GIMME!
6. Designer juice is for assholes. YES, THIS. {via The Financial Diet – add to your blog reader!}
7. The Methodology for Psychology Podcast gets me moving (and smarter!) in the morning. But as the days get nicer, I’ll be walking to work more, and I’m already going through more episodes than there are sunny days. Have any interesting psychology podcasts to recommend?