Weekly Therapy: I do bruise easily.

the week:
June spending freeze. Blah.

BUT… back to derby practices! Already have All of the Bruises.

Bout weekend! Starting off with a team pasta night and viewing party (oh gawd, helmet cam) and game on Saturday (and much-needed after party). Sunday will be much relaxing. And likely, a hangover.

If you’re not following my schedule, you know that this weekend starts the Three River Arts Festival and Jazz Festival downtown. These are things that make me miss living downtown greatly. Friday also marks the “opening” of the Point State Park fountain. Will probably take some time on Sunday to check everything out. Likely, get a bike ride in since we only live 1 mile away! (given that my bicycle is actually in working condition, after sitting in the basement for an entire year… *sigh*)

52 books in 52 weeks:
#15. Delusions of Grandeur by Jason Najum. WTF did I just read?! It was like one long internet rant about society. Review: don’t read this.

seven things, seven days:
1. Made the Yelp weekly again! (this time, for Sandcastle water park – a fun summer thing to do in Pittsburgh)
2. Fathead’s Headhunter on tap at home
3. Finally got strawberries in the garden!
4. Did you know that I am a closet Western movie fan? This list from Art of Manliness is a good start, but the exclusion of “Once Upon a Time in the West” is flabbergasting.
5. Inventor of ADHD says it’s a “Fictious Disease” on his deathbed. Woah.
6. Weekend therapy will be these peaches and cream cupcakes from Burgh Baby.
7. PR pros are crazy. Like a fox!