the week:
The week of the piano. my grandparent’s piano — the one on which I learned to play as a kid — is in my home. I knew after my grandmother’s funeral that I could possibly have it, once my family had it appraised and gave me a price. After talking to my dad on Monday, he mentioned that there would be some upcoming home repairs at my grandparent’s old house, which meant that the piano would need to be moved in a couple weeks. No problem… until he called me back later and said that the piano needed moved by Thursday. Thankfully, my family knew of a piano mover in Ohio that was willing to do the move last minute and at an affordable rate. And he wanted to come on Wednesday (um, a day later). WHAT A WEEK.
I couldn’t be more happy. Although I’ll admit, it’s so bittersweet. It smells like my grandparent’s home (after being there since 1978), and I definitely cried more than a little bit. It’s an “apartment” or studio baby grand, so the size is perfect for our small-ish rowhouse. Now researching: how the hell to decorate a living room around a piano. #stumped

Also? I get to cross another item off my bucket list: having a piano in my home (I’ll be taking lessons again in my off-season).
LAST HOME BOUT of this travel season. One more away game, then it’s on to post season.
seven things, seven days:
1. Totally forgot about our CSA pickup this week (because of aforementioned piano delivery that nearly gave me a heart attack). OOPS!
2. Was reading posts from my old blog (where I blogged for 10 years!!!), and I’m amazed and impressed how long and rambly all my posts were (and how people stuck around long enough to read them). Nostalgic.
3. Sushi after practice is my new craving. Weird, but I can get used to this.
4. Anyone else having problems loading and/or adding feeds to Feedly? It’s so frustrating all the great blogs that I’m missing on a daily basis.
5. Brunch with old friends = the best.
6. Some new home decoration purchases: a tall hammered silver vase from Target and a white tray from Pier One (which, unfortunately, was delivered damaged).
7. Youth: Straight, LGBT or “other”? An interesting article about sexual identity from CNN.