A Year Surrounded by Corn

This post is a little delayed, as my one-year anniversary of living in Iowa was way back in March. I still wanted to post something, as I am completely smitten with this place (and still bewildered at how a year+ could pass so quickly!).

The announcement of our move last year was abrupt. And was shocking to most people who knew us (the facial expressions were a huge tell). In less than two months, we traveled to Iowa for the first time, explored the Des Moines area in one long (negative 20-degrees) weekend, shopped houses with a Realtor — and closed on the 2nd house that we saw, and visited only once (we both couldn’t remember where the lower level powder room was until we moved in) — leaving our city row home in Pittsburgh, driving across several states with three cats to settle into the suburbs.

That was quite long-winded. I KNOW.

It felt wonderful to be “back” in the Midwest. Although, you’ll get some looks if you say you’re originally from the Midwest and proceed to tell Iowans your “home” is in Ohio — because NOBODY HERE THINKS OHIO IS IN THE MIDWEST. I’ve also been nicknamed “East Coaster” at work for coming by way of Pittsburgh, despite Pittsburgh being a half-day’s drive from the actual coast.

That said, this move brought with it some fun changes. For starters, we moved to the suburbs into a house with an actual garage. And because of that, we got married. Haaaaaaa. Something that was only a brief conversation in Pittsburgh (the marriage, not the garage… but definitely the garage) became something important to us after we relocated. I realized soon after moving that my happiness increased and my anxiety lifted. I slept more than I have in decades — there’s quiet and darkness and stillness here. I’m surrounded by nature and not concrete. Which, something something, science. I have space to put my things and extra spaces for those other things, and we can watch TV in two separate places without hearing one another — and STILL not have a television in the bedroom. I drive a lot more (and we have two cars now). I left the non-profit world for a job at a corporation, and I absolutely love being in a large, social workplace that provides paid time off to volunteer ON TOP OF going on vacation.

My TV shows come on an hour earlier. Though I’m pretty sure that my body clock was destined for Central Time. I’ve adjusted to the weather, and curse the wind like a native (though silently FML’ing the summer humidity). I bought a Hawkeyes shirt… I ONLY WORE IT ONCE, OK?! (sorry, Buckeye friends).

I miss Pittsburgh (and my friends there) immensely. Though there was no doubt that I was burned out by city life; I felt on the brink of a meltdown nearly every day. And… Pittsburgh had changed a lot since we moved there. I’m so happy that we’ve made connections here in Iowa and found our respective communities — we might have even MORE social activity than when we were in the ‘Burgh. I also found my running tribe here, too.

I enjoy discovering Des Moines by foot and trail, with an intent to cover more trail mileage by skate and bike this summer. There are constantly new restaurants opening in Des Moines that we cannot keep up with (a good problem to have!) and I have yet to visit or see all the city’s points of interest. We’ve made a point of supporting our local cultural institutions and attending many of the unique local events. We have subscriptions and memberships and rewards points on grocery cards. There’s much more to explore in our new city (wait… how long can I call myself “new”?), and we’ve only scratched the surface.

Your personality changes when you move to a new place {via Science of Us}

New here? Check out this FREE event next week with the Des Moines Partnership: Welcome to Greater Des Moines Reception