Weekly Therapy: 11.17.17

the week:
Last Friday, I went to the Foo Fighters concert – a bucket list concert for me, as I somehow never saw them live for their 22-year existence. And while it was a little underwhelming (Dave Grohl’s voice was shot from laryngitis or something), I’m still excited to cross off the list. Then Saturday morning, I went to brunch with my running buddies (skipping my long run, meh) and ended up spending SIX HOURS at the restaurant. Worth it.

Last marathon of the season! Road trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma for the Route 66 Marathon. I have a few friends traveling down from Des Moines, so this is going to be a blast. I also have to do an all-day personal development seminar from my hotel room on Saturday, which is a bummer for the timing (mandatory session for school), as I hoped to get out and sight-see a bit.

seven things, seven days:
1. I’ve been eager for new podcasts to listen to, and so excited to discover a new favorite: Sincerely, Hueman.
2. Finally went to yoga this week after a TOO LONG hiatus. Hotel Renovo will be hosting sessions all winter long! (I would link to their page, but OMG autoplay 😒 )
3. I feel like I’m having a bad hangover to Daylight Saving Time ending. The week of, I was OK but this week, …
4. Thursday is not casual Friday. 😑
5. No, YOU bought a pair of rainbow glittered pointed toe booties.
6. And also these lulu tights that look like glitter.
7. LOVE THIS >> This Race Means Nothing {via Trail Sisters}