nothing to do about corn
I’m so used to agricultural vernacular now that I referred to a power grid substation as an “electrical farm.” Which… is not technically a thing. Wind farms, however, are definitely a thing. And I am endlessly fascinated (and geeked out) over living in a state poised to become a leader in wind energy.
Oh yeah, if you visit here: It’s windy AF.
midwest shenanigans
On New Year’s Day, this year, I learned about the weird-but-amazing Iowa food preference for chili with cinnamon rolls. Yes, I wrote that correctly: CHILI WITH CINNAMON ROLLS. I love learning about regional quirks, like use of the word “kybo” for the portable toilet.
That’s why I was positively gleed (though simultaneously disappointed – thanks, gluten) at finding out that there is an Ames restaurant that has created a chili burger with cinnamon rolls for buns.