But seriously, my week started off with a confirmed broken pinky (chip fracture). And after a couple days off (and one serious day of pain and crankiness), I feel better. A little emotionally drained but better. I went back to run//yoga Wednesday night too, and aside from not doing any floats or crazy inversions, yoga seemed OK for my finger. I definitely had to listen to my body a lot in this practice to be conscious of where I placed my weight. Kind of a welcome change in pace for me.
weekend: Podcamp PGH X! My intention this year is to learn all that I can about podcasting. I think it might be something I want to dip into this year.
We were also asked to include our garden/courtyard in a strolling poetry reading throughout our neighborhood, in a collaboration with City of Asylum. Each reading is from a specific poet who wrote about the individual gardens in which they are presenting. The collective experience sounded amazing to be a part of, and the boyfriend has been tirelessly prepping the garden (while I write out to-do lists and requests, of course).
52 books in 52 weeks:
Finally finished a book (decided to put the other one to the side, temporarily), which leaves me a couple books behind on my goal, but I have nothing but time to make it up!
#28: The Connection Algorithm: Take Risks, Defy the Status Quo, and Live Your Passions
I was able to finish this book quickly, and there were a few life-affirming gems within it — but I felt the content skewed more towards tech/entrepreneurs and their livelihoods. Interesting read though!
seven things, seven days:
1. Ice wine chocolate, yeah. I just realized today too that maybe these aren’t appropriate for the office?
2. Also, we brought home three bottles of ice wine from duty free.
3. We have approved “jeans day” for the duration of August at work (however, those dang August temperatures aren’t very denim-friendly). I’d like to have Yoga Pants August, please.
4. Would you be surprised that I filled every single night of my week with socializing? (If you saw my face right now, you would *know* that I overdid it.)
5. First post-degree-completion meltdown: CHECK!
6. Why telling kids to dream big is a BIG FAT LIE {via aeon}
7. How my therapist gave me the best career advice {via The Financial Diet}
So often we tell ourselves if we just felt better, then the real work we wish to start would be a lot easier.
Artist Meera Lee Patel believes that we need to start NOW to move ourselves forward – no act is too small. Action changes attitude. Taking time to create something – anything – helps with self-awareness and introspection. And thats why I love Meera’s self-exploration journal so much. START WHERE YOU ARE: A Journal for Self-Exploration is her full-color, passion-inspiring journal designed to nurture creativity, explore inner thoughts, and help us focus on what matters most.
I’ve felt irrationally paralyzed by daily journaling, but it’s a practice that I have wanted to start for some time — especially now, as I’m encountering another life transition. Meera’s book has beautiful illustrations and prompts to get you started. Inspiration can be found on every page:
I plan to use this journal for writing, doodling, and list-making — an overall creative and reflection space as Meera intends. These creative acts are so important (no matter how small) to our mental health and inner peace… and to moving our lives forward.
Buy your own journal at Indiebound OR comment below for a chance to win your own personal copy. I’m giving away TWO, thanks to Penguin Random House books. I’ll select my two winners at random on August 28 (so please comment by Thursday, August 27 at midnight).
Do you journal daily — or are you ready to start the practice?
Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this journal for review, and the publisher is graciously providing two copies for this giveaway. I received no compensation for this post. Winners of this giveaway restricted to Domestic US residents only.
I knew going into this week that I would be pressed and stressed for time (probably a self-affirming limited belief as well). Do I accumulate any points this week for driving over the bridge that I’ll be running over for this marathon? How about any for breaking a finger?
MONDAY: The usual rest day (but maybe it shouldn’t have been…)
TUESDAY: Had tickets to Kinky Boots after work, and couldn’t wake up any earlier in the morning despite three alarms and one set to System of a Down.
WEDNESDAY: Drove to Toronto, crossed over on the Peace Bridge. Got super giddy about running this race!
THURSDAY: I completed a treadmill run at our AirBnB apartment complex — oh, this is a hilarious one! So, the touch screen on the stupid treadmill in the gym was not working, and it wasn’t until well into my warm up that I realized that I was running IN KILOMETERS. Meanwhile, I had no wifi access (or international plan), so I couldn’t easily Google “how many miles are in a kilometer?” Obviously, I knew my 5K breakdown, so I just estimated from there. But what a hilarious adventure. (I’m quite fast in Canada!)
4.34 miles (or 7 kilometers) which included a six-minute warm-up and .4km walking cool down.
FRIDAY: Rest, convention and finish up final papers and assignments.
SATURDAY: FINALS DUE! Last day (for me) for convention. I wasted a couple hours celebrating the end of school too BECAUSE.
SUNDAY: Drive home from Canada. I was hoping to run IN Toronto in the morning, but decided to just get on the road early and back home to the cats. And then I slipped up the steps in my house while carrying a water bottle and Fig Newtons, and… well, I now have a chip fracture in my left pinky finger and I’m splinted for a few weeks.
Total runs: 1 (yuck!)
Total miles: 4.34 miles
Total training miles: 96.35 miles
This is the first week of my training that I missed my Sunday run. Last week I did one more mile than I should have, and next week is a drop-back week, so I know that I’ll be fine. But a broken finger is definitely not the injury that I anticipated experiencing during my training program! I’ll be taking a couple days off, and hopefully Wednesday I’ll be good again for run//yoga club (adapted for the yoga part, naturally).
the week:
My Capstone project has been focused on burnout in organizations (and its relation to organizational culture and motivation), and thank the Applied Psych Gods that this course/project is only 6 weeks long because I’m sure that I would be experiencing burnout myself. I’m on my last couple days of assignments, with my final project presentation Saturday morning. And then, I’m DONE. D-O-N-E.
I’m in Toronto for the annual APA convention, and I’m part of its Twitter Team again. If you’re into psychology follow along: @melindaurick and #APA2015
I’m supposed to run Ray’s Race 5K Saturday morning, aka: the Running of the Psychologists as I like to call it. BUT with my final class presentation at 9 am, I’m nervous that I’ll be cutting it too close (and the starting point is a 30-minute walk from where I’m staying). I have 10 miles on my schedule for my long run on Sunday, so at least I’ll have that relaxing way to see some of Toronto without the stress of homework deadlines hovering over me.
seven things, seven days:
1. Experienced a water main break this week on my street. Thankfully, no flooding in the basement!
2. I attended my first info program about grad school… I know, I know, I’m talking all about being done but I plan to take at least 6 months off.
3. Changing your life is not a mid-life crisis. SO IMPORTANT! Change is certain in our lives; we need not judge others (or fear them) for wanting to change.
4. Seemed relevant: Perfectionism and burnout.
5. Something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately (re: reducing the clutter and noise in my own life): One year without social media
6. 3 effective ways I’m dealing with professional burnout – a great personal essay from The Financial Diet
7. And if you’re suffering from burnout: How to recover {via Mind Tools}
Week 8 was an OK training week! I know that this upcoming week is going to be hit-or-miss what with traveling and finals. I also realized that my scheduled 5K is on SATURDAY (not Sunday), and I have my final presentation an hour later, so I’ll probably be too stressed to run it. *sigh* In any event, I look forward to taking some run-selfies in Toronto this week. (God, I hope it’s not 80+ degrees!)
MONDAY: Rest Day
TUESDAY: I experienced technical difficulties in between my MapMyRun and my Garmin. My stupid watch wouldn’t connect to GPS (again!) downtown, so I ran around for a half mile or so to the Point in hopes of connecting. I did the reverse loop from the Point over the Ft. Pitt Bridge and over through the South Side trail, back up Smithfield and through downtown again. MMR also logged me doing a 4-minute mile swim over the Allegheny again, so… I guess I’m going to start pausing my workout when I run around the Convention Center.
Anyways, one app tracked me at 6.06 miles, the other at 4.5; I split the difference and figured I ran somewhere around 5 miles.
WEDNESDAY: Weekly workout with run//yoga club — 3.2 hot, slow, and sweaty miles and 75 minutes of hot and sweaty (and not slow) yoga, with an added emphasis on heart openers. This was probably my favorite practice so far with Megan at Urban Elements.
THURSDAY: Extra rest day (since I had to work a 12-hour day, oof)
FRIDAY: Liberty Mile! And yep, only that one mile. Once again, no connectivity with my Garmin, so I had NO pacing function. Recap of this race to post this week!
SATURDAY: I was really getting that urge to run again today, but I decided that resting for Sunday’s long run was more important. I did get a massage in the morning, which was overdue and much-needed.
SUNDAY: Run 9 miles Kind of run 10.01 miles. Admittedly, this was a TOUGH run. I waited until late afternoon, where the heat index was still somewhere in the mid-80s and felt like my shoes were melting on the pavement. I took several walk breaks, and went out too far on the South Side trail. And, well, by the time I was downtown, I was still a mile away from home. I kind of run-walked that last bit only because I was going to pass out if I stopped (and I seriously contemplated calling the boyfriend to come get me).
Total runs: 4
Total weekly miles: 19.21
Total training miles: 92.01
I’m less than 85 days away from my first full marathon, and still mildly freaking out about it — but in good, productive ways. I am in my last week of school too, so I look forward to being able to only focus on training for a while (and not that I have to sometimes skip/balance workouts with homework or advising sessions).
Total miles for July: 57.12 — an increase from June, which had 36.08 total miles.
Total runs: 14
My longest run of the month was 8.04 miles on July 16 (in hot, sweaty Cleveland).
The month ended with my shortest (but most fun!) with the Liberty Mile.
I only missed one of my weekly run//yoga club sessions, and I met up twice with Steel City Road Runners Club this month. I didn’t miss ANY of my Sunday long runs. Hooray!
I PR’d my 5K time at 28:08!
Upcoming for August: LOTS OF MILES
I’ve got two races scheduled: a 5K in Toronto on August 9 (Ray’s Race, aka: the running of the psychologists) and the Cleveland Rock Hall Half Marathon on August 23.
If I ONLY run my long runs each week (which, that would be dumb!), then I’ll be at 54 miles for the month, so my August total miles should totally rock the socks off of that July total.
Although, I anticipate August being MUCH sweatier.
Before it gets too far away from me, I wanted to post about my return weekend to Cleveland in July. Now that we’ve been gone for five years, it’s still surreal to go back and see all the changes — and we both cannot get over how weird it is that we don’t recognize anyone anymore! I went back two years ago as part of a blogger trip with Visit CLE, and I have to say that being in downtown Cleveland still feels strange to me. It’s quickly obvious that it doesn’t have quite the life to it as downtown Pittsburgh… but it still makes for a wonderful weekend getaway.
One thing’s for sure, we will NEVER stay at the Doubletree downtown again. That hotel is just the worst, free points or not.
We started off with drinks on the roof of The 9. Initially, we were supposed to meet friends for dinner, but they had an emergency and couldn’t make it out. This is another place that I don’t ever have to go to in my lifetime. Lame and not my scene. Too bad, considering the amazing views.
But Heinen’s in the old Ameritrust rotunda building is DEFINITELY for me! Those wine vending machines? I hope that inventor won a Nobel or something. I loaded up a card and sampled plenty (including a cab that was $7 for 1-oz taster… yeah, it was perfect), and we enjoyed a wonderful cheese plate (with gluten-free crackers!). Heinen’s, if you’re not from Northeast Ohio, is a local chain grocery store, and MAN do I wish it existed when we lived on East 4th Street! I lived in the suburbs for many of my Cleveland years though, and Heinen’s is even better than Wegman’s in my book.
We followed up our cheese with Dinner at the Greenhouse Tavern. The chef’s course is still one of the best deals in town, and we both left plenty full. While we people-watched in the front window, I noticed Sinbad was listed on the marquee at Pickwick & Frolic.
HECK YEAH, WE WENT TO SEE SINBAD! That guy made us laugh for over two hours. Totally spontaneous decision, and after being a fan of his for decades, I can finally say that I saw him live!
I like when I can wake up refreshed and early when traveling — and to beat the brunch crowd. We went to Urban Farmer where a former derby teammate works, and HEY-YO TO THE GLUTEN-FREE GODS, I enjoyed my breakfast immensely. I had eggs benedict (on gf toast) and a large bowl of fruit. Also, the coffee was crazy good.
Afterward, we walked to the West Side Market for snacking and people-watching; meat sticks from Czuraj were a must. On the way, we stopped into Nano Brew (for the boyfriend). After meeting up with my sister for a bit, we continued our “drinking tour” at Great Lakes Brewery (again, for the boyfriend). Considering that I came of age in the hey-day of the Flats party scene, it was interesting to walk through and see all the development on both the West and East banks. Was disappointed to see all the bars and restaurants closed on the East Bank near the Aloft Hotel though — we did go in and check out that building a bit. A cool space for Cleveland! On our climb back out of the Flats, we found Portside and HOLY RUM. The drinks were amazing! What a treat on our self-guided tour.
After a few drinks at Portside, we DEFINITELY needed dinner. I’m glad that we read online about Townhall before our visit because this choice was perfection (and quite busy). I was really impressed by their different options for gluten-free (and other dietary restrictions) and my burger (with gluten-free bun!) was delicious. We also ordered this veggie crudo appetizer, which was insanely gigantic but a good starter to share.
For dessert, we Uber-ed over to the Tremont neighborhood for ice cream at Tremont Scoops — our friends own it and they have gluten-free cones! We also walked over to Lilly’s Chocolate to bring a couple boxes home. We really wanted to check out the New Orleans-style bar (its name escapes me right now) but upon experiencing some weird power outage, they weren’t letting anyone in. Alas, we had a drink at Edison’s by the koi pond out back — a must-visit place for pizza and beer (if you can have both of those things) if you’re in the neighborhood. Really random Cleveland trivia: I almost rented an apartment in my mid-20s above Edison’s. It’s always weird to remember that.
Short night for these two ol’ fogies. But I guess the day was plenty exciting.
We didn’t plan to stay late or do anything tourist-y on Sunday, but I needed to get my 8 miles in. After some quickie room service, I took off to run towards the lake and over the two major bridge spans connecting downtown to Ohio City. The Lorain bridge itself is close to a mile across, and it was a good reason to check out my old stomping grounds at Cleveland State campus. Also, there is this super-old cemetery that I’ve always wanted to walk through on East 9th Street, so I ran through there as well as around Progressive Field (ahem, THE JAKE!) and Browns Stadium (GO BROWNS!).
It was a good trip back, and I’m glad I got a little bit of that lake-side humidity before my half marathon there in August.
Is there anything that I missed that I should do on my next visit?
the week:
Because I’m trying not to procrastinate any further on my senior capstone, I’ve got mostly links in the “seven things” section today. But I have read every single thing, so I guess my procrastination likes reading about procrastination and motivation and such.
Tonight is the Liberty Mile, which my team won first place in some category last year. I’m “competing” (lolz) as an individual this year, hoping to beat my mile time of 8:42. But otherwise, I’m just doing this one for fun.
Saturday: ROBERT RANDOLPH AND THE FAMILY BAND, YES. FEASTival looks to be kick-ass (I hope it’s not hot and crowded, double-lolz).
On Sunday, Bolthouse Farms and Giant Eagle are co-hosting a fun (and nutritious) community event as part of its #SnackMob tour. From 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., the event will feature live music and fresh food, with registered dietitians on-site to provide nutritional guidance for back-to-school snack options for kids. The family-friendly event this weekend will take place at Giant Eagle Market District at Settlers Ridge. Unfortunately, I cannot attend, but Bolthouse was kind enough to send me a few samples of their products. While I don’t have kids, I like snackin’ like them! Trust: these snack items are GOOD.
seven things, seven days:
1. My first sunburn in a few years, and I feel like an idiot (despite my use of sunscreen AND multiple reapplications).
2. But yay, more pool time at the club!
3. Holy crap, you guys — I won a twitter contest that includes entry to EVERY race from Elite Runners Pittsburgh this coming year. I AM SO EXCITE.
4. Probably the best article on procrastination that *I* ever read {via Mark Manson, naturally}
5. What kind of introvert am I? Social introvert. What kind of introvert are you? {via PsychCentral}
6. Me: The upside of being boring. I’ve had enough exciting life for three of me, thankyouverymuch. {via Fast Company}
7. This method would not work for me AT ALL, unless we’re talking about traveling around the world or you want me to eat cereal for every meal: The 2 words that every Busy Person should say before committing {via The Muse}
I can’t remember if last year was my first WHIRL YogaFest or the year before… in any event, I attended again this year and was genuinely pleased with the event (despite the heat and the lack of usable toilets).
I woke up with a massive headache (day two of it, in fact), but a little extra coffee seemed to keep it at bay — at least long enough to walk over. I guess the excitement of the event was enough of an alarm clock, as I was up early enough to walk to the event, grab another coffee and granola bar (a delicious homemade one from Chateau Cafe), and attend the 7:30 a.m. session.
Session #1 (7:30 a.m.): Salty Power Flow, which was a super-intense start to my day. I loved it (even if I didn’t really connect with the instructor).
Session #2 (9 a.m.): Pure Barre. This was an intro class of sorts, and no bars, obviously. But I didn’t really like it. Like, at all. I’d rather do regular old ballet.
Session #3 (11 a.m.): Another Power Flow — Claire Bear was this session’s instructor. I was straight in the sun for this one, and not happy. I really wish that WHIRL would get larger tents for each space, considering the time of year they plan for this event. Or at least a tent that is a resting space for those of us who want to get out of the sun for a minute or 20.
Between sessions, I snacked and shopped through the many vendor booths. It’s really nice that there were so many gluten-free options for me (even though I missed having my cheesy scrambled eggs from Marty’s Market like last year). I mean, I had my choice of three different scones, so… winning! As I mentioned in my weekly training update, the vendors are always amazing, so I came home with quite a bit of free swag (aerie really upholds a standard of being so generous and inspiring). I also purchased two tanks and seriously eye-balled those Pittsburgh print leggings (how awesome were they?!).
The heat and sun took over again though. I had to drop into my office downtown real quick (which was a much-welcome source of air-conditioning) and still had to walk home. And then I decided to go to the country club and sit by the pool (but mostly in the pool) for the rest of the afternoon while the boyfriend golfed.
Needless to say, I had a BIT too much sun on Saturday. But overall, I’m glad that YogaFest ended up being on such a beautiful day (didn’t it rain a ridiculous amount, like, two years ago?).
No long lead-ins from me this week. I just reached 22 pages on my Capstone paper, so I’m all word-ed out.
MONDAY: My usual weekly resty rest day.
TUESDAY: Ran 3.02 miles (10:15 avg pace); should have done 5, but I just wasn’t feeling it.
WEDNESDAY: Rest; completely crapped out after being in a seminar all day. Skipped my weekly run//yoga club, and I’m bummed about that.
THURSDAY: MOAR REST! I had to prepare for my weekly Capstone session with my advisor.
FRIDAY: Rest; again, what a weird week — we had our departmental retreat, so my schedule was just all out-of-sorts. I could have run after work, but… I opted for napping in my hammock. Oops.
SATURDAY: YogaFest — I did three sessions: two hour-long flow classes (the first was at 7:30am — yay, me!) and a pure barre intro class in between. The barre class one was so… weird. And not at all what I expected. But doing three classes five hours really tired me out, and made me feel less bad about taking so many rest days this week. Also, I freakin’ woke up at 6am — with a massive headache, but STILL. Considering my sunburn from just the morning, I’m glad that I went early.
Side note: I feel like Whirl YogaFest always has THE BEST vendors. Like, I got to eat a gluten-free scone for breakfast (thank you immensely, Chateau Cafe). Soergel’s is always there too, with the perfect snacks. And I come home with a bag full of awesome free swag. I also always purchase at least two new tops every year. But please bring back Marty’s Market and their scrambled eggs?
SUNDAY: Ran 6.14 miles, which also (randomly) included a Flash 5K with SCRR to coincide with this summer’s last Open Streets PGH (sad face). The Open Streets events have given me the motivation to wake up early and do training runs with the SCRR group; I didn’t recognize anybody and wasn’t feeling very social (or awake) though, so I just ran by myself. But it’s part of my monthly goals, to run more regularly with them. I had already ran a mile to the meeting point and didn’t find out about the Flash 5K until I arrived, but decided why not? (I mean, aside from being totally exhausted and unable to run another two miles). Well, I was exhausted, and part of that fourth mile was power walking, but I did my six.
In complete random turn of events, realized that I beat my 5K PR time by 7 seconds. So I have a new PR: 28:08! Certainly wasn’t expecting that as part of my training week, but I’ll take it!
Total runs: 2
Total weekly miles: 9.16 (this week was another drop-back week in the training program)
Total training miles: 72.80 miles