Weekly Therapy: Spring forward

the week:
I hate the time change. I haven’t been able to sleep properly all week, even being purposeful about going to bed at a decent hour and sleeping through three different waking up with my pre-set alarms. And GAWD, isn’t it just the most-draggiest week?

Road trip to DC for the Rock n’ Roll series of running events — 5K for me, and my friend Lauren will be running that with me. The rest of the crew will be tackling the half: Chelsea, Steff, and Kelsey. I volunteered for a RnR marathon in Phoenix over a decade ago, but have never participated. It’s a super-fun race environment, the medals are awesome, AND Better Than Ezra at the finish party?! TAKE ALL MY MONEY. Ok, please not all of it.

Also, I think this is my first race since… November? To be honest, I’m a little nervous about my knee. And the rain. SIGH.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#8 A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin: I’m on a female comedienne-author book club kick. I was ALL IN to this book… until the weird chapter about Woz. I didn’t laugh out loud, but overall this one was a fun and juicy read.

#9 Bossypants: by Tina Fey. HILARIOUS, actually laugh out loud. I couldn’t read it in bed because the chuckling would annoy my boyfriend. Definitely recommend!

seven things, seven days:
1. New curtains for the living that I found on Overstock for, like, half of what others are selling linen panels for. Although 1 out of 4 panels they sent was shorter length (even though the package says otherwise). HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!
2. Taxes are done — holy crap, I’m getting a refund this year! After a few years of mostly freelancer income, this is so wonderful.
3. Dentist took two more old silver fillings out this week (a super-fun appointment scheduled before work). While I am happier about the whiter molar smile, OMG did my face really need to be numb until 1 in the afternoon?
4. Obsessed this week with mid-90s punk and alt-rock music. Thanks, YouTube!
5. I really want the opportunity to volunteer (undergrad-style) as part of a Psyching Team this summer for a marathon. Send me leads!
6. Daylight-Saving Time is bad for your relationships {via WSJ}
7. Speaking of your valuable time: is it worth more than money? Finding the balance between time and money {via NYTimes}

Cherry Blossom 10-miler: Training Week 5

Short and sweet and to-the-point wrap-up today.

Monday: I tried out a new CrossFit program at my local YMCA; since I already have a membership, and the first three classes are free. And, well, let’s just say I’ll stick to my old CF home. (I did degrade my monthly membership though, since I wanted to focus on my running training — but still want the option to drop in once a week.)

Tuesday: REST
Thursday: REST
Friday: REST

Chocolate milk recovery 4 LIFE
Chocolate milk recovery 4 LIFE

Saturday: What was most important this week was that I got my long run in. Originally scheduled for Sunday, once I was out on my run, I felt good enough (and the weather was amazing!) to extend my mileage. As per the tip on the Cherry Blossom’s training plan, I ran at a super-comfortable pace — about 11 min/mile, which made me feel as though I could run forever. Even though my left knee started spazzing out on me around mile 4, I picked up the pace as I approached my couple miles back home (the pace I originally hoped to race at the Cherry Blossom).

6.42 miles

Sunday: Swapped my long run to Saturday, so today was an easy 3 miles. Not-so-easy on my knee. I’m starting to freak out.

R.I.C.E. (and it's been a while since I've sweat outside like this!)
R.I.C.E. (and it’s been a while since I’ve sweat outside like this!)

Total runs this week: 2
Weekly mileage: 9.43 miles
Total training mileage: 21.13 miles + 9.43 miles = 30.56 total miles!

Weekly Therapy: Ain’t no sunshine

the week:
OK, we’re going to talk about the weather this week because I think I speak for most of us when I say this shit is for the polar bears. Winter, I love you but I am OVER you. Looking ahead to the 10-day forecast though and I am all SUNSHINE AND GIMME THE BUTTERFLIES.

winter red lips

And yes, all the bright lipstick.

After a cheese plate happy hour tonight, we’re going to hit up the Pittsburgh Home & Garden Show, but otherwise I plan to RUN. OUTSIDE. Next weekend is the RnR 5K in DC, and I am so far from even thinking about attaining a 5K PR. So I’m going to go all out in my St. Patrick’s Day silly gear and have some fun with my friends.

Don’t forget to “spring ahead”!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#7 Finished one of my textbooks, Careers in Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World
This actually would have been a great class semester ONE in the psychology program… not class “almost finished.” Weird context from this perspective. Alas.

seven things, seven days:
1. I’ve had a tab for the Niagara Falls International Marathon open on my computer for an entire week, hoping to make a decision on running that this fall. I. Am. Terrified. (But I still want to do it!)
2. We lost our power for 20 minutes this week. Was fun for… one whole minute.
3. Bill Withers live at Carnegie Hall (1973). Mmm-hmm.
4. Rug sale (again) and found a large jute rug for the living room for only $60. SCORE!
5. Holy crap, there’s a MOOC course about superheroes and their impact on pop culture from Smithsonian featuring Stan Lee! I AM EXCITE.
6. You guys! I started tearing up at my desk when I read this adorable story. Animal Rescue League program has kids read to cats. {via CBS Pittsburgh}
7. Signed up for this month’s Creative Soul Connection, hosted by Britt Reints of In Pursuit of Happiness and the Happiness Conspiracy.

GIVEAWAY {ended}: Annie Chun’s (gluten-free!) Seaweed Crisps

{Thanks for entering! Winner has been selected and announced via the Rafflecopter widget.}

I am a snack person. I probably eat 8 meals a day due to my voracious appetite which I manage by (healthy!) snacking. I am hungry every two hours — and who wants to starve and wait for their next meal? In fact, my snack drawer was enacted at my new job before I even had a stapler.

A new-found fave in my cupboard (thanks to all those snack box subscriptions) is seaweed snacks. I even used them as part of my appetizer platter at my holiday Wine & Cheese dinner! And because of snacks is why I am so excited about this giveaway.

Seaweed Crisps Annie Chun's

Annie Chun’s reached out to me to sample their original seaweed crisps but ALSO try two of their new flavors: GO-CHU-JANG and Cinnamon. Cinnamon seaweed snacks, what?! It’s almost like a gluten-free cinnamon twist of my comfort food dreams. It’s a really unique flavor, and I’m definitely a fan.

Because of my nightshade sensitivity, the boyfriend reported back on the peppery ones. He’s already a fan of another brand’s chili seaweed, so I just KNEW he would approve… and he ripped open the package before I even told him what these bags were for (so much for my “hidden” snack stash on top of the fridge).

DID YOU KNOW: Annie Chun’s Seaweed Crisps are a gluten-free and cholesterol-free snack, with only 70 calories per serving and 0 grams of trans fat. You can find Annie Chun’s at Giant Eagle stores in the Pittsburgh area, but check with your local grocer if you’re in another city.

Mmmmm, do I love salads!
Mmmmm, do I love salads!

And if you wanna be like this 30-something, top your salad with these seaweed crisps. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND as a gluten-free crouton alternative.

GIVEAWAY: Annie Chun’s is giving away THREE bags of the Seaweed Crisps to ONE winner. Leave a comment on this post and use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. Giveaway closes 3/16/15.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Annie Chun’s sent me a three-pack of seaweed crisps to sample in exchange for a review and a giveaway post. Prize will be provided to the winner directly from Annie Chun’s. All opinions herein are my own.

Cherry Blossom 10-miler: Training Weeks 3 and 4

So Week #3 was another bust: after suffering a serious case of DOMS from Crossfit (that lingered for three painful, terrible days), I endured a four-day painful and terrible streak of headaches.

Moving on…

I invested in a few more cold weather running pieces, since it seems as though this winter is sticking around. 180s was having an uber-awesome sale around Valentine’s Day, so I picked up another pair of thermal running tights (only $20!), a neck gaiter (free with my purchase!), and these fun ear muffs that have speakers in them (now if I could only get my phone not to die in these extreme temperatures). Their site has a bunch of awesome solutions for being outside in the frigid temps — and sells one of the best pair of convertible running gloves I’ve seen/worn.

180 running gear

Week 4
Monday: 3.25 miles, treadmill
Tuesday: 3.21 miles, treadmill
Wednesday: REST DAY
Thursday: (homework day)
Friday: REST DAY
Saturday: 4 miles OUTSIDE (4.03 via Garmin; 4.26 via MapMyRun). I was only supposed to do 3, but felt good, so I took a longer run in the chance I wouldn’t get out on Sunday.
Sunday: AND THEN OF COURSE, THE WEATHER. Welp, I’m one mile longer behind again in my training, but I had a paper due and couldn’t get to the YMCA before it closed at 2pm. (Seriously?!)

run collage

I’m not quite sure how this neck gaiter works, but I LOVE these new ear-warmer speakers!!!

Alas, I feel MUCH better about this week of training than I have in a while, but I’ll have some make-up work to do.

Total runs this week: 3
Weekly mileage: 10.49 miles
Total training mileage: 21.13 miles

February totals (per MapMyRun):
7 runs
21.37 total miles

Weekly Therapy: Rooted in Reality

the week:
Starting the week on a 4-day stretch of headaches was no way to jump start my training routine! I think I’ve only had one migraine in my life, but this felt dangerously close to one at times — Tylenol wasn’t working, a massage didn’t work, coffee only subdued it temporarily (cheese plates made me happier, but depressingly do nothing for headaches either). My eyes were super light-sensitive and unfocused; the pain radiated from behind my eyes all the way to the innards of my cranial cavity. I can tell you that wine all but made it disappear, but returned with a roaring vengeance the next morning (with a noxious hangover, natch). Since nothing alleviated my symptoms, I’m left to think I was glutened something harsh last week, and darn it if I can’t figure out from what! See also: hormones.

The reality is that I’m now a week behind in my training for the 10-miler, and I’m just going to dust myself off and try it again (and so far, on schedule!).

Wine course from our Bar Marco dinner last weekend.
Wine course from our Bar Marco dinner last weekend.

Birthday celebration tonight for a friend downtown (there may be more champagne with sparklers). The National Aviary is having one of their 21+ events too, Party in Paradise, which I’m also hoping to attend (albeit late).

I am also SO looking forward to a scheduled (and “free”) facial at my massage place for continuing my membership (yeah, those monthly massages are splurge-worthy AND necessary for this 30-something body).

And holy CRAP do I have a laundry list of shit to do and homework this weekend.

seven things, seven days:
1. Someone finally came over and took away my old couch (bittersweet, a bit). But YAY! My new sofa is finally in my living room (and now all the decorating re-begins).
2. A lunchtime dentist appointment brought about the scheduling for replacement of two silver fillings from, like, 20+ years ago. I seriously have A HOLE in the filling of my last molar. This reality? WHOLE PAYCHECK.
3. This week the Cultural Trust announced their 2015-2016 PNC Broadway Across America season (and specials) with a fun party at the Byham.
4. YES. >> “Books like The Secret are like McDonald’s for the mind. They’re easy and make you feel good, but they also make you mentally fat and lazy, and emotionally, you die a much more painful death.” {via the ever-provoking and awesome Mark Manson}
5. 30 YEARS of reality television, of which I have consumed with much guilty pleasure — a retrospective via Pacific Standard.
6. What you need to know about limiting beliefs: a really great post from Belief Alchemy, with includes some helpful exercises. How can you change your reality?
7. The research of walking vs. high-intensity interval training in The New York Times.

Weekly Therapy: I promise I won’t mention the weather.

the week:
Has this felt like the longest short week to anyone else?
I feel as though I have accomplished nothing, and yet, SO BUSY AND FRAZZLED. It hasn’t helped my brain or my training much, the fact that I experienced an awful onset of DOMS from Monday’s CrossFit workout. I was in so much pain, I spent my training week healing and rolling and stretching… and ARGH. Frustrated.

Why do these taste like chewable Flintstone vitamins? Blech.
Why do these taste like chewable Flintstone vitamins? Blech.
Also, why do my iphone pictures STILL upload sideways (even after editing the image). This has been happening for nearly the lifetime of an iphone. Fix it, wordpress!

Massage Saturday, then dinner at Bar Marco — I’m considering waking up for a yoga session at SHPY too. BIG PLANS FOR NOTHING on Sunday.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#6 Elite Minds by Stan Beecham. FIVE STARS. I’m going to read it again, it’s SO, SO good.

seven things, seven days:
1. I’ve really been scoring with deals on work clothes on Poshmark.
2. …and I finally sold a pair of shoes on the dang app.
3. I made a new friend at happy hour this week who grew up in the same city in Ohio!
4. I also mad an investment on new thermal running pants because this shit seems to be sticking around.
5. How are your resolutions going? (Terrible!) You still have 10 months to meet one goal per month this year! {via The Chalkboard}
6. As someone with three sisters, this was a WOOOOOF (that would be air deflating)… and then tears. Forty portraits in forty years {via New York Times}
7. “Visualize the proverbial curtain rising.” 5 Ways Thinking Like a Ballerina Can Bring Balance to Your Life {via HuffPost}

Cherry Blossom 10-miler: Training Week 2

I swear, I can’t be the only one who experiences technological difficulties, can I? I’m not just a late 30-something out-of-touch, but maybe Technologically Cursed.

My iphone died again on my run — this time mid-run instead of after (yeah, I’ll definitely blame this one on the cold). But it obviously did not record the full course. I’m also having issues with my Forerunner loading up my GPS location. I’ve read similar stories online, but mine is taking a RIDICULOUS amount of time — like, two auto-shut down warnings before it knows where the hell I am. That’s some kind of stress, thinking ahead for race day.

Anyone have advice before I chuck this thing in the river?

I only ran 2 miles last week on Tuesday after work. I won’t pretend that this week hasn’t been a huge disappointment.

Yeah, can I just NOPE this whole week of training? Starting over. Again.

Total runs this week: 1
Weekly mileage: 2 miles
Total training mileage: 10.64 miles

Weekly Therapy: short on willpower, long on intentions

the week:
Drop/Add. Drop a class, add a class. Drop a run, drop another run… add in feeling really overwhelmed. Order from the gluten-free menu, add all the nightshades (and enjoy every bite of intoxicatingly-hot pickled pepper and spicy sausage).

Back to that theme of balance… Ahem. I have been really enjoying my new routine of walking to work and listening to Psychology podcasts — yes, even in winter — but this bitter cold is all TOO MUCH. I decided to skip out on the Cupid’s Undie Run this weekend too because… NOPE.

Needed this inspiration this week.
Needed this inspiration this week.


After working late Friday, finishing up my final assignments and reflection paper on Saturday (and probably imbibing in something buttery and/or chocolately), I will be looking forward to that extra day off. We’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day by going to see Casablanca with the Symphony on Sunday evening.

Bee tee dubs: If you’re in the Pittsburgh area — and I KNOW you need to stock up on toilet paper and bread for this snow storm — head over to Giant Eagle on Sunday to sample Annie Chun’s Seaweed Crisps (one of my new favorite snacks!). Stay tuned this week for an Annie Chun’s giveaway!

seven things, seven days:
1. Bought my first pair of ballet shoes since, I don’t know… Kindergarten? INTENTIONS.
2. Went to a networking event from some new local organized event company, and it was quite blah. Also, I couldn’t eat any of the food, didn’t want gin or cheap rum (with the ONE free drink ticket), and they changed the venue at the last minute! Had more fun “networking” with my friends elsewhere… see #3.
3. Heck yeah, I bought a bottle of champagne for me and my friends this week to celebrate. Life is pretty great right now. (And I cannot resist a sparkler.)
4. So much awesome in the mail this week with both my PopSugar Must Haves box and Ipsy sampler.
5. First paycheck!!!
6. “This is going to be the best day ever” and “thank you”: How 11 words and 5 minutes can make every day the best one ever. {via Muse}
7. What it feels like to have iron willpower {via Summer Tomato}

Cherry Blossom 10-miler Training: Week 1

Don’t let the title of this post confuse you!

Soooo, I decided to make a change to my weekly training schedules and switch to a Monday-Sunday format. Both of the training plans I’m following adhere to this style (except for MapMyRun, which… anoying), so my posts will begin to reflect that. Starting…. now. Also, I’ve signed up for two upcoming races: April and May — the Cherry Blossom 10-miler and Pittsburgh Half Marathon, respectively — the Cherry Blossom race is first. That, too, is something I’m changing going forward (hence the title of this post). When the 10-miler is complete, I’ll switch back to whatever week I am in the Half training. Is that weird? I don’t want to lose focus, but I do much better target one thing at a time. Basically, I’m going to be WAY ahead of the game running a 10-miler a month before the half, so I’ll be weirdly merging my training runs until April.

Receiving my first week training plan for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler today lit a fire under me. I hope I can hang onto that motivation because I am PUMPED. (We booked the hotel this weekend too… SQUEE. Yes, I SQUEE.) Cherry Blossom is only (ha! only!) 10 weeks away.

Monday: Treadmill Day — 2.25 miles. Hey, the treadmill run didn’t feel too bad today, but BOY does it feel so much longer.

Tuesday: First evening class at CrossFit. I kinda dig it! (I felt much more beastly than normal, but then again I LURVE box jumps.) The Cherry Blossom plan called for an interval program, but I’d rather do an HIIT workout. I don’t know how this affects me as a runner, but I’m also trying not to burn out from running over here.

cf boxes

Wednesday: REST DAY

Thursday: REST DAY. My Cherry Blossom plan called for a run day, but I had a presentation for school AND it’s negative 80 outside AND the Y closed at 9. DAMMIT.

Friday: REST DAY.

Saturday: I originally wanted to to CrossFit on Friday, but I pulled a double-duty for my Saturday. 11 AM CrossFit — a mean row and thrusters complex, followed by a jumprope cash-out. Although, I finally strung together more than 2 double-unders — I completed 4 in a row! So pumped about that.

Then, I did one of my easy RUNS — 2.16 miles. I had two goals for this run: obviously to keep the run on my schedule, but also to do the entire workout without my earbuds and music. I was WAY too aware of my body and my surroundings, and to be honest, I’m not sure that I like it. Holy crap, do I always breathe that terribly?

SAT run 0207

Sunday: What a beautiful day to be outside! But also VERY muddy. Today was my long run of the first week of training: 4.23 miles for me. (Still having this inconsistency between my Garmin Forerunner and MapMyRun app, but tracking this week for MMR).

sunday run

Total runs this week: 3
Weekly mileage: 8.64 (per MapMyRun)

How do you develop a training plan when you’ve got two races with two different mileages on the horizon?