The Reading Challenge goal that I set for for 2024 was 40 books, and I read 45! I have been setting a reading challenge every year since 2014. It’s fun to see how my reading habits have changed over the years, and how my identity as a Reader has grown.
The Books I Loved (and Hated) in 2019
2018 Books I Read
2015 (when I first completed the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge!)
Annnnnnnd I guess those are the only years that I’ve done a year-in-books review. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For the last few years I have read at least 50 books. And in 2024… I did not! I am learning how to savor really, REALLY good books. To be patient with myself when I’m “only” doing 25-30 pages a night. I regularly bring library books with me on vacation (including while camping in Yosemite this summer). I regularly do not read my library books while on vacation. I restarted my reading streak 32 times this year. I am currently on day 53 of my current reading streak. I complicated things for my page tracking app when I tried to log in from a time zone 12 hours in the future. But I also read one of my most favorite books on that Asian island. I tried the library challenge and puttered out. I tried to read books for pizza… and remembered that I don’t really like pizza*.
In any event, I am setting myself for failure by having more than one vacation scheduled for the year and a reading goal for 50 books for 2025. I also plan to re-read at least 2 books this year.
Fun stat, courtesy of Beanstack
Based on their totally unhelpful little graph without any other supporting data, it looks like a straight line from 2023 to 2024 when I change the view to “Pages” and “All Time.” Which assumes I read about 14,000(ish) pages each year over the last two years!
Exciting new finds:
Little Weirds by Jenny Slate. It’s been a minute since I have found a book worthy of dogeared pages and marked notes in the margins.
“A prayer:
As the image of myself becomes sharper in my brain, and more precious, I feel less afraid that someone else will erase me by denying me love.”
My Top 3 Favorite Books of 2024:
#1 Shark Heart: A Love Story
#2 The Other Valley
#3 (and not even in a close third position) God of the Woods
Nothing I read this year compared to Shark Heart. I will probably re-read it again in 2025. This is on my Top 5 FOREVER FAVORITES list, too. It is beautiful, it is heartbreaking – YOU MUST SUSPEND BELIEF. But you will most definitely transform alongside the book. I will take no further comments.
If you do not love love or sharks (fuck you), then I will recommend The Other Valley to you. If you watched the original Quantum Leap in the 90s you will love this book. But that might be Future Mel’s perspective. DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT. This is the kinda book that will right fuck you up in trying to figure out if it’s past or present or future, in that “could I have done anything to change my life” kinda way. This book will also break your heart.
I guess I have my theme for the year. Yes, reader, 2024 truly did break my heart.
Best Non-Fiction:
Money, Power, Respect: How Women in Sports are Shaping the Future of Feminism by Macaela MacKenzie. Receiving this book was surrounded by an already-incredibly empowering (work) conference that included a panel about women in sports with MacKenzie and other incredible folks like Jenny Nguyen from the Sports Bra (!!). I’m so jealous at my former self that got to experience this. But also, read this book. And support women’s sports.
Biggest Disappointments:
Annie Bot, WTAF. See also: All Fours. You guys…
Interesting thought:
I read a lot more… ahem, SEXY books than I ever have. This was not a premeditative intent, and I am also done getting recommendations from you guys because the spicy parts did not equal overall good books. At all.
Worst of the worst:
I am not someone who likes to read serials and OMG was I so mad about realizing that Dirty Diana was book #1 in a to-be-continued story. For most books, I like to immediately forget them. I like my books to be self-contained little pieces of joy… and then I move onto the potentiality of another momentous journey (even if that journey is a total Hate Read). Please note, I am also pissed at Book of the Month for letting this be the cliffhanger of the year.
*unless it’s Detroit style. Don’t @ me.