30 Random Things (about me)

An honest depiction of “Life in Your 30s” to which we can all relate.

1. I am 35.
2. I live with my boyfriend. We’ve been together for 3.5 years.
3. I live in Pittsburgh.
4. I’m from Ohio.
5. I’ve been blogging (elsewhere) since 2002!
6. I have three cats.
7. I could eat cheese-and-onion enchiladas every day.
8. I do eat a sandwich every day.
9. I’m an “accidental entrepreneur” and own my own Web copywriting company.
10. I also work part-time at a zoo.
11. AND I volunteer at our local humane society shelter.
12. I play roller derby.
13. I’ve always hated my hair.
14. I can never be barefoot — even in my house.
15. The beach is the worst (see above, but also because I hate the heat & I’m not supposed to get any sun exposure).
16. Fall is my favorite season!
17. My personal style statement includes a lot of layering.
18. I love accessorizing. My favorite part of fashion!
19. I struggle with age. A lot of that has to do with how my face has changed in the last few years.
20. But mostly because my “five-year plan” includes the number 40.
21. I deal with #19 by regular facials. It’s made a HUGE difference! (and it’s kind of a nice spoil)
22. My favorite make-up line is LORAC.
23. I cannot leave the house without mascara. Ever.
24. My favorite place in the world is Prague, Czech Republic.
25. My first passport expires next year, and that makes me sad (plus, my photo is a perfect memory).
26. Camping is my favorite outdoor activity (followed by kayaking, at a close second).
27. I quit smoking 4 years ago (08-08 is my anniversary). I’ve never been prouder of an accomplishment.
28. The boyfriend & I have a community garden plot in the city; this season has surely been a lesson in amateur gardening!
29. We are a one-car household.
30. I’m so happy to FINALLY have a new space for a new blog! (WELCOME!)

Phew. 🙂

Weekly Therapy: hot male models

Need some hot male model therapy? I’ve got you covered this morning…


Dolce & Gabbana Men’s

RTW Spring 2013

Continuing their hymn to Italy, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana time-traveled to Sicily circa 1950 for a nostalgic spring collection. The clothes came to life on a cast of around 70 boys and men from all over the island. They resembled characters from an old movie as they sped down the runway at a frenetic pace set by a live folk band, its leader plucking on a jaw harp.  For More

My last Birchbox…

You know that instinct when something is just not “clicking.” That’s been the relationship between me and Birchbox for, well, longer than I care to admit. Yet, I continued on, hoping that “things” would change. Those “things” mind you, were the possibility of receiving ACTUAL makeup. 

birchbox box

The monthly beauty subscription boxes were fun at first, but the excitement quickly faded. And all I was left with was yet another face moisturizer and smaller-than-a-sample size of hair treatment. Meh. 

Last month, I said goodbye to Birchbox… of course, they were still a little attached to me and my credit card — charging me for my monthly subscription and sending me the box anyway. To BB’s credit, the amount was refunded, but not until after canceling again, submitting a cancellation survey, emailing their customer service… and then tweeting about it. Again, meh. 

PS: This is one of several issues that I’ve had with their site. A prior problem was showing double items in my cart & I couldn’t remove the extra for days. And another wouldn’t let me use my points (again, eventually corrected itself).

Without further ado, the contents of the final box — JET SET box:
Faux lashes – winks by Georgie » LOVE faux lashes. SUCK at faux lashes. I can’t hate getting another pair to practice once again, however.
Shampoo – Hair Rules » yet another hair sample. BORING.
Packaged face cleanser wipes – La Fresh » I’ll use these. Straight to the skate bag!
Stainiac – theBalm cosmetics » haven’t used yet, but added it to all the other lip things that I hope to use one day. I just love my sugar fresh too much to use anything else right now.
BONUS: a printed plastic travel pouch from tili. I’ll use this, for sure. 

For what it’s worth, I would definitely recommend the sample subscription service — it’s fun and a surprise at only $10 a month. I’m just underwhelmed by the promise of AWESOME THINGS and frequently disappointed in return. 

Alas, for now I bid adieu, Birchbox!

Weekly Therapy: a little pick-me-up with flower therapy

The smell of geraniums is so calming to me. 

And the sight of sunflowers fills me with such happiness. Especially when they’re wild.

I also love purple flowers. These were wild in the garden bed of my new home. I wish that they could be there everyday.

While I don’t unfortunately have my own green thumb, I regularly purchase small bouquets of flowers for myself as a little pick-me-up. Trader Joe’s always has something inexpensive and colorful, and I look to my local farmers markets as well.

What is your go-to happiness therapy?

Blog Love: Petite Early Morning Style


I know, I cannot believe that I actually typed those words, having lived in a world with too-much-neon, shirt clips, big crispy hair… and acid wash denim (no, designers of the world, we are NOT rehashing this trend).

I found a “vintage” white lace dress on etsy — literally, straight from the 80s — that I wanted and, eventually, purchased.  And intend to take this right into some serious style. 

Thanks to Petite Early Morning Style for the inspiration!

PS: I want my hair to do that.

Weekly Therapy: A New Pillow!

I don’t know why finding the “right” firm pillow is so difficult — or so expensive. And I need a really firm bed pillow. Yeah, I’m That Guy who lays on the showroom floor testing all of these suckers out. Some of the brands I’ve looked at are nearly $100… I mean, it’s just a pillow. And most of us replace pillows on a semi-yearly or yearly basis, right?

I’m a sleep-flipper, but just cannot get comfortable on something flimsy, thin or soft. Or feather (the horror!). The only pillow that I’ve continued to purchase is the Extra Firm Support pillow from Laura Ashley Home (exclusive to Bed, Bath & Beyond). This King Sized slumber pad holds up quite nicely with the inexpensive $20 pricetag too. 

Because Sleep Therapy is very important to this 30-something.

Back to Beauty: new Birchbox – and a worthy charity

I FINALLY received this month’s Birchbox. Which means, I’m FINALLY back for a new post. This month, Birchbox is donating 100% of its profits from full-size product purchases to Baby Buggy. The packaging made me smile. I’m trying SO HARD to get into the holiday spirit.

Birchbox 30-somethings
One more try, Birchbox!

Seriously though, I still have not located my camera and its accessories since the move. The basement is getting tackled this weekend.

December’s contents:

Harvey Prince’s Yogini – The scent is supposed to calm the mind with its notes of sandalwood, grapefruit and myrrh. I really like it (and yes, the more I smelled it, the more I wanted to jump in the bottle and nap in it). Powerful front note, but fades into a beautifully balanced perfume.
Jouer Lip Gloss – an exclusive color: Birchbox Pink (might be too pink for me)
L’Oreal Professional Mythic Oil – I think I’ve talked about hair oils before… not for this excessively oily head. Even on ends, makes my hair look like crap. Meh.
Befine Gentle Cleanser – hooray, I love getting cleansers! And this contains mint — one of my favorite things to breathe in while washing my face. Also: allergen & paraban free.
Show Stoppers Designer Fashion Tape – Now, to find the dress to try these out! *wink*
EBOOST Orange Natural Energy Booster – I’ll definitely use this, as this month has not been conducive to sleep. I need all the energy I can get most mornings.

Tell me what was in your Birchbox!