Disclaimer: I received a free entry to Vermont City Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!
Things seen on my recent runs — including an amazing riverfront trail in Tampa, a water stop on the trails in Iowa, a “jogging” track on a cruise ship, and… alligators?!?!
One of the best parts of having a running coach is the ability to adapt my training program when life (and fun) comes first, like during vacation. I like the balance of working out on vacation — and running outdoors always helps me explore a new city or neighborhood. Being gone for 8 days though was TOUGH. And I can tell you that running on a cruise ship is even tougher (particularly if you experienced a day-long nausea spell at sea and drank too much definitely). This was my 3rd adventure on The Rock Boat — and this was my favorite boat so far — but this post is only about my marathon training adventures. 😉
I worked around my travel days, making airport days my rest days. Though I had 6 scheduled workouts (4 runs and 2 cross-training) during my trip, getting in only 3 runs was still a success. All things drinking and sea sickness considered. My goal for for the next couple of weeks though is to get back into my cross-training and strength training because I’ve let those important workouts slide. I also hope to get in a better blogging routine and return to weekly training posts.
Week 5 was a drop-back week, and I had a Tempo and Easy runs before vacation — and two easy runs while I was away (one with Strides).
MONDAY: Rest Day
TUESDAY: MY TREADMILL IS FIXED!!!!! Good lord that took way too long. ProForm finally sent out a technician, and both the motor and control board were replaced. And my first workout back on the ‘mill was intervals (one additional than the prior week) — alternating .75 mile fast and .25 recovery. I’m aiming for consistency on these — and running based on effort level.
Warm-up mile: 11:31
1: 9:21 / 10:56
2: 9:39 / 10:59
3: 9:24 / 10:57
4: 9:35 / 11:10
Cool down: 10:40
Finished up with a runners-based core workout.
WEDNESDAY: 3 easy miles + plank work
Average 10:36 pace
THURSDAY: Travel Day (and Rest) — WOOF! Such an early flight!

FRIDAY: 55 degrees in sunny Florida! Some older gentleman runner laughed at me for wearing shorts & tee shirt — he was bundled up completely like it was winter or something. hahah
My training plan called for a 40-minute easy run, ending with Strides.
4.45 total miles / 42:40 / 9:36 average pace
Splits: 9:39, 9:51, 9:31, 9:35, 9:40 [.14]
Strides (4×20 sec):
7:43 / 9:36
7:49 / 13:02 (not sure what happened here?? Thanks, Florida!)
7:09 / 10:13
7:36 / 9:50
SATURDAY: Boat sickness caught up with me, and I had to skip my “long” run. Only 5 miles on the plan, given that it was a cutback week; but 5 miles that I could NOT do (besides, you know, even keeping food down).
SUNDAY: I was feeling better, but skipped the Strength workout on my training plan and enjoyed all the wobbly stair climbs at sea.
Week #6 at a Glance — and almost back to my normal schedule (and surroundings):
Easy Run, Tempo Run, Long Run, Recovery Run

MONDAY: Ran on the cruise ship, which was super hard, super hot and super windy. Got 2 miles in before giving up (4 miles on the plan).
Average 11:39 pace
TUESDAY: Skipped my strength workout again (I know, I know) – but I did SO MANY STAIRS on the boat, you guys!
WEDNESDAY: Rest Day – and Debarkation Day (booooo!)
THURSDAY: Outdoor running on the paved Sarasota trails – such a great place to run (and flat!). I was working it for those high effort level paces, and felt like I was going to puke near the end and had to slow up. Felt really, really easy though considering how fast my paces are (all things relative).

5:00 total miles / 48:30 / average 9:42 pace
Splits: 9:38, 8:59, 9:14, 9:42, 10:56
FRIDAY: Travel Day back to Iowa (and a scheduled rest day)
SATURDAY: Woke up early to join the group run, but ended up staying in bed a little later. Instead, I drove to the Greenbelt Trailhead near my house. It was 48 degrees in Iowa in the AM (got to around 60 when I was done). What a beautiful day for a long run! 🙂

This pace felt like I was running an effort level 7 for majority but I was moving soooo slow – yay, vacation hangover! I also am testing out how running on Cytomax feels. I used it on the course during my first marathon, so I’m interested in how it may aid my energy and performance for the duration of the race. In training, I’ll take a couple sips after 30 minutes, and then a few more every 15 minutes.
10 total miles / 1:48:09 / 10:49 average pace
Splits: 10:34, 10:55, 10:52, 10:47, 10:41, 10:44, 10:46, 10:43, 10:39, 11:25

SUNDAY: Recovery Run + Strength Workout
2 easy miles / 22:40 / 11:18 average pace
Made up for the absence of cross-training by doing a kettlebell-based strength workout following my run. I also had an afternoon massage, which was the perfect addition to my recovery day.
Back to work and normal life and training schedule commences!
WEEKLY RUNS: 3 (week #5) + 4 (week #6)
WEEKLY MILES: 13.45 (week #5) + 19 miles (week #6)
Run a marathon with me & BibRave in Burlington, Vermont this Memorial Day Weekend! Use discount code BibRaveDsct17 to save $5 on your registration!