Weekly Therapy: sweater weather (!!!)

the week:
The boyfriend’s birthday was yesterday. He was excited about buying a second house for his big day — the vacant property behind us that is currently listed in the treasurer’s sale, to eventually use as a guest suite-slash-investment. I’m still warming up to the idea of taking care of two houses, what with the difficulty we already have with one. But soon enough, I’ll be back in school, making my own financial mistakes. LOLZ.

Anyway, the treasurer sale was this morning, and I received a text message around 11am that read: We only own 1 home.

I can’t wait to hear this story! You too?

I have to work all weekend, so… hashtag, annoyed.

We have a Halloween party scheduled for Saturday night, but I honestly don’t think we’re going to go. How lame is that? I’ve been alternating days on feeling well, then being sick again, and repeat. We’ll just use our costumes for trick or treat next week… WHICH IS ALSO OUR TWO YEAR HOUSE ANNIVERSARY.

seven things, seven days:
1. Brownberry sandwich thins are my new favorite thing. NO CRUST is where it’s at.
2. I surprised the boyfriend with tickets for a lecture series featuring Steve Wozniak. He was pretty psyched. AND the tickets were free. WIN.
3. Birthdays mean SUSHI! My favorite sushi is still House of Hunan in Akron, Ohio (thanks to the boyfriend for that one). So glad that I made that part of the boyfriend’s birthday plans this week.
4. I found a sweater organizer (finally) for my closet. It’s coming together, even if it’s still over-packed. I don’t want to talk about when I was putting it INTO the closet that the other hanging organizer in there collapsed and ALL OF THE THINGS went tumbling to the floor. Sigh.
5. I have to return 2 out of 3 items from my recent World Market order because of wrong and/or broken items. Ugh. #dumb
6. We’re not allowed to dress up for our Halloween event at my part-time job. Whomp whomp. LIES! Now we are allowed!
7. Remember the #barenaked campaign from Stylish White Female? A reporter from Point Park News Service wrote about it. And published my no-makeup selfie.

Every 30-something needs… to feel beautiful in her own skin.

My blogger friend Terra of Stylish White Female started a great idea: to show off the bare naked faces of women to show that we ALL are beautiful. (follow along on twitter too: #barenaked)

She requested her female readers reveal their bare-skinned faces — no makeup, no fancy filters, no hiding behind hair — and I submitted my picture. Along with a horrible list of all the things wrong with my bare face. What’s weird is that I’m not self conscious about my body at all — but my face? Zero confidence. I see enlarged pores and saggy, sullen skin and under eye circles and red eye lids and sun damage (and sadly, now skin cancer scars)… and age. Even when I showed off my skin cancer scars and surgery pictures, I was hiding behind a mess of bruising and bandages.

Even hiding behind a pair of eye pads.
Even hiding behind a pair of eye pads.

The truth is: I DO NOT LIKE myself — my face — without makeup. Even less so as I get older.

Terra started an amazing project that hopefully prompts more women like me to love the skin we’re in. I’m trying… and her thoughtful response back to my list of negative comments honestly made me cry. I don’t know why I hate on my face so much — or why I’m struggling emotionally so much with aging — but her praise and encouragement made me reconsider how I see myself.

I’ve got some work to do, but I’m forever grateful for her doing such a project.