Farm Report: 3.16.17

Rain and snowy sleetish shit today… and of course, WIND. There’s never not any wind here in Iowa. Chicago, the declared Windy City, can bite me.

so cornfused

Based on the number of birds and deer grazing in the fields (and my front yard) over the last week, I would have assumed that the seeds have been planted for the upcoming growing season. That may be true for my grass, but corn is not seeded until early April (the more you know! *ding*). I learn something new every day living in this great Corn King state.

cows in ponds

I hurt my ankle somehow yesterday, and I SWEAR that I am not on any drugs (unless you count an entire box of Honey Nut Cheerios as medication), BUT I am positively entertained by images of cows in ponds. They stand in leg-deep water and just… chill. It’s hilarious!


midwest shenanigans

Did you pick a Midwest team in your Final Four? MIDWEST IS STACKED. I don’t know, that’s something that ESPN says. I picked Cincinnati to win. If we go by the Ohioan standard, they technically claim themselves to be Midwest (though NCAA does not), so however you need to reconcile that is fine by me. But also know that I have never won a bracket challenge when I didn’t pick Kansas.