Hello. It’s me. Is the first post back after a hiatus always the hardest? It’s not you, it’s me blah blah blah. It was never my intention to fizzle out for 3+ months, but I’m now in the internship phase of my graduate school adventures and I needed to finish out my coursework with a bang. I also went to California two weekends ago to celebrate with my cohorts in commencement. Ooooooh. Ahhhhhhh.
My grad school adventures could probably command an entire post – and I’m really working this year on holding two truths at once – but it was both an eye-opening, life-changing experience and also kind of a disappointment. Too soon? Too deep? Here, have a bomb pop.

Yinz, the internet just showed me bomb pop-flavored vape juice and my disappointment was put rightly in its place.
knee high
The weird weather this year has caused a shortage of sweet corn this Independence Day – but if you hold your shorts (yes, it is FINALLY shorts weather!) the sweet, sweet corn prize is only a couple weeks away.
midwest independence day shenanigans
I live in a municipality that doesn’t allow personal fireworks AND YET I am forced awake until after 11pm because people are inconsiderate and they suck. Iowa Nice (except when I need to celebrate America with fireworks)*
Don’t suck, here is a list of PROFESSIONAL and LEGAL displays in the Des Moines metro.
*Don’t steal my tagline, Raygun.