Weekly Therapy: Totally allergic to the outdoors

the week:
The long weekend and a face punch of allergies really did a number on me this week. I’m trying to reserve all the energy I can harness for my race this weekend. And deal with all these patchy dry spots on my face from the excess rubbing, dripping, and tissue chafing (WTF?!)

Saturday morning, I’ll be running my first race in Iowa — and my fifth half marathon — Dam to Dam. Tonight after work I had to drive downtown to pick up my bib and free swag. I’m still not downtown a lot, and I have zero clue which streets are one ways (let alone having any idea how to enter the parking ramps), but I did it all by myself.

And then, chocolate milk. And then and then, Jethro’s BBQ for brunch.

seven things, seven days:
1. I made my first microwave mug cake — it was gluten-free and it was delicious!
2. Oh hey, my job role changed again this week. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Making a goal of wearing my hair down more often and IDGAF if it’s perfect anymore. It won’t ever be, so I’ve just kind of embraced the mess. #growingup
4. Signed up for my first golf lesson!
5. So, hard soda is a thing here. But I haven’t found a brand that’s gluten-free. WHOMP.
6. As I’m making sure that I’m properly hydrated for race weekend: How much water do you REALLY need?
7. Holy cow, I need to wake up at 4am tomorrow. -_-

A Haircut Can Do You Good.

Yes, Sheryl Crow. ’tis true.

Confession: It’s been almost a year since I had a haircut. Ew. No wonder my hair only looked (kind of) good in a half-pulled-through ponytail.

This may not look like much of a change, but I needed some serious shaping. I’m intending to grow my hairs out (and in the Fall have it dyed a beautiful rich chocolate color) to fulfill my dreams of having Kate Middleton’s hair. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, RIGHT?!

PS: My hair never looks this good and body-full when I do myself. Le sigh.

For those in my area, Pageboy in Lawrenceville is an amazing place for salon services and shop cute accessories and vintage-wear.