Weekly(ish) Therapy: Happy Holidays, 30-Somethings!


the week(s):
We celebrated an early holiday last week with a big Christmas dinner and champagne and exchanging of gifts at home. It was nice to get some time to ourselves and have fun with the cats before the chaos of traveling. I was able to visit with most of my family while I was in Ohio for a few days — and greatly enjoyed the extra PTO days.


Have a Happy New Year — and I hope there is spiked eggnog or bottles of champagne in your immediate future. 😉

seven things, seven(ish) days:
1. My mom gave us a vintage bowl and drink glasses set to make Tom & Jerry’s. I cannot wait for future holidays to serve these!!!
2. One of our cats had to get a tooth pulled this week. She’s OK but I was a nervous wreck since she was at the vet for almost the entire day. 🙁
3. I never realized until this week how many animals have a sound that is similar to a woman screaming bloody murder. Plenty of youtube videos out there too, if you’re wanting to go down that rabbit hole.
4. An older article but a goodie: The Spiritual Life of the Long Distance Runner
5. Why this guy quit his job to run 59 marathons {via The Muse}
6. Willpower to achieve goals is overhyped, so say psychologists. Re: self-control: “It’s no different than any other decision making.” And looks like the ego depletion theory has been debunked. {via Vox}
7. The impact of running on the brain. NEAT! {via PsyPost}

Weekly Therapy: Turkey for you, turkey for me.

the week:
Thanksgiving! No Turkey Trots for me this year, as we’re hosting some friends that are also staying in town — and my dad decided to fly out to Des Moines to join us! So, I’m on airport and hosting duties (but I did get my morning miles in to offset all those calories). I ended up getting to use PTO for Friday, too, so I have a very short work week!

A photo posted by Mel! (@melliesmel) on

My dad is staying through Saturday, so we hope to do a little sight-seeing to show off our new city! On Black Friday, there is a Market Day Iowa pop-up in Capital Square — featuring a bunch of local artists and vendors. Did you take advantage of any Black Friday deals for yourself?

A week off from racing, but I plan to get out for a preview run of the Nature Center in Council Bluffs for my 12-miler this Sunday with a couple of fellow Turkeys.

seven things, seven days:
1. Pumpkin Cranberry Way Better chips season!!!!!!!
2. So thankful for my biweekly chats with my running coach. I was feeling a lot of anxiety about my upcoming trail race, and she helped remind me about the excitement and fun factor of doing a new challenge. I lose sight of that far too often.
3. I took a new cardio-based yoga class this week at my gym… and it was awful. -_-
4. I’ve also had an awful experience with Trunk Club and finally requested a new stylist. I am still not very impressed. I guess that I expected more from a Nordstrom service.
5. This article about psychologists Kahneman & Tversky got me all excited about Michael Lewis’ upcoming new book! {via Vanity Fair}
6. Just in time for Turkey Day: The Psychology of Comfort Food {via Luvo blog}
7. Tis the season to buy your loved ones discounted race registrations!

Weekly Therapy: Rabbit, Rabbit

the week:
The last week of the month when you work in the mortgage industry… AMIRITE?! Happy for some of that approved overtime, though this week felt really long.

FINALLY, a massage! Man do I miss the monthly splurge. I got a LifeTime Spa gift card for my birthday, which I get to enjoy almost two months later. Sunday morning, LifeTime is having a sunrise yoga poolside, which I’m going to try to make wake up for!

And we made it to the long, holiday weekend! Whatever your plans, I hope there are fireworks. 😉

seven things, seven days:
1. Ahhhh, my MIL sent me A Million Cats coloring book. It’s so fabulous!
2. I met the kitties’ new sitter this week! It’s a big relief to find someone so great, and one more thing to cross off our move list.
3. I also FINALLY made appointments for both my new doctor and new dentist.
4. MarathonFOTO sent me a holiday coupon for 50% off my photos from the Gasparilla half marathon – I had an AWESOME photo from that race (and it’s my current PR), so I’m really pumped about this!
5. This week, I’ve been getting the STRANGEST (and most annoying) missed calls on my cell phone. Including two missed calls from Egypt. WTH?! No messages, of course.
6. Why we like what we like {via Guardian}
7. Why do we still not know how our periods affect our athletic performance? Crazy. {via Pacific Standard}

Weekly Therapy: Merry Christmas, everyone!

the week:
It was a two-day work week for me, and I cannot explain to you how exciting it is that I don’t have to return to the office until January 4. After the last couple years of working most holidays and/or their surrounding days (including NYE AND New Year’s Day, the day after Christmas, Easter, etc.), this is a special treat this year. I don’t have to rush through Christmas celebrations and travel because of worrying about work the next day.

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Duh, I’ll be playing with all of my new toys!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#50: American Savage by Dan Savage — I received this book as a Christmas gift last year and it’s been sitting on my nightstand… well, for about a year. I probably would have enjoyed it more last year when I was eager to read it. Overall, I felt the message was pretty redundant, especially if you already read the Savage Love column and listen to his podcast (which I don’t even do either anymore).

seven things, seven days:
1. My friend was kind enough to drop off some gluten-free pizzelles over the weekend, and… OMG I HAVE SO MANY COOKIES.
2. Cookies for breakfast, cookies for lunch, cookies for snack…
3. The party we went to last Friday was seriously one of the BEST parties I’ve been to since moving to Pittsburgh where I knew NOBODY, besides my boyfriend. Every single person that I mingled with was so interesting and friendly. And we all got turns to ride a hoverboard in the hallway.
4. Totally missed the boat on putting a selfie stick on my gift list this year! Dang it.
5. Listening to Christmas music in the shower in the morning has done wonders for my holiday spirit. 🙂
6. James Clear on mental toughness and the Marathon Monks If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything. I’ve read about the Kaihogyo 1,000-day challenge before, and I particularly like James’ lessons from which to apply to our own lives and goal-setting.
7. There’s no excuse to be bored? Ehhhhh. How boredom is becoming anything but boring {via Dallas News}

Holiday hate: A lesson in loving Christmas

I’m sure most of you can commiserate with me about the Holiday Struggle. I find it really difficult to take time for myself (and my partner… and my cats) without an immense overload of guilt and obligation.

IMG_2110 Holidays have always been a super stressful and dreaded time of year for me. I’m an introvert and large gatherings of people (yes, even family) and fussy or spontaneous things really tire me out and add to my stress level. But the (inevitable) guilt trip of not being ALL OF THE THINGS TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE that transpired since I became an adult has associated holiday celebrations with even more anxiety and, sadly, some apathy. That often adds to my feeling largely misunderstood — that my needs are always pushed to the side. That that’s what you’re “supposed” to do, in the name of the Holy Spirit and all that other stuff that I forgot from Midnight Mass. And it’s all my fault, right?

I truly hated Christmas for a long time. Capital H, Hate. My past Christmases included a lot of guilt trips and name-calling (bullying, even) and driving all over Northeast Ohio, tirelessly expecting to stop at multiple locations in the matter of a few hours. And there’s usually some weather to deal with. If I visit one family member (or side) and not the other, there is so. much. snarking. If I consider going away for a holiday (to really get away from all the stress) or not going away at all, there is even harsher commentary. All second-hand, of course, because that’s the family way. There’s rarely any lead time to actually set plans so that we can make sure to see everyone, and a part of me feels guilty for not making a better effort and, the other, angry for being so rigid. It upsets me every year. EVERY YEAR. It’s something that I should have accepted by now, right? But I still bubble with rage when it’s not until the day before and someone confirms with “are you coming home for Christmas?”

There was a chance to “start over” and celebrate the holidays in my (our) own way a couple years ago. I just wanted to wake up in my own bed, in my own house, and celebrate something OURS. Small. US, covered in cat hair. It worked. That little step helped me get back into the spirit and deal with all the spontaneity of the day itself. My boyfriend senses the start of my struggle though (this is why he decorates when I’m away) and does really well in diffusing situations before I explode or when I just really want to drink some eggnog and eat a breakfast of marshmallows and wear some flannel pajamas (for 20 hours or longer). And this time of year, it is — HE IS — something for which I am SO grateful.

Highmark’s December e-newsletter listed some suggestions from Mental Health America on how to cope this holiday and not dread this time of year:

  • Keep your expectations in check. Select only the events that are most important to you, and organize your time and pace yourself. Don’t expect everything to go perfectly.
  • Be realistic about what you can do. The holidays aren’t just about one day, so don’t try to do too much at one time. Spread out events for more fun and less stress.
  • Allow yourself to feel sad or lonely. Allow yourself to have these feelings, but don’t let those emotions overwhelm your day.
  • Look to the future instead of the past. Don’t set yourself up for failure by comparing today to the “good old days.”
  • Do something for someone else.
  • Enjoy simpler, free activities. Take a drive to look at holiday decorations, go window shopping, listen to music or play in the snow.
  • Spend time with caring and supportive people. This may mean you need to reach out and make new friends, or call someone you haven’t heard from in awhile.
  • And don’t forget to save time for yourself. Take a day off, away from the to-do list. It will recharge your batteries. Remember, too, you are allowed to ask for help.

Holiday Therapy: it’s Christmas… ALL OVER. Again.

Heading home to Ohio just for Christmas Eve, which means a lot of driving in one day. I am looking forward to relaxing in Pittsburgh on Christmas Day in front of our tree (and piled on the couch with three snuggly kitties). Trying not to stress out about one gift that hasn’t yet sent me a shipping notification. *sigh*

xmas tree

New Year’s Eve:
We decided to stay home again this year (“home,” aka: neighbor’s house) playing games and listening to ridiculous records. Since I have to work both NY Eve and Day, and most restaurants have fixed menus on the holiday, I have no desire to get dressed and dolled up for a few hours of drinking. I can also then bypass all the drunk idiots.

seven things, seven days (or maybe eight crazy nights?):
1. More therapists recommending cooking to treat anxiety, depression, and other psychological conditions. {via WSJ}
2. 10 Mantras to get you through the holidays (and stressful family situations). {via PsychCentral}
3. Is your holiday happiness influenced by social media? {via Science of Relationships}
4. I had so much fun both ice skating outdoors with the boyfriend (he actually enjoyed it too!) AND doing a social run downtown around all the sights and lights. I know it’s cold for most of you, but I can’t emphasize enough to just GET OUTSIDE and enjoy some winter activity. I find that it is better to embrace the winter than to hide from it.
5. The Inspired Room has some ADORABLE (and free!) printable gift tags.
6. The holidays can be especially tough for some (including myself) when experiencing depression. PsychCentral offers some guidance on how to approach this time of year when you’re depressed.
7. Gluten-free SPICY gingerbread cookies. Will be making a home in my belly for these guys this week. {via Gluten-free Canteen}

A Christmas Story 10k: SAY UNCLE!

I was originally supposed to run The Christmas Story 10k at the beginning of the month, virtually on race day, while I was in Buffalo. But a different type of Mother Nature rained down on me — and I didn’t have the right gear to run. So I grasped the opportunity during a cold Friday afternoon in Pittsburgh to complete my 10k distance.

Let’s be serious though, being a native Clevelander and a fan of the movie, I was running for the swag:

christmas story race packet 10k
Say Uncle!

I originally wanted to complete a route that circled around some of the holiday decorations downtown, but I decided to save it for the holiday social run with Fleet Feet. My 6.2 miles took me mostly along the North Shore, and over the river into downtown, running around a completely empty and lifeless Point Park (creepy without the fountain going).

Is that an outlier?
Is that an outlier?

I was really happy about and comfortable with my pace, keeping each mile under 10:30. And that Mile 4 split again… holy crap! 8:30 is my target pace for a 5K NEXT YEAR, but maybe I should aim for 8:00? I want all miles to feel that good, so I will work to get there. Also, I hope I get the opportunity to run this in Cleveland next year — definitely one for the race Bucket List and a fun Christmas tradition.

RESULTS (not official, obviously — can I say that I finished first?)
Time: 1:00:33
Pace: 9:41

Weekly Therapy: “it’s not a 15-foot inflatable Rudolph, but it will do.”

the week:
I honestly don’t know how I’m surviving this week. I am beyond exhausted after working six days straight, with events two nights in a row; now, an interview and finishing up final papers to wrap up my last class for the semester.

That two week winter school break is right within reach…

Looking forward to three days off in a row! You bet I scheduled a 90-minute massage for my weekend.

We’re also going ice skating at PPG Place with two other couples, and attending an eggnog party Saturday night (making a gluten-free eggnog cupcake to bring!). I plan to get a couple fun runs in too — one with some derby friends and another with SCRR.

PS: for the BEST eggnog recipe, I use go by the Velvet Tango Room standard.

seven things, seven days:
1. Finishing up some Christmas shopping, but mostly finished. Bah humbug, give me a hamburger or something.
2. Our last Happiness Conspiracy was Wednesday night, and it was bittersweet. You should definitely consider signing up for the next set of workshops! This experience — and the connections — was so valuable to me. Psssst, there’s an early bird special discount code until 12/31/14!
3. One of the cats already peed on the tree skirt. I GIVE UP!
4. The holiday run for Fleet Feet downtown was SO MUCH FUN. I need more nighttime social runs in my life.
5. Still waiting for my Stats final exam grade. Don’t make me all caps something else…
6. A really amazing write-up about roller derby — and the awesome Fisti Cuffs. {via Medium}
7. The secret to learning while you are distracted {via PsyBlog}. I think I mastered this growing up the eldest of 7 children.

Weekly Therapy: excuses and mulligans.

the week:
So, I didn’t run the virtual Christmas Story 10k last weekend. I really wanted to, but it was raining in Buffalo. I had all my winter running stuff, but was not prepared for running 6+ miles wet. And then it didn’t stop raining in Pittsburgh, but after doing some Christmas shopping, I was flat-out exhausted. I’m hoping to get a run in this week, but, you know, FINALS WEEK. I will try not to beat myself up too bad for not really doing much else outside of homework and studying.

I did eventually run my 10k this week, so more on that in a later post!

FINALS! And a handful of holiday parties (that I’ll probably end up canceling on account of exhaustion). And working.

seven things, seven days:
1. If this isn’t a week for a massage, I don’t know what is.
2. I participated in an #instabestie gift exchange, and I was so pumped to shop for my unknown “bestie.” It’s all based on personal Instagram account, so it will be interesting what my shopper gleans from my photos. Also, we had a minimum charity gift as part of the exchange, which added more holiday cheer to the experience.
3. Oooh, my first full-time paycheck from my new position!
4. Booo, working 6 days in a row!
5. I did FRAN this week at CrossFit. HOLY CRAP.
6. And I booked a derby camp IN AUSTIN at the end of February. (YAY!)
7. I really enjoyed this list (I fell for the bait!): Alas, 7 Morning Rituals to Empower Your Day {via LifeHack}

Weekly Therapy: ho Ho HO

the week:
We had our Christmas tree delivered, and while tall and beautiful, I don’t know what to do with it. I hate the white LED lights we had on our tree last year (the boyfriend put them on anyway), and I don’t want to put bulbs up knowing that I’m leaving the cats alone for a couple days (especially given that half of them are vintage… the ornaments, not the felines). The cats have been mostly ignoring the tree, but I’m convinced (even from last year) that our smallest cat hides up in it somehow. She’s sneaky! The boyfriend (lazily) put up lights and garland outside, which looked like a six-year-old threw them up… and the lack of vision or thoughtful end result really irritates me (especially when asked for my opinion, and the response is all “it looks fine!”). He’s in such a rush to decorate and wrap presents all the sudden, and… I JUST WANT TO GO ON VACATION.


We definitely decorate with completely different styles in mind.

Pittsburgh Ballet’s Nutcracker on Friday night marks the beginning of my ballet season package (amazing birthday gift from the boyfriend). We’ll probably have dinner at Proper Brick Oven & Tap Room again too. NOM.
Saturday, work. Meh. But then we can hang out with our out-of-town friends who are visiting Pittsburgh for the football game.
And SUNDAY is our annual Toys for Tots charity scrimmage. #teamGrinch

seven things, seven days:
1. Malley’s Pumpkin Pie Truffles. Mmm-hmm, that’s right.
2. My Ortho follow-up was uneventful. No MRI needed at this time, since my foot seems better.
3. Reading The Wolf of Wall Street in anticipation of its Christmas Day movie release! There’s a lot of eye rolling on my behalf, but it’s a quick, fun read.
4. Started receiving my Graze snack boxes*. First one was mostly uninteresting; second shipment was SO much better! RIP: Foodzie and SprigBox.
5. Packing for a vacation that is more winter than current winter IS HARD.
6. Cat sitting for friends is fun. I just can’t resist the fur babies! See also: CAT KARMA.
7. The 13 Best Psychology and Philosophy Books of 2013 {via brainpickings}

*My Graze friend code is: MELIND3TP — use this to get your first box free!