the week:
Starting the week on a 4-day stretch of headaches was no way to jump start my training routine! I think I’ve only had one migraine in my life, but this felt dangerously close to one at times — Tylenol wasn’t working, a massage didn’t work, coffee only subdued it temporarily (cheese plates made me happier, but depressingly do nothing for headaches either). My eyes were super light-sensitive and unfocused; the pain radiated from behind my eyes all the way to the innards of my cranial cavity. I can tell you that wine all but made it disappear, but returned with a roaring vengeance the next morning (with a noxious hangover, natch). Since nothing alleviated my symptoms, I’m left to think I was glutened something harsh last week, and darn it if I can’t figure out from what! See also: hormones.
The reality is that I’m now a week behind in my training for the 10-miler, and I’m just going to dust myself off and try it again (and so far, on schedule!).

Birthday celebration tonight for a friend downtown (there may be more champagne with sparklers). The National Aviary is having one of their 21+ events too, Party in Paradise, which I’m also hoping to attend (albeit late).
I am also SO looking forward to a scheduled (and “free”) facial at my massage place for continuing my membership (yeah, those monthly massages are splurge-worthy AND necessary for this 30-something body).
And holy CRAP do I have a laundry list of shit to do and homework this weekend.
seven things, seven days:
1. Someone finally came over and took away my old couch (bittersweet, a bit). But YAY! My new sofa is finally in my living room (and now all the decorating re-begins).
2. A lunchtime dentist appointment brought about the scheduling for replacement of two silver fillings from, like, 20+ years ago. I seriously have A HOLE in the filling of my last molar. This reality? WHOLE PAYCHECK.
3. This week the Cultural Trust announced their 2015-2016 PNC Broadway Across America season (and specials) with a fun party at the Byham.
4. YES. >> “Books like The Secret are like McDonald’s for the mind. They’re easy and make you feel good, but they also make you mentally fat and lazy, and emotionally, you die a much more painful death.” {via the ever-provoking and awesome Mark Manson}
5. 30 YEARS of reality television, of which I have consumed with much guilty pleasure — a retrospective via Pacific Standard.
6. What you need to know about limiting beliefs: a really great post from Belief Alchemy, with includes some helpful exercises. How can you change your reality?
7. The research of walking vs. high-intensity interval training in The New York Times.