Have Volvo, Will Travel

One of my favorite things is a road trip. Being in the heart of the US has offered me the opportunity to visit – ha, LIVE IN – states that sat empty and unloved on my Visited States map. Since moving to Iowa, I have crossed off Minnesota (not where Milwaukee is), Wisconsin (pretty sure this is where Milwaukee is), and Nebraska (I have since traveled there 4x in two years). States where I drove through while “finding myself” (aka running away from all my problems over a decade ago) that I have since revisited: Oklahoma and Missouri. For some reason, me and Illinois can’t break up because I have road-tripped there more than enough for one sane person’s lifetime. Oooh, and I get to cross off South Dakota this fall when I travel for a derby bout.

states I visited road trip blogger

I once went to a rowdy New Year’s Party in Manhattan, Kansas ten years ago (BH = Before Husband) to celebrate the drunken life in this country’s Little Apple. This was before Uber and all I remember is standing in an auto wash waiting for a cab to return us to our creep motel on the other edge of town. In other words, I’ve got Kansas covered and crossed off.

Adventures are fun. And you don’t know fun until you visit the Puppet Museum in Independence, MO.

So where do you consider the Midwest line to end and the Great Plains border to begin? We can argue for eternity about our Eastern cousins. Hahahaha, GET OUT OHIO. I’m pretty certain that Idaho is not in the Midwest… but is that Great Plains or considered the West? West to me is Arizona and California, and Pacific Northwest is Washington (where I FINALLY visited this past summer).

Farm Report: 11.3.18

much to do about candy corn

Science tells us why we can’t stop eating all that damn candy. Shut up and give me those mallowcreme pumpkins.

If you’re reading this from outside the metro Des Moines area, did you know that we weirdos celebrate trick-or-treating a day early? The tradition is called Beggar’s Night and historical lore tells us that it was to curb the the not-so-harmless tricks (like vandalism and breaking shit) that occurred the night of Halloween. I’m not sure how that logic works creating a “new” holiday the night before, but the costumed kids are adorable because they tell you jokes.

candy corn and pumpkins halloween candy gimme
Mmmmm… corn syrup.

winter tires are here again

The Changing of the Tires came so fast. Though I am exceptionally happy for my favoritest time of year (besides the fact that my car’s winter tires are seriously fug). I have been tossing around the idea of getting a fat bike this year to continue my biking obsession through winter here in Iowa (I have been riding my bike 4-5 times a week for the last couple months). There is a pretty large bike community in Des Moines – and I’ve seen a few Fat Bikes on the trails here – and, well, I just want to continue playing in the snow in as many ways as possible.

What’s the over/under on accumulation this year?

midwest shenanigans*

*Now with more road trips! Running has already taken me to random points in Iowa and beyond by way of road tripping for races and places to get additional elevation gain. Now with roller derby back in my life, I’m exploring back road towns and B-roads even more (and let me tell you, my performance tires are NOT happy). Last month, I took another trip to Dubuque (that there-and-back and also playing a derby bout was a little painful). Last weekend I was in Vinton. This weekend, I’m off to the Quad Cities. And then the following weekend, I might be playing in a mixer scrimmage in Milwaukee and visiting some of my favorite Brewcity skaters (and definitely going a day early so that I can go to Alt Brew in Madison on the way).

What gluten-free brewery or restaurant suggestions do you got for Milwaukee?