I’ve been working hard to get my 5K time under 30 minutes since October, and was seriously bummed after what happened at the RnR 5K a few months ago. So I scheduled two 5Ks in June — the Stride for Pride and Gold Jacket Hall of Fame — to try to reach my goal again.

This past Sunday was the Stride for Pride. I didn’t sleep that well the night before, but the start was a little later in the morning to help adjust. AND I could walk to the start line, so that was already a win.
Registration and Cost: Early registration was $20, and I received a $5 discount with my SCRR membership.
Packet Pick-Up: I couldn’t get to Shadyside for pre-race packet pick-up, so went over about 15 minutes before race start time to pick up my bib and swag bag. There was a line, given only two people were working the registration table; but with only a couple hundred runners total doing this race, everything moved quickly.

Weather: Before I even reached the start line, I was muttering to myself about the heat (and the fact that I wore capris instead of shorts). Don’t get me wrong, it was a beautiful day, but I just haven’t switched over to my shorts game yet.
Course: Out-and-back down the north shore trail — my stomping grounds! Easy, mostly flat, a little gravel to deal with, but not a challenging course by any stretch. I like that it wasn’t closed to the usual traffic of runners and bicyclists — although the race certainly overwhelmed the path.

Charity: The purpose of this race was near and dear to my heart, benefitting The Stride for Pride Student Community Leadership Scholarship and awarding a self-identified LGBT (Pittsburgh area) student with a $1,500 scholarship.
Stride for Pride and its beneficiary foundation strive for Pittsburgh to be a community that supports equal rights and equal love. We are so grateful to have the Pittsburgh community rally around this event during Pittsburgh Pride week and hope to create an event that is welcoming to ALL members of this beautiful, colorful community! Join us to run or walk with PRIDE!
Finish Line: I finished within the top 100 and there were already NO bananas left when I got to the refreshments table. I couldn’t have the cookies or bagels because gluten. Also, no water bottles, which sucked (considering I had to walk home and a dixie cup just wasn’t enough with that heat). I was unfortunately not prepared (and obviously have been spoiled by other races).
Medals and Swag: No medals for this race, but I really liked the t-shirt design! The lululemon handled bag was nice too. Thankfully I found a friend who was running — who had someone NOT running with her to hold my stuff.
After Party: Since my sister and niece were visiting, I didn’t stick around for the medal ceremony. Went home for my usual post-run chocolate milk treat (and a shower), and we spent the afternoon at the Aviary.
The Great: SUB-30 MINUTE 5K!
The Good: pacers!
The Bad: Ugh, I shouldn’t have worn capri pants.
The Ugly: OMG, so thirsty.

#94 (8th in my age group) with an Official Time of: 28:15.42 (Pace: 9:07/mi)
See more race day photos here.