Weekly Therapy: What’s with all the questions?

the week:
How do you shift your thinking amidst a bunch of change? I’ve been really taking in the perspective of others and asking a lot of questions to help guide me through a few transitions — both professional and personal. I don’t necessarily feel stuck but I don’t feel as though I’m making any meaningful progress either. I have made it a priority, however, to start getting all the info I need to go to grad school. Spreadsheets are made and envelopes of program brochures are sitting in my mail pile. I’m not yet paralyzed… but I’m certainly feeling a little overwhelmed.

Anyone know a life/career coach who helps with the grad school application process?

Long weekend, everybody! We originally had plans to drive to Ohio for a party, but that got canceled. So I’ve got a lot of NOTHING TO DO… in my hammock. Buh-bye, summer. Don’t let the door hit ya. And would you mind taking out that 90-degree/100% humidity garbage?

52 books in 52 weeks:
#31: Are You Fully Charged? by Tom Rath – I received this book for review via NetGalley. Since I enjoyed Rath’s StrengthFinder book so much from my personal development work, I expected this to be equally as inspiring.

The first couple sections of the book resonated, and I was particularly interested in what Rath categorizes as “energy”… but the result of that was either heavy on personal anecdotes that didn’t really add much or regurgitated info that I’ve learned from other books (and from my interest in positive psychology). Like, I GET IT ALREADY: I NEED TO GET MORE SLEEP. When someone tells me a HOW that works, then maybe it will be ground-breaking book info.

Hashtag, not getting enough sleep.

seven things, seven days:
1. Did you know that in Pittsburgh you have to renew your library card? My procrastination framework is firmly integrated. Coincidence that it’s National Library Card Sign Up Month?
2. Why did I feel so much worse the day after my 4-mile run than I did after my 14-mile run? WHY.
3. Why are health insurance companies the worst? My claims were denied for the same blood panel I get every year, albeit with my new insurance, and they won’t even apply the $550 payment towards my out-of-pocket expenses or deductible. THE WORST.
4. Why does this make me feel like shit (but I totally get it)? Read: How ‘transference’ makes you hard to live with.
5. A depressing – but hopefully a means for reflection – opinion piece in the New York Times: How Not to Be Alone. I just realized this is from 2013. Why am I just reading it now?
6. Copywriter to Performance Psychologist… Wait, whose life is this? Sustainable High Performance: Five Questions with Matt Fellows {via Forbes.com}
7. Did you know the GRE costs $195?! The hell.

One WHIRL YogaFest: An annual event for yogis in Pittsburgh

I can’t remember if last year was my first WHIRL YogaFest or the year before… in any event, I attended again this year and was genuinely pleased with the event (despite the heat and the lack of usable toilets).

Beautiful morning: my walk over to Point State Park
Beautiful morning: my walk over to Point State Park

I woke up with a massive headache (day two of it, in fact), but a little extra coffee seemed to keep it at bay — at least long enough to walk over. I guess the excitement of the event was enough of an alarm clock, as I was up early enough to walk to the event, grab another coffee and granola bar (a delicious homemade one from Chateau Cafe), and attend the 7:30 a.m. session.

Up before the fountain!
Up before the fountain!

Session #1 (7:30 a.m.): Salty Power Flow, which was a super-intense start to my day. I loved it (even if I didn’t really connect with the instructor).

Session #2 (9 a.m.): Pure Barre. This was an intro class of sorts, and no bars, obviously. But I didn’t really like it. Like, at all. I’d rather do regular old ballet.

Session #3 (11 a.m.): Another Power Flow — Claire Bear was this session’s instructor. I was straight in the sun for this one, and not happy. I really wish that WHIRL would get larger tents for each space, considering the time of year they plan for this event. Or at least a tent that is a resting space for those of us who want to get out of the sun for a minute or 20.


Between sessions, I snacked and shopped through the many vendor booths. It’s really nice that there were so many gluten-free options for me (even though I missed having my cheesy scrambled eggs from Marty’s Market like last year). I mean, I had my choice of three different scones, so… winning! As I mentioned in my weekly training update, the vendors are always amazing, so I came home with quite a bit of free swag (aerie really upholds a standard of being so generous and inspiring). I also purchased two tanks and seriously eye-balled those Pittsburgh print leggings (how awesome were they?!).

The heat and sun took over again though. I had to drop into my office downtown real quick (which was a much-welcome source of air-conditioning) and still had to walk home. And then I decided to go to the country club and sit by the pool (but mostly in the pool) for the rest of the afternoon while the boyfriend golfed.

Too much sun and so much fun!
Too much sun and so much fun! (In my new aerie tank.)

Needless to say, I had a BIT too much sun on Saturday. But overall, I’m glad that YogaFest ended up being on such a beautiful day (didn’t it rain a ridiculous amount, like, two years ago?).

Weekly Therapy: Is dissatisfaction the direct opposite of satisfaction?

the week:
I’m done with this heat and humidity and feeling as though my eyeballs are sweating every time I go outside (and even knowing wtf a dew point is, but know every day that it’s terrible). I miss laying out in my hammock a lot. The cover hasn’t been off the thing since early June when my sister and niece visited. Gross.

It’s FURRIES WEEKEND — and probably one of my favorite weekends in Pittsburgh! This year, Anthrocon is doing its annual parade outside for the public on Saturday afternoon, and I intend to be there. I’ll also be gathering with some friends on Friday for Happy Hour to help welcome them into town.

Saturday night is the Deutschtown Music Festival, and I’ll be bar-hopping a little that evening as well. Sunday, I’ve got a long run (7 miles) on the schedule and MUCHO homeworko. Or something.

52 books in 52 weeks:
In the middle of a couple books, but didn’t finish anything this week.

seven things, seven days:
1. Started my week off with a 90-minute massage — with someone new and also a man, which is beside the point — I’ve been having difficulty with my usual therapist’s schedule fitting mine, so I might have a new go-to because I feel amazing. (And I’m not waiting two months to go back again.)
2. My friends (who we traveled to Costa Rica with two years ago) sent me some coffee straight from Guatemala and I just want to hoard it. SO DELICIOUS.
3. Blood work this week to check on how my Vitamin D levels (and everything else) are doing. Having a late morning appointment when having to fast is something awful. And then I almost passed out on the nurse. :-/
4. …and the results are already in by the publishing of this post: I’m now back on prescription D. Again. UGH.
5. How do you find time for more reflection every week? Asking for a friend.
6. This post from Ash Ambirge STOPPED. ME. IN. MY. TRACKS. I can’t get her/this post out of my head. Kick in the ass needed. {via the middle finger project}
7. Speaking of which, Yes & Yes also has an amazing post about change. This one resonated with me so much, especially with recent events of which I’ve vague-posted. {h/t to Nicole at Life Less Bullshit for emailing out this article}

30-Something Summer Plans

I’ll be honest, summer is not one of my favorite seasons. While it’s awesome to be outdoors a lot more often than other times of the year, the above-80 heat makes me miserable. Great time to be training for a fall full marathon, eh? As with a lot of my life focus recently, I’m facing all the things I hate to be more at peace with things, like: humidity and sunburns within 7 minutes and OMG CAN’T STOP SWEATING.


I’m a little jealous at the boyfriend that he has a lot more free time and flex time (and vacation time) than I do, so it’s not really at all like my last few summers have been (now that I have a full-time job AND attending school full-time) where we can jet away wherever and whenever. We have a couple weekend trips planned for back home. We’re going to Toronto in August. School ends in August. But otherwise, I’m looking at a number of fun weekends in Pittsburgh. Alas, here are some of my plans:

I plan to use my courtyard A LOT. More coffees outside in the morning. Feeding the birds when I feed the cats in the AM. Maybe I’ll allow the cats some patio time with me. LOTS of hammock time to unwind from work. And probably a LOT of Claritin, if yesterday’s pollen index is representative of how summer will be.

I plan to do much outdoor yoga this summer too. Starting this weekend, I’m going to a yoga retreat on the lake, and then I’ll be looking for weekly weekend sessions in the city, in the park, on the mount, in a barrel house, by myself, with instructors, with friends. Wherever.

I’m probably going to eat a lot of ice cream. Just saying.

I plan to make good use of our membership at the club too. I will probably take some golf lessons. I will definitely be in that pool on the warmest days of the year. Above all, I’m looking forward to the time I can hang out together with the boyfriend on those days. I truly think there’s much to be said — and gained — about doing active things together.

Blogger, May I? pals: what’s on your summer schedule?

SUNDAY LATELY: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling

I’m joining in today’s Sunday Lately as part Blogger, May I? month of prompts.

Oh, I’m planning to be outdoors for most of today and tomorrow. The weather here in Pittsburgh has been downright beautiful, and what a way to start the summer season. See also: POOL TIME!

We spent a good bit of time out in our courtyard yesterday cleaning. I also had a gift card to spend at HomeGoods, so I picked up a few decor items for outside — candles, lanterns, some new seat cushions for our bistro chairs. Sadly, could not find the right size, right color free-standing umbrella. I even spray-painted an old IKEA iron table that’s been hanging out in our basement for a couple years. I absolutely adore our courtyard and love that we can have this type of outdoor space while living in the city.

A photo posted by Melinda (@melliesmel) on

I’ve loaded up a few books to my iPad’s Kindle app to enjoy poolside today. I’m only 4 books behind pace to finish 52 books this year, so I plan to catch up by at least 1. By tomorrow, I’d really like to be up to only 2 behind. I know that I’ll be able to catch up completely once my semester is over in August. Anyways, lazy days of reading really make me feel happy.

I haven’t golfed in a couple years, so I’m wishing for a moderately-painless game today (I’m pretty bad). I never devoted enough time to get my golf game up to par (HAR!), but since the boyfriend started going more regularly I’ll be out a lot more this summer practicing. He’s the complete opposite golfer than me and so relaxed, where I am incredibly frustrated. Hoping some of that will rub off on me.

So, this is a bit embarrassing to admit, but we recently joined a country club and my first time visiting is today. I’m feeling really anxious about “fitting in” and making sure I “follow” appropriately all the social cues of being a member. Again, I realize how ridiculous this sounds, but I am terribly awkward at these sorts of social functions and at making small talk and feel a little out of my element. I’m trying to focus on that pool and pretending that I’m on vacation.

Every 30-something needs… a way to deal with allergy symptoms.

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Zyrtec for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Something that 30-somethings all look forward to: the developing of seasonal allergies. And this season, my allergies were ridiculous. 

Watery eyes, red nose, puffy face? Check. (and ugh.)

I had to find a way to combat my Allergy Face. Enter Zyrtec. 

Zyrtec offers QUICK relief from symptoms (OTC, FTW!), so I feel better (itchy nose and throat is the worst!), and check out some of these ALLERGY FACE beauty tips to help you LOOK better too: 

  1. Highlight Help

    When applying your foundation, layer a shimmery highlighter underneath for extra brightening. For best results, highlight the right areas on your face: top of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, brow bone, and arch of your lip.

  2. Redness Reducer

    Use yellow-based foundations to help neutralize redness. A yellow-based mineral pressed-powder will help prevent flaking on especially rosy areas.

  3. Pillow Pileup

    At night, use an extra pillow or two to help elevate your head. This can help drain fluids from your face so skin and eyes are less puffy in the morning.

  4. Don’t Wait to Hydrate

    Drink plenty of water when you’re dealing with ALLERGY FACE™ beauty challenges. Mix things up by creating your own beauty water. Cucumber, grapefruit or lemon slices will taste great and leave you feeling refreshed.

  5. Tender Tissues

    Invest in a box of lotion-treated tissues that are fragrance-free. After sneezing and blowing your nose all day, their gentleness will prevent the area around your nose from becoming sore.

The BIGGEST mistake women make is to keep makeup for longer than one year (51% of you — tsk tsk!). That's just another culprit of Allergy Face waiting to happen. I know when a mascara is "going bad" on me and exacerbating my allergy face symptoms: runny, itchy eyes are no fun — especially after spending all that time getting ready in the first place. 

Watch Zyrtec's Beauty Talk video for more tips on combating ALLERGY FACE. 

Check out Check out Zyrtec on Facebook for more beauty tips and methods for combating ALLERGY FACE. 


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