Weekly Therapy: A Week of Awesome celebrating a Day of Awesomeness

the week:
This week we celebrated being awesome and being women. Every person I saw wearing red on Wednesday, I gave a mental fist bump.

Swapped my long run to Sunday this weekend, which ended up being a good call with overnight snow on Friday and sub-freezing temps again on Saturday morning. The time change may hurt a bit though.

Saturday afternoon we’re going to the Iowa Asian Alliance’s Pho King Cook Off — while the tickets included all-you-can-eat Pho, it’s unlikely with all my food issues that I’ll find anything to eat (whomp, whomp). Though I’m excited to see the Celebrity judging and get one of those Pho King t-shirts.

seven things, seven days:
1. I broke out in a rash all over my arms and hands and was freaking out over what caused it. Then realized during my facial, the appointment included a massage in those areas. UGH. Thankfully it wasn’t on my face, but WTF!
2. Red LEGEND Compression Performance Socks are here!!!! And use Code: “runred” to earn 30% OFF a second pair of LEGEND socks or sleeves when you purchase a pair of RED.
3. Also, heyyyyyy look at who is up on the LEGEND Ambassador Athlete Page! ?
4. I miss David Letterman. {via Vulture}
5. What causes burnout and how to overcome it {via Lifehacker}
6. A Trail Sister from Iowa City!
7. Selling the thrill of the outdoors to the urban masses: Patagonia and The North Face