Unfortunately, some unexpected travel and a sick day threw a wrench in my training/running plans on Week #7, so there’s not much to write about. For Week #8, I didn’t exactly get back on track but it was a whole lot of “it’s better than nothing.” Reality check, though: My training program has completely gone to shit, and I am less than a month away from this race weekend. I NEED a good week!
MONDAY: [walked to/from work] Home team practice night for two hours. Our Monday night team practice overlaps with league practice, so right out of the gate we were working on offense scenarios. The remainder of the practice included a lot of hitting drills (1-on-1 and hammer-and-nail partner work) and a few rounds of “Get Lead!”
TUESDAY: Travel team tryouts, round 2! This session legit kicked. my. ass. But it felt so awesome. As you see in the pic, you know it’s derby season…
That’s two nights in a row though that I ended up having to leave the floor because I was bleeding. Yikes. BUT I made the team! WOO!
I have to tell you, too, that it is amazing how much my legs have already transformed in just under two months of skating. Roller skating is seriously the secret to a perfect butt! ;)
WEDNESDAY: Needed a rest day, and since it was going to be over 40 degrees later in the week, I was going to save my outdoor runs. I don’t mind so much running outside in this weather because I have the gear, but I would have had to lug SO MUCH STUFF with me to work. And… no. See also: I didn’t wake up until 8 am on Wednesday.
THURSDAY: I did this upper body strength workout at home with 10-lb. dumbbells.

A great quick strength workout! No way could I do 5 rounds though (one round basically made my arms immobile), but something to work up to. It’s a burner, for sure, and you can squeeze in one round in less than 15 minutes.
Friday through Sunday were a complete bust due to travel and some seriously negative wind chills.
TOTAL TRAINING MILES: Standing strong at 47.81
MONDAY: Since I was traveling, I was lucky to set be up with a personal training appointment for the morning. The private facility where I was at, by the way, was incredible! We started with some dynamic stretching, then moved into a strength training workout. Most rounds had 15-rep exercises, except for push-ups, 10 is my max effort (the worst). The workout: Front Squats (with 45 pound bar), leg presses (didn’t note the weight, oops!), calf presses (same weight, didn’t switch plates), box step-ups (alternating legs), front row on a bar, bicep curls (10# dumbbells), tricep machine (I think we only had one plate on this one), and then ROWING. For the first round, the row was a 30-second fast-then-slow for 3 minutes; the second round, I had to go max effort for all 3 minutes, which… PUKE. I really do not like rowing. Afterward, we did some core work on the Bosu, and then she put me in this amazing stretching machine that I need in my house for real.
TUESDAY: Rest Day. I thought maybe that I would be really sore from my training session, but… I wasn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WEDNESDAY: THANK GOD for run//yoga//run// club. Our group leader almost talked me into doing spin instead of running outside but I was determined to get in some miles. I don’t care about no snow!

Because of the snow, however, we didn’t keep track of time. Our mileage was somewhere in the 3.2 range.
FRIDAY: Well, it snowed. Again. And my fleece tights are somehow missing and/or in laundry purgatory. I plan to get an additional pair with these gift certificates from Christmas because… SERIOUSLY?! BUT, I walked to/from work AND I walked to the Strip District for lunch, so… OMG my toes will be cold forever, won’t they?
SATURDAY: SCRR canceled their morning group run. MEH. I found my fleece tights though, so I went out after the snow stopped in the afternoon and got in 3 miles. My pace was slow due to a LOT of slushy mess on the north side (average 11:26 pace), but I did some “bridge repeats” into/out of downtown because those sidewalks were the clearest.
SUNDAY: NOPE. Decided to meet up with some neighbors for brunch, where I proceeded to drink three mimosas and then let my afternoon go to shit. Maybe I just needed to do that today.
TOTAL CROSS-TRAINING WORKOUTS: 2 (1 strength training; 1 yoga)