You Asked: How do you wear over-the-knee boots without looking trashy?

HA, Trick Question! YOU CAN’T! You have seen my post about that, right?

But somebody told me once that I could.

The one pair I own are definitely too trash, and likely going to the donate bin. I think over-the-knee boots are better for everybody when on a flat boot. Heels + thigh-highs = total trashy. (so, I guess I’m donating mine to any Julia Roberts’ costume wannabes… takers?)

Keep in mind to not wear hooker attire up top — long hems for your bottoms — whether skirt, dress or pants. In fact, now that I think of it, I kind of like over-the-knee boots with pants. Tights definitely help prevent you from looking like a street walker with too-short shorts and bare legs *shudder*

Otherwise, just… don’t.