Gasparilla Challenge: Training Week #10

So… I’m kind of in a taper place now, with the race being two weekends away. I feel like I kind of called it in this round of training. Overall, I’m disappointed in my effort – and my knee was definitely giving me trouble again on my run Sunday (I iced it afterward and attempted to stay off it, despite having TOO MANY STEPS in my house). I plan to keep it mostly rested and not do any more long runs until after race day. I see a lot of spinning and yoga in my immediate future!

bad advice 30something therapy
Probably bad advice.

MONDAY: Rest Day.

TUESDAY: First travel team practice of the season (2 hours), and it was moderately intense. We worked on drills aimed at keeping us square and using (or not using) our partners/wall; the practice was book-ended by some fun team-building activities, so we could learn more about our teammates. I think I’ve played with everyone at some point in my derby tenure, but it’s always a good exercise to remember where everyone is at this moment and the individual struggles each has experienced. While most of us have our own goals, this type of exercise is really important for future goal-setting for the team overall.

WEDNESDAY: Joined up with my run//yoga//run//club and ran 3.23 miles at average 10:10 pace. I did not take total advantage of the amazing weather to run in shorts — I was definitely dressed too warm! Nonetheless, what an incredible night outdoors. Yoga, meanwhile, was SUPER sweaty and destroyed my confidence and energy. Namaste, n’at.

THURSDAY: [walked to/from work] Ended up working late and had to miss practice. Yeah, I’m that guy already.

FRIDAY: [walked to work] Date night — dinner at Poros and tickets to Cabaret! Did I work out in the morning like I intended to with my clothes all set out? NOPE.

SATURDAY: Date day! I probably got some bonus points for walking around Sewickley for a couple hours (though negated by all the chocolate, I’m sure).

SUNDAY: Long run day! Yes, I got my ass out of bed on a Sunday morning to join SCRR for 9 miles. I had 11 on my training plan, so I planned for my usual 1-mile warm-up to the marathon garage and 1 mile back home after the group run. I had a great pack on this run, despite being really unhappy about the course taking us up Penn past Children’s Hospital. Anyone in Pittsburgh knows that’s an awful incline. But one of the guys enjoyed singing, so that was a fun way to pass the time from the mid-point (“Ohhhhhhh, we’re halfway there…”) to the end of the run (we need some work on our lyrics for “I like big butts” and “Space Cowboy” though).

Mile 1 (1.13): 9:54 average pace
Group run (9.24 miles): 10:19 average pace [Splits: 10:12 (1) / 9:55 (2) / 11:26 (3) / 10:04 (4) / 10:31 (5) / 10:03 (6) / 10:09 (7) / 10:20 (8) / 10:06 (9)] Run home (1.14): 9:56 average pace

TOTAL CROSS-TRAINING WORKOUTS: 2 (2 hours of skating; 1 hot yoga session)
LONGEST RUN: 11.51 miles

Sunday Lately for this 30-Something: Week 58

Blogger Tribe_Sunday LatelySunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). Every Sunday morning, the Tribe shares a small glimpse into the last week — and I’m sharing along, too. Every week, a new theme is released for all of us to post and share links through one of the host’s post. All are welcome, so if you’re a blogger looking for his or her Tribe, click through and join us in the Blogger Tribe Facebook group. Today’s Lately is, well, a little later than usual because my ass woke up for an early long run today.

30-something SUNDAY LATELY Week 58

This week’s themes: Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting, Craving.

Creating: Am I the only one who creates piles when cleaning a room and moves those piles to a different location? I’m in Purge Mode again, so stacks of books-to-be-donated are on my dining room table, picture frames to be packed away are in another pile. Creating some kind of organization from the chaos… eventually.

Finding: Now that the contractor is finished with some of our house projects, we’re finding residual dry wall dust EVERYWHERE. I mean, we knew it would happen but I’m always a little shocked at how much lingers in the air and settles even after we’ve completely Swiffered a room.

Switching: Switching mindsets from buying to selling, as we put our little old rowhouse on the market this weekend. Yes, this is HUGE news, but more to come on that… soonish.

Forgetting: Forgetting about all of my failures so far in training and looking forward. Gasparilla is for FUN (I know my definition of “fun” is warped!), and I have plenty of weeks to make sure that I’m in top form for the Pittsburgh Marathon (which is also for fun, WHO AM I?!). But for now, we do something of a fake taper for the next two weeks, and I’ll come back strong.

Craving: Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to the Sewickley Chocolate Walk, and one of my favorite items on the taste tour was a chocolate-covered cherry smoothie from Sincerely Yogurt. My second favorite was black cherry balsamic-drizzled ice cream from Two Rivers Olive Oil (as per the chocolate walk, they were featuring their dark chocolate balsamic, too). I’m basically craving everything cherry flavored now. Now, now.

Weekly Therapy: Pressure is a privilege.

the week:
I’m having another not-so-great week of feeling REALLY lethargic and exhausted. I’m truly now feeling the pressure (and by extension, stress) to be and do All the Things and the associated downward spiral of thinking (and inaction). I wish I could just stop doing that to myself! I plan to use some of these Unconventional Productivity tips from zen habits to reset and refocus (and, hopefully, gain back some of my energy). It’s such a great list!

30-something therapy pressure is privilege

We have tickets to Caberet tonight, and a midday date tomorrow for the Sewickley Chocolate Walk (The event sold out quickly, so I’m glad we jumped on tickets early!). We haven’t had a date night in such a long time, and we have two fun things to celebrate together. #blessed

And on Sunday, we’ll be positively gorging ourselves on terrible (but delicious!) football appetizers at home, while watching all the fun Super Bowl commercials. I’ll run at some point though, PROMISE.

seven things, seven days:
1. Did you pay attention to the Iowa Caucus this week? Coming from a state where we have primaries, the whole caucus system is fascinating, and I’ve enjoyed learning more about the process (since I’ve, admittedly, not paid attention to it in the past). I can honestly say that I’m currently coming from a place of being an undecided/uncommitted voter, so I’m definitely paying attention!
2. Knowing when it’s time to quit – that’s some kind of pressure for athletes, ya know? {via NPR}
3. Speaking of sports pressure: The mental strength of quarterbacks in Super Bowl 50 {via CNN}
4. Have you heard of Well, I’m all about new yoga brands, so interested to see where this referral/social media blitz takes us. [Sign up, too, if you’re also intrigued!] 5. Appropriate (even if I hate use of the word “girl”): 18 things a roller derby girl can relate to {via Buzzfeed}
6. How to finally stop procrastinating (for real) {via FastCompany}
7. Oh. Maybe that’s it. Why your high-intensity feelings may be tiring you out {via HBR}

Gasparilla Challenge: Training Week #9

I had a really rough week again; I won’t sugar coat it. My lack of motivation to do, anything really, hit a high, and I reached out to my local run buddies to hold me accountable for my weekend long run. Needless to say, I only completed one run from this week’s training program (my long run, for what it’s worth). I’m starting a February 1 Fitness Challenge too, to help get me back on track. With a full week of derby practices ahead of me, my race in less than three weeks, and preparing for a big life change (I know, #vaguebooking), I need to be SO CAREFUL of not burning out and keeping on a schedule. My training week definitely ended on a high note though!

MVP Blocker Heroes game SCRD

MONDAY: Two-hour roller derby practice, which included scrimmaging. I’m really tired and cranky this week, so I know that I’m PMS-ing super hard. Also, I’ve written about this before, but I generally feel pretty useless and lack any amount of energy the week before my cycle starts. It was tough to get into 100% mode at practice, and I was honestly really annoyed that it was a scrimmage practice. But, I showed up and gave my best.

TUESDAY: Rest Day. Needed to watch The Bachelor. Duh.

WEDNESDAY: Had to work late… really bummed to miss yoga.

THURSDAY: [walked to/from work] Since I missed yoga the night before, I packed my bag and mat for work – with the intent of doing a lunch hour yoga at the PNC YMCA downtown. Wouldn’t you know, despite my setting an alarm on my phone so that I wouldn’t get caught up in work and forget, that it never alerted me? And I ate right through the noon hour and COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT DOING YOGA. Until the afternoon, when I turned around for my purse and saw all my workout stuff.

This week is officially The Worst.

FRIDAY: Nothing. Absolutely, lazy nothing.

SATURDAY: With a friend’s help to MAKE SURE that I woke up for a morning group long run, I joined Steel City Road Runners for 9 miles (finished 8.89 miles at average 10:48 pace) in the morning. I also ran to the start location, so I got an extra mile for my “warm up.” This was the furthest out that I’ve taken on the river front trail (on the Allegheny), so it was exciting to get a change of scenery! We stuck with the 10:30 pacer, but we were really all over the place in terms of average pace. At a certain point, we crossed back into the city side of the river — running that LONG 40th Street skyward into Upper Lawrenceville (we were basically at a 12-minute pace there). It was rough.

I sincerely needed a good run, though, and the camaraderie of my fellow runners. While I felt awful and tired and sore (that will happen after not running for a week!), I’m so glad that I got out there. My IT band was giving me a little trouble on my left leg for the last 4 miles, so I spent a good amount of time foam rolling my legs and doing some yoga stretches in the evening.

SUNDAY: I was having a little bit of knee soreness today — my quads were also SCREAMING at me and I was feeling generally exhausted and cranky… but it’s BOUT DAY! Despite the nag, I didn’t feel sore or hurt while skating at all (Monday morning is another story, though). Our Heroes vs. Villains game was INTENSE! (I was on Team Hero.) I had FIVE PENALTIES – probably the most I’ve ever had in a game (and they were all something different); and since we were a little short roster, we were all playing basically every other jam. The game of roller derby is an hour long, with two 30-minute halves and a half time. For as apathetic as I felt about playing before the game, I felt the complete opposite when I was on the track. I had an awesome game. And the other team picked me as the game MVP Blocker (aka: Most Tenacious Blocker)!

Boutfit Penalty board SCRD Heroes game
Crazy Cat Pants Boutfit and Game Day penalty board (whoops!)

Man, it was so hard not to be outside running in the 50-degree weather, though. Yes, the spark is back!

TOTAL RUNS: 1 (better than nothing, I guess!)

Sunday Lately for this 30-Something: Week 57

Blogger Tribe_Sunday LatelySunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). Every Sunday morning, the Tribe shares a small glimpse into the last week — and I’m sharing along, too. Every week, a new theme is released for all of us to post and share links through one of the host’s post. I’m so happy that I found this amazing community of bloggers! And look forward to all that I can learn from them. All are welcome, so if you’re a blogger looking for his or her Tribe, click through and join us in the Blogger Tribe Facebook group.

Sunday Lately, week 57

This week’s themes: Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting.

Doing: Prepping for BOUT DAY! For a long time, I had a very specific game day ritual (and order of things). After being gone for a season, I wonder what new little quirks and superstitions I’ve picked up. This morning, I’ll also be doing things like cleaning my wheels and bearings (the rink we skate in is SUPER dusty). Also, picking out a Boutfit — what the heck am I going to wear???

Appreciating: We had a contractor come out this weekend to repair some random drywalling and replace trim around our windows in the attic bedroom. This guy worked THE ENTIRE DAY, and didn’t leave until after 6pm. He basically finished everything, and has to come back one more day only to paint the attic. And holy crap, I cannot express how much I appreciate his work ethic!

Designing: I’m currently designing my February plan/challenge around the theme of RELAX. Boy howdy (do city girls say that?), my stress is at a critical mass right now. But I have an action plan to, hopefully, keep my anxiety at bay this month.

Humming: THIS song is my Bout Day theme song. {Explicit lyrics warning!}

I’m a huge old school hip-hop fan (but especially Missy Elliott), and I even have my own lyrics to the chorus that I hum and sing to myself that pertain to roller derby and game day. 😉

Expecting: I have some serious false assumptions about time. Mainly, the amount of time it takes me to do or complete something. This expectation frequently prevents me from using my time wisely. For example, I *really* wanted a hard-boiled egg on my salad and peeling eggs is on my Things That Are Basically The Worst list, despite having 6 minutes left on the oven for my Quinoa patty to finish. I basically had to out-loud yell at myself: JUST PEEL THE EFFIN’ EGG. But with the real swears. It took less than two minutes, by the way.

This same line of thinking has prevented me from doing a lot of my strength and core workouts. I KNOW that I can do this certain HIIT body workout and it only takes TWELVE STUPID MINUTES of my life, but I decide that I don’t have enough of those minutes on this particular day. I’m expecting everything to take MUCH longer than it does, and holy wow, did I have a bitch-slap moment because of that darn egg.

I hope you have a lovely Sunday! (I’m making egg salad now.)

Weekly Therapy: And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should

the week:
That subject quote came up in a Timehop post from, like, 7 years ago — and it’s still ever-applicable. Although I don’t know what the universe is trying to tell me with all this insomnia and stress.

I’ve been having an opposite sleeplessness problem as of late. In the past, I’ve struggled with falling asleep; now, I can crash pretty quickly, but find myself WIDE AWAKE only after an hour or two… and completely unable to fall back asleep. Sometimes I’ll stir in the dark just staring at the ceiling; others, I’ll flip-flop mindlessly for hours and then finally grab my phone or iPad. Yeah, I know, no devices in the bedroom. I tried that for a while. I’ve removed the TV. I’ve removed my boyfriend. It didn’t work (nor do drugs or ear plugs or cold bedrooms or going to bed every day at 8:30 and waking up at my first alarm or sleeping with a sweatshirt tied around my face to block any light). Ironically, I find myself falling asleep easier when I’m reading or playing a word puzzle on my phone, or petting the cat. But I just. cannot. stay. asleep.

I stopped drinking coffee in the afternoon, but I am definitely drinking more in the morning. I haven’t tried a full coffee stop because that just sounds like a terrible, no-good idea. So, I’m frustrated and I feel like crap to boot basically for two weeks straight and now I’m PMS’ing. YAY. #sorryforcrabby

Hey, I’m playing in a mixed scrimmage this Sunday! (I’m a Hero!)

seven things, seven days:
1. I missed the initial memo about changes in our office dress code… but, YAY more casual days!
2. I finished “The Girl on the Train” this week (my first and only book of 2016! Big difference from last year). If you’ve read it, did you like the ending? I did NOT.
3. THIS IS SO FASCINATING!!! 8 things that practicers do differently {via Bulletproof Musician}
4. From the perspective of elite achievers: If you’re busy, you’re doing something wrong. {via Cal Newport}
5. The Pi Day 5K is back! I’ll likely register for this virtual race taking place on 3.14(16), since I don’t have anything currently on my March calendar.
6. Since I’m currently (half-assed) training for a challenge race, I came across this helpful post for Training Tips for Challenge Races. My motivation is nil right now.
7. What you can learn from William Hung about perseverance. {via Pacific-Standard}

Product Review: Wantable Fitness Edit

This post contains referral links.

Since I work out a lot and generally wear casual clothing, I like the idea of a Stitch Fix-esque subscription service for athletic apparel. I recently signed up for my first Wantable Fitness Edit [referral link] because I’ve been bored (and somewhat) disappointed with Fabletics lately, which I’ve subscribed to for a couple years (certainly not purchasing every month, but have had a good run). Fabletics bottoms have been awesome, but their tops are just plain awful in regards to quality, material and sizing (I even tried a dress once, which had ZERO STRETCH, and just no).

I received five items from Wantable to try on at home, with a good variety in items and brands. Wantable offers a similar discount to Stitch Fix when you purchase everything from your box. Imagine my immediate disappointment, then, when I received an incorrect item in my Edit. Wantable customer service took care of the problem via email AND offered a discount (in form of a return) when I returned the incorrect item and if I purchased the other four things (which, I did). There was no charge for returning items.

For athletic brands, I am all over the place in terms of sizing – and somewhere between an XS and S (even though I’m generally a size 2 in street clothing). Even at lulu, while I am regularly a 4, some of the same-numbered-sizes tops can be too tight in the band or upper arms. Often in other brands, I cannot fit bottoms over my calves (sometimes, more incredulously, over my thighs); I guess my shoulders are kind of broad for a broad my size too. SHRUG.

Wantable Fitness Edit, apparel, exercise, 30-something

Here’s what I got in my first Fitness Edit (prices indicated are full-price before discount):

1. Glyder Elongate Legging Spanish Tile Jacquard XS ($70.00): I love the pattern on these, and think that I would wear them for both exercise and casual. Although, I was a little disappointed at their performance in hot yoga (falling down in the back/band stretching out). These are pretty tight-fitting in the legs, otherwise, so I can’t imagine wearing something SMALLER than an XS – these already were difficult changing into after sweating/freezing outside from my run (note: I haven’t run in them yet; don’t think I would either) and OMG they are a little tight on my large-for-my-body calves. Fabric quality and stretch is definitely in line with the price though. Even better with the “buy all the items” discount.

2. Shape Active 2-in-1 Twist Back Athletic Tank Heather Crystalline XS ($58.00): I LOVED this top, so much so that I was willing to overlook the fact that I could barely pull the bra on. There was ZERO stretch, and I ended up ripping the seams open on the band (Seriously, WTF?!). I thought the top itself was still worth the price though, despite the awful bra (thankfully, they are separate pieces). The fit is perfect and the thin mesh layer in the open back was completely breathable – and it worked really well in hot yoga for me.

Wantable Fitness Edit, athletic apparel, 30something, shape sports bra

3. Pink Lotus Shirred Bust Racerback Bra XS (clearance item: $39.00): super cheap deal for adding another sports bra to my arsenal, so kind of hard to pass up. I loved the print, and the fit was pretty good, albeit a little bit snug on the bottom band (at least it stretches!); although, there was no separation for the bra pads (and it was impossible to get them to sit in the cups properly, so I removed them both because I would seriously rather have some pointy nip action than a uni-boob.

4. Prismsport Loose Tank XS ($48.00): I legit needed a top like this! Simple, racer-back style that fits really well. I like the semi-sheerness to show off a cute printed bra underneath. This will be a very versatile top for my varied workouts (though probably not in the dirty-ness of the CrossFit gym).

5. Trina Turk tank ($76.00) in a beautiful teal green (but a size Large, whomp). I LOVE the Trina Tank brand and have never tried their workout clothing. It looks to be of the same quality and design standards that you would expect from Trina Turk, however. Disappointed that this wasn’t meant for me. Though for a tank, I had a bit of sticker shock!

30-something Wantable Fitness Edit Trina Turk tank

My box was supposed to include another pair of pants – Moto Leggings from Pink Lotus (XS) that seemed to match the sports bra in the box (I couldn’t find my packing slip, and when you don’t purchase an item, the price doesn’t show online in my account, but I think they were priced around $78.00).

Overall, I like the subscription, and their customer service did good by me. I’ll certainly order another Fitness Edit in February – and I hope that I have more success with sizing and accuracy. If you’re interested in signing up for your own Fitness Edit, feel free to use my Wantable affiliate link! I promise that I’ll work on getting better pictures of this gear as I wear it, too!

Gasparilla Challenge: Training Week #7 + #8

Unfortunately, some unexpected travel and a sick day threw a wrench in my training/running plans on Week #7, so there’s not much to write about. For Week #8, I didn’t exactly get back on track but it was a whole lot of “it’s better than nothing.” Reality check, though: My training program has completely gone to shit, and I am less than a month away from this race weekend. I NEED a good week!

MONDAY: [walked to/from work] Home team practice night for two hours. Our Monday night team practice overlaps with league practice, so right out of the gate we were working on offense scenarios. The remainder of the practice included a lot of hitting drills (1-on-1 and hammer-and-nail partner work) and a few rounds of “Get Lead!”

TUESDAY: Travel team tryouts, round 2! This session legit kicked. my. ass. But it felt so awesome. As you see in the pic, you know it’s derby season…

That’s two nights in a row though that I ended up having to leave the floor because I was bleeding. Yikes. BUT I made the team! WOO!

I have to tell you, too, that it is amazing how much my legs have already transformed in just under two months of skating. Roller skating is seriously the secret to a perfect butt! ;)

WEDNESDAY: Needed a rest day, and since it was going to be over 40 degrees later in the week, I was going to save my outdoor runs. I don’t mind so much running outside in this weather because I have the gear, but I would have had to lug SO MUCH STUFF with me to work. And… no. See also: I didn’t wake up until 8 am on Wednesday.

THURSDAY: I did this upper body strength workout at home with 10-lb. dumbbells.

30-something upper body workout

A great quick strength workout! No way could I do 5 rounds though (one round basically made my arms immobile), but something to work up to. It’s a burner, for sure, and you can squeeze in one round in less than 15 minutes.

Friday through Sunday were a complete bust due to travel and some seriously negative wind chills.

TOTAL TRAINING MILES: Standing strong at 47.81

MONDAY: Since I was traveling, I was lucky to set be up with a personal training appointment for the morning. The private facility where I was at, by the way, was incredible! We started with some dynamic stretching, then moved into a strength training workout. Most rounds had 15-rep exercises, except for push-ups, 10 is my max effort (the worst). The workout: Front Squats (with 45 pound bar), leg presses (didn’t note the weight, oops!), calf presses (same weight, didn’t switch plates), box step-ups (alternating legs), front row on a bar, bicep curls (10# dumbbells), tricep machine (I think we only had one plate on this one), and then ROWING. For the first round, the row was a 30-second fast-then-slow for 3 minutes; the second round, I had to go max effort for all 3 minutes, which… PUKE. I really do not like rowing. Afterward, we did some core work on the Bosu, and then she put me in this amazing stretching machine that I need in my house for real.

TUESDAY: Rest Day. I thought maybe that I would be really sore from my training session, but… I wasn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

WEDNESDAY: THANK GOD for run//yoga//run// club. Our group leader almost talked me into doing spin instead of running outside but I was determined to get in some miles. I don’t care about no snow!

30something run outside winter snow

Because of the snow, however, we didn’t keep track of time. Our mileage was somewhere in the 3.2 range.


FRIDAY: Well, it snowed. Again. And my fleece tights are somehow missing and/or in laundry purgatory. I plan to get an additional pair with these gift certificates from Christmas because… SERIOUSLY?! BUT, I walked to/from work AND I walked to the Strip District for lunch, so… OMG my toes will be cold forever, won’t they?

SATURDAY: SCRR canceled their morning group run. MEH. I found my fleece tights though, so I went out after the snow stopped in the afternoon and got in 3 miles. My pace was slow due to a LOT of slushy mess on the north side (average 11:26 pace), but I did some “bridge repeats” into/out of downtown because those sidewalks were the clearest.

SUNDAY: NOPE. Decided to meet up with some neighbors for brunch, where I proceeded to drink three mimosas and then let my afternoon go to shit. Maybe I just needed to do that today.

TOTAL CROSS-TRAINING WORKOUTS: 2 (1 strength training; 1 yoga)

Sunday Lately: Week 56

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately And we’re back! After missing last week’s prompt, I’m catching up here with Week 56. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). Every Sunday morning, the Tribe shares a small glimpse into the last week — and I’m sharing along, too. Every week, a new theme is release for all of us to post and share your link through one of the host’s post. I’m so happy that I found this amazing community of bloggers! All are welcome, so click through and join us in the Blogger Tribe Facebook group.

This week’s themes: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling.

Planning: Another closet purge. I definitely fall into a “sunk cost” loop and really struggle with getting rid of things that I spent a good bit of money on (a pair of bright blue Hunters, a pair of too-big winter Sorels, two pairs (!!!) of Jeffrey Campbell platforms, and a Banana Republic wool coat, for starters). I haven’t had much luck on Poshmark aside from BUYING MORE, and then there is the annoyance (and expense) of shipping {my invite code is HPGQA if you’re interested in signing up and getting $10 for downloading the app!).

But I definitely do not feel joy by looking at these items, hanging out unworn.

Loving: I LOVE winter, so I am loving this recent snowstorm. Comfy PJ pants, good books, cats on laps, lots of hot chocolate… after running around like a crazy person outside first, of course!

30something wine book comfy pants

Reading: Speaking of good books, I borrowed “The Girl on the Train” from my neighbor after seeing a lot of great reviews on Goodreads, and it’s been a really enjoyable and interesting read (so far). You know, since we’re snowed in here in Pittsburgh, the weekend calls for this kind of cozy.

Wishing: Too much to wish for another snowstorm? 😀

Feeling: A little stressed from big decision making. I feel like I can’t adult. Maybe I need to read “The Paradox of Choice” again.

Weekly Therapy: Jetting forward and lagging behind

the week:
Well, I am positively exhausted. And I missed out on both Sunday Lately posts with my Blogger Tribe and am holding off on my Accountability Monday post until next week because… well, because last week’s training blog didn’t deserve its own post.

I’m catching up but now saddled with some extra, stressful shit on the homefront. SIGH. Also, I think I still have jet lag pretty bad or residual physiological exhaustion from my travel anxiety.

This Sunday is the 5th Annual Yoga Expo at Pittsburgh Opera in the Strip District. I honestly don’t remember how I found out about this event (or remember even paying for it), but I did! My participation depends on the weather/driving conditions and if I can get a long run in on Saturday instead.

We’re also visiting A BABY – and dropping off some homemade food to friends (parents of said newborn). Pending the seriousness of this incoming storm, we’ll likely enjoy some beverages with some neighbor friends.

seven things, seven days:
1. Not a lot about myself this week, but the rest of the Internet made up for it!
2. That said, I’m having lunch at Smallman Galley today and OH LOOK AT ALL THOSE GF OPTIONS! What an awesome project this is, btw.
3. Well, here’s a different perspective on procrastination. {via NYT}
4. Oooooh “hunger [as] a motivated state of mind”. What say you? {via Aeon}
5. Research on boredom – I want to read more about its effect on performance. Boredom as related to performance psychology (and its counterparts, apathy and burnout) are particularly interesting to me, and what I hope to study when I go back to pursue my graduate degree. {via Nature}
6. Got stress? You should be paying attention to your body. Includes interesting research, too, about resilience. {via NYT}
7. Have you ever ghosted your therapist? {via Psychology Today}