Sunday Lately for this 30-Something:: Week 69

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for April 24 (Week 69), are:: Updating, Remembering, Needing, Wearing, Being.

Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!

Updating:: My closet wasn’t well organized since moving in, so I’ve made a few updates throughout the weekend. I’ve punched out a shelf in one “cubby” (to make room for hanging longer dresses — so now that ALL my dresses are hanging together) and added shelves in different places to stack my denim, sweaters, and tights/leggings. This all started with my irritation that my shoes aren’t all in one space — and I wanted them mostly out of boxes, so I can actually SEE and WEAR what I already own. By the way, I have some super cute bright blue booties that need to be worn — send me your outfit suggestions!

Remembering:: Oooof, I got my first Iowa sunburn. I wasn’t out in the sun for very long, and wore a coat for most of our BBQ tailgating because of the wind. I’m thinking it was from the 30-minute drive — we had the windows and sunroof open, since only my chest and a few weird places on my arms got pink. This frustrates and upsets me because I’m typically SO DILIGENT about remembering my sunscreen and this shouldn’t have took me by surprise, and yet… UGH.

Needing:: a kick in the ass (see above).

Wearing:: Some new clothes from my first Trunk Club! {referral link!}. It was a lot of fun to have a fashion show at home, as I received 20 items — a couple handbags, dresses, jeans, tops, and jewelry! I really like that you have 10 days to try everything. She didn’t *quite* hit the mark on my style and size (it typically takes a few boxes to pin that), but I received a couple items that I want to absolutely LIVE in. I was hoping (and asked) for work pants, which I didn’t receive. Soooo, looks like I’ll have another request in soon.

Being:: Today, I’m all about being in Sunday Cleaning Mode. I’ve already stripped the bedding off and started the laundry. The bedrooms all need vacuumed. I might get all crazy and lint roll (read: de-cat) all the furniture.

Sunday Lately: Week 56

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately And we’re back! After missing last week’s prompt, I’m catching up here with Week 56. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). Every Sunday morning, the Tribe shares a small glimpse into the last week — and I’m sharing along, too. Every week, a new theme is release for all of us to post and share your link through one of the host’s post. I’m so happy that I found this amazing community of bloggers! All are welcome, so click through and join us in the Blogger Tribe Facebook group.

This week’s themes: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling.

Planning: Another closet purge. I definitely fall into a “sunk cost” loop and really struggle with getting rid of things that I spent a good bit of money on (a pair of bright blue Hunters, a pair of too-big winter Sorels, two pairs (!!!) of Jeffrey Campbell platforms, and a Banana Republic wool coat, for starters). I haven’t had much luck on Poshmark aside from BUYING MORE, and then there is the annoyance (and expense) of shipping {my invite code is HPGQA if you’re interested in signing up and getting $10 for downloading the app!).

But I definitely do not feel joy by looking at these items, hanging out unworn.

Loving: I LOVE winter, so I am loving this recent snowstorm. Comfy PJ pants, good books, cats on laps, lots of hot chocolate… after running around like a crazy person outside first, of course!

30something wine book comfy pants

Reading: Speaking of good books, I borrowed “The Girl on the Train” from my neighbor after seeing a lot of great reviews on Goodreads, and it’s been a really enjoyable and interesting read (so far). You know, since we’re snowed in here in Pittsburgh, the weekend calls for this kind of cozy.

Wishing: Too much to wish for another snowstorm? 😀

Feeling: A little stressed from big decision making. I feel like I can’t adult. Maybe I need to read “The Paradox of Choice” again.

Cleaning House: Do you hang on to old stuff?

Our neighborhood yard sale was last weekend, and I really wish now that I would have got my shit together a little early (and cleaned out my closets and organized the basement). As we walked around, looking at the items that were selling, we groaned in unison: “We totally could have got rid of that!”

I also groaned and grumped later when I didn’t jump on the purchase of a $20 hammock, and it was sniped before I returned to purchase. I am not a good yard sale-r.

Old electronics. Clothes with tags still on. Home decor: lamps and frames and cabinets and tables. Random small appliances and kitchen ware. Boxes and boxes of cables and wires and chargers… formerly-awesome models of iPhones and iPods.

We have all these things and more!

After checking out sites like though, I think I can get a little more money for my old electronics that way (and a neighbor won’t have any weird, non-erased, possibly gossipy personal info). Not even joking though, I never imagined an old iphone could net me almost $200 at resale.

Every season I seem to go through another Purge though. I continue wanting to own LESS. I hate the idea of Storage. I wish that neighborhood-wide yard sales were a monthly thing because I’d be making at least a little something off all these old electronics, clothing with tages still on, home decor… you get where I’m going.

Summer’s Purge may have been a weekend too late for a successful yard sale, but I’m reaping the reward of removing all the clutter.

April showers bring May credit card bills: rainy day retail therapy

Have you done an audit on your closet yet this season? Spring is a good time to take account of what’s in your closet and what shouldn’t be. Still have items with tags, with the promise “I’ll wear you soon!” GET RID OF IT. I recommend the Poshmark app. For the rest of your wardrobe, ask individual pieces these questions: have you worn it since last year? Does it fit? Does it need tailored or repaired? Also, don’t forget storage: time to store your heavy winter sweaters for next season and redd-up the sandals collection.

I have at least five skirts that need to go to the tailor before I enjoy this spring (um, that I purchased LAST spring… I need to heed my own advice).

Regardless, after taking an audit of what I needed, I added these few items to my closet:

1. A raincoat. I have no idea how I’ve made it this far in life without a rain coat. This Columbia jacket was picked up at REI and stood the test of a couple-miles walk to the train stop AND an afternoon of tailgating in drizzle. Not to mention, it’s fitted super cute. 30-something APPROVED!

photo 1

photo 2

2. These slip-on sneaks from Skechers. Ugh, the first time I wore them (in the rain), gave me blisters on BOTH heels AND the inside of my toe box after walking just a few blocks between bars (yeah, I took a “personal day” during Beer Week to bar hop-day drink). They were so comfortable in the store, which is unfortunate. I’ll try again because I’m a sucker, but… Dammit.

skechers slip on sneakers

“Comfy” = wearing bandaids on my heels for an entire week.

3. I love easy-breezy spring dresses and also love polka dots. How can you resist this dress from LOFT? Super. Cute. I love the fit and material — a really easy get-up-and-go outfit for this upcoming spring weather (it’s on the way, right?)

optic dot dress

Add any fun spring pieces into your wardrobe? Have you completed a seasonal sweep of your closets?

Color therapy: House of Colour consult and color analysis

My neighborhood is filled with inspiring, supportive and successful women. One of those neighbors is a consultant with the UK-based company House of Colour. House of Colour has consultants around the U.S., and Julie is here in Pittsburgh — right in my neighborhood — helping women look and feel their best. And she does it through the power of color!

Let’s face it: I have always needed a little help with dressing myself. I don’t really “fit” into any of those pre-determined body fruit shapes; I’m long where I should be short — short where I should be longer. I can’t even figure out the shape of my face (maybe a heart? oval?), and I’ve only recently realized how important it is to accentuate my waist. Regardless of my ignorance, I knew I needed an appointment to sit in Julie’s studio to determine my colors. She categorizes this in “seasons,” which was done using a series of fabric drapes in various colors to determine my skin’s undertones first (on my clean, no makeup face). Once it was determined I had cool undertones, she continued placing and removing these drapes, placed over a white smock, to show the real life effect certain colors had on my face in natural light. As the session progressed, it became much easier to see what colors were either emphasizing my features or making me look sallow, “washed out,” and tired. The results were undeniable. WHO WANTS TO LOOK THOSE ANY OF THOSE THINGS WHEN YOU’RE 30-SOMETHING?!

Results: I’m a WINTER.

Which means I’ve been an Ice Princess all along… Muah-hah-hah

I have blue undertones, when I always thought I was yellow. I definitely went in thinking I’d be an Autumn (if based on nothing more than the current collection in my closet and the colors I trend to). No wonder warm tones and makeup and hair color wasn’t working for me, and I worked doubly hard to “warm” my skin and clothing, which had the complete opposite — I’m a COOL tone. Embrace the pale, Mel. Also, HELLO, my color profile includes Pantone’s Color of the Year: EMERALD.

After determining my season, Julie also put some makeup on me — and I definitely played up the dramatics with red lipstick. Yes, I — who “can’t wear red” — was wearing red lipstick. Well, I CAN wear red, it’s just I need a blue-tone red. She went through all 36 colors in my season (yes, 36!) and rated each on a star-or-check system and also on a percentage of saturation, based on placement of the color in the garment (head-to-toe, accent, accessories). What I was also impressed with was the ability to match several unique colors together and have everything look perfectly matched; it’s all about making sure the shades are within the same season and have the right tone.

There was so much valuable info — and I went home with a small binder of all my swatches and checklist to help me shop and dress (and clean out my closet)! I’m so lucky to have Julie’s color services right outside my door (but she’ll also come over and help separate/clean out closets based on your color analysis or can go shopping with you AND will soon offer styling sessions). This session will definitely save me money in the future and hopefully prevent my hoarder-like tendencies to keep things-in-my-closet-that-I-never-wear-yet-maybe-will-one-day. Truth is, I’m not wearing these items because I likely don’t look good in them.

Buh-bye browns and oranges. It’s like you don’t even want me to root for my favorite football team anymore.

bye, clothes that look terrible on me!

Book an appointment with Julie from House of Colour – Pittsburgh.

More about closet cleaning and color:
Choosing the best color for your skin tone and Reorganize Time {both from Rosewood boutique blog}
Adapting to a Small Closet {from Urban Row House}
Apartment Therapy also has a wonderful list (and beautiful photos) of Shoes & Bags Storage

Have you ever used a stylist or color consultant? Share your experience in the comments!