Sunday Lately for this 30-Something:: Week 69

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for April 24 (Week 69), are:: Updating, Remembering, Needing, Wearing, Being.

Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!

Updating:: My closet wasn’t well organized since moving in, so I’ve made a few updates throughout the weekend. I’ve punched out a shelf in one “cubby” (to make room for hanging longer dresses — so now that ALL my dresses are hanging together) and added shelves in different places to stack my denim, sweaters, and tights/leggings. This all started with my irritation that my shoes aren’t all in one space — and I wanted them mostly out of boxes, so I can actually SEE and WEAR what I already own. By the way, I have some super cute bright blue booties that need to be worn — send me your outfit suggestions!

Remembering:: Oooof, I got my first Iowa sunburn. I wasn’t out in the sun for very long, and wore a coat for most of our BBQ tailgating because of the wind. I’m thinking it was from the 30-minute drive — we had the windows and sunroof open, since only my chest and a few weird places on my arms got pink. This frustrates and upsets me because I’m typically SO DILIGENT about remembering my sunscreen and this shouldn’t have took me by surprise, and yet… UGH.

Needing:: a kick in the ass (see above).

Wearing:: Some new clothes from my first Trunk Club! {referral link!}. It was a lot of fun to have a fashion show at home, as I received 20 items — a couple handbags, dresses, jeans, tops, and jewelry! I really like that you have 10 days to try everything. She didn’t *quite* hit the mark on my style and size (it typically takes a few boxes to pin that), but I received a couple items that I want to absolutely LIVE in. I was hoping (and asked) for work pants, which I didn’t receive. Soooo, looks like I’ll have another request in soon.

Being:: Today, I’m all about being in Sunday Cleaning Mode. I’ve already stripped the bedding off and started the laundry. The bedrooms all need vacuumed. I might get all crazy and lint roll (read: de-cat) all the furniture.

You’ve Got Klout: Eclos skin care challenge

Eclos™ is high-tech anti-aging skin care created from nature. Apple Stem Cells, extracted from a rare Swiss Apple, are clinically proven to rejuvenate skin and delay the signs of aging. Everyday use promises a youthful, more vibrant appearance.

eclos apple skin care

100% of 20 participants in a clinical study on Apple Stem Cells experienced a decrease in wrinkle depth after 28 days. That’s a strong claim. And thanks to Klout perks, I received a package for a two-week challenge containing FULL SIZES of Skin Prep Cleanser, Daily HydraPrimer and Moisture Therapy Regeneration Cream (for AM & PM).

The cleanser is AMAZING: non-abrasive and makes my face feel really soft and clean — AND takes off even my waterproof eye makeup without scrubbing. No toner needed either!
Formulated with:
• Apple Stem Cells to help reduce appearance of wrinkles + improve skin texture.
• Ginkgo Biloba, Turmeric + Green Tea to help guard against free radical damage.
• Chamomile to help revitalize and hydrate skin.
• Cucumber to soothe skin stress.

The primer will remain in my skin care routine: tinted, with SPF — and it REALLY keeps the shine away for most of the day, especially when I’m not wearing any other makeup.
Formulated with:
• Apple Stem Cells to help reduce appearance of wrinkles + improve skin texture.
• Soy to hydrate and firm.
• Iron Oxides provide a light tint; Broad Spectrum SPF provides UV defense.
• Antioxidant Vitamin E helps scavenge free radicals.

The cream was a little too heavy for AM use (oily face within an hour of doing my makeup), but I loved slathering it on before bedtime.
Formulated with:
• Apple Stem Cells to help reduce appearance of wrinkles + improve skin texture.
• Palmitoyl Glycene, which acts as a skin nutrient, helps minimize signs of aging.
• Shea Butter & Olive Oil to nourish + moisturize. • Antioxidant Vitamin E to help scavenge free radicals.

eclos banner

I didn’t notice any more breakouts than I typically have (stupid hormones), but not any real changes in the structure/imperfections of my skin either. I did love the “glow” I got from using the cleanser regularly, and I also like the cleanser didn’t make my face feel tight. I’m definitely interested in including their serum into my daily routine.

I was especially impressed by their price points. I’ve been bouncing around several different cleansers and lotions and night creams for the better part of my 30s and there’s always something I don’t like. But something that does the job of preventing future aging and sun damage AND is budget friendly, this 30-something can get behind. Check out a “before” picture from this #barenaked story at Point Park News article (taken right about when I started the challenge).

Like Eclos on Facebook and purchase their products at Freeman Beauty.

Disclosure: I received product samples from Eclos, on behalf of the Klout Perks program. All opinions herein are my own.

Every 30-something needs… a skin cancer screening.


I am a 30-something, fair-skinned, mole- and freckle-covered, former tan-addict, once-a-year accidental sunburner, beach and sun-loving woman… who just discovered she has skin cancer.

The biopsy done on my face last month: basal cell carcinoma.

Thankfully, it’s the most common and treatable type of skin cancer. I will be having MOHs surgery later this month to remove everything, with hopefully minimal scarring or disfiguring or concern for the cancer spreading. The sobering news has been a HUGE wake-up call to me. Naturally, I’ve been feeling a lot of emotions over finding out — most of which, stupidity that I could have done more when I was younger to help prevent this. Last year, I had a semi-scare, with my doctor removing two flat little freckles (not cancerous, but concerning enough to be biopsied). One of which was underneath my butt cheek. For real. My face, for whatever reason, feels REALLY personal. I have to see it every day. Underneath my rear end, it’s easy to forget the warnings.


Serious time. Listen to the advice of the experts: USE SUNSCREEN. Don’t just rely on makeup SPF. STOP TANNING. No really, not even the one before your wedding or vacation or whatever dumb excuse of an event to be tan. Get your annual screening.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness month, and I need to emphasize how important it is to regularly see a dermatologist and raise your awareness of skin cancer warning signs. Rite Aid and the Skin Cancer Foundation are hosting the Road to Healthy Skin Tour (in its sixth year!), which be making its way across the country throughout the summer. Full-body skin exams are conducted on a first come, first served basis available to the public. Check the Tour Schedule for locations in your area.

Check out for everything you need to know about the signs of skin cancer, early detection and prevention, treatments and references for dermatologists in your community.

While you’re at it, take this Skin Quiz to inform you of your risk.

Have you had your yearly skin cancer screening?

It’s probably not a good thing when your dermatologist tells you, “Wow! You have a lot of moles!”

But, this is what happens when you get to your 30s after a lifetime of worshipping the sun. Thankfully, I stopped all that nonsense a few years ago. But as you know, the damage is done. Then, she proceeds to inform me that I’ll get even MORE spots before I turn 40. And then, that sun damage will start making friends on MY FACE. Groan.

I love my new derm, by the way — especially in the way she communicates the method of protection:

Abstain (stay out of the sun)
Keep it Covered (wear appropriate clothing)
Use Protection (SPF always; sunscreen in makeup is NOT ENOUGH)

In that order, to prevent skin cancer and sun damage that’s inevitably a part of aging. 

Well… today is biopsy day. I’m having three “funny” moles removed — only one of which is a raised, somewhat ugly thing in my armpit (thank the Shaving Gods that I don’t ever have to nick that thing with my razor again). The other two: one is flat, under the skin on my belly and has an irregular border; the other, is almost black in color, which I never noticed because it’s practically under my butt cheek.

I had a friend some years ago who died too suddenly because of a skin cancer issue that was left ignored and untreated for too long. You’re NOT too young, so be proactive — ALWAYS get a yearly skin cancer screening if you were a Sun Goddess in your early years (or used tanning beds ever) and ESPECIALLY if a mole ever changes. Finding this stuff early is the key to surviving it.

And remember your ABCDs:
