Beauty Therapy: derma e skin care products for the gluten-free lifestyle

As I’ve written about here several times, I have adopted a gluten-free lifestyle because of some health issues (still, a couple years later, without a lot of answers but at least staying gluten-free keeps my symptoms in check). I am also conscious about gluten in my beauty products — it’s incredible that I haven’t had a single eczema outbreak since I gave up gluten (and remember when I used to get patches on my eyelids???).


And this is where skin care lines like derma e® wonderfully come into my life. derma e® is an entirely gluten-free, vegan, and cruelty-free natural skincare company. After taking an online evaluation, their site suggested products especially for my skin concerns — and are ideal for those of us with skin sensitivities, allergies or the need to use gluten-free products. derma e® also sent me four full-size products to try out based on my evaluation (I mostly have oily skin but concerns about aging — similar to many late 30-something women): a glycolic facial cleanser, dark eye circle creme, purifying youth serum, and a brightening day creme.


While I haven’t had much time yet to use, after a couple days I am already impressed by the quality of these products. Sincerely, I can already tell you how much I love the glycolic cleanser!

To bring some additional awareness to the gluten-free lifestyle, derma e® Natural Skincare is celebrating (an unofficial) Gluten-Free Month this September — AND they’re hosting a pretty sweet giveaway! Between September 16-30, 2015, derma e® will host the #ICANTWHEAT Giveaway. One winner will get a $150 gift certificate to shop at and 1,000 runners-up will win a derma e® Gluten-Free sampler kit!

Participants can enter to win here: derma e will also be offering a 25% discount with the promo code ICANTWHEAT through November 15, 2015.

I encourage you to take the derma e evaluation and learn which products are best for your skin concerns.

Disclosure: I received four full-size products from derma e in exchange for review and promotion of the #ICANTWHEAT campaign. All opinions herein are my own.

You’ve Got Klout: Eclos skin care challenge

Eclos™ is high-tech anti-aging skin care created from nature. Apple Stem Cells, extracted from a rare Swiss Apple, are clinically proven to rejuvenate skin and delay the signs of aging. Everyday use promises a youthful, more vibrant appearance.

eclos apple skin care

100% of 20 participants in a clinical study on Apple Stem Cells experienced a decrease in wrinkle depth after 28 days. That’s a strong claim. And thanks to Klout perks, I received a package for a two-week challenge containing FULL SIZES of Skin Prep Cleanser, Daily HydraPrimer and Moisture Therapy Regeneration Cream (for AM & PM).

The cleanser is AMAZING: non-abrasive and makes my face feel really soft and clean — AND takes off even my waterproof eye makeup without scrubbing. No toner needed either!
Formulated with:
• Apple Stem Cells to help reduce appearance of wrinkles + improve skin texture.
• Ginkgo Biloba, Turmeric + Green Tea to help guard against free radical damage.
• Chamomile to help revitalize and hydrate skin.
• Cucumber to soothe skin stress.

The primer will remain in my skin care routine: tinted, with SPF — and it REALLY keeps the shine away for most of the day, especially when I’m not wearing any other makeup.
Formulated with:
• Apple Stem Cells to help reduce appearance of wrinkles + improve skin texture.
• Soy to hydrate and firm.
• Iron Oxides provide a light tint; Broad Spectrum SPF provides UV defense.
• Antioxidant Vitamin E helps scavenge free radicals.

The cream was a little too heavy for AM use (oily face within an hour of doing my makeup), but I loved slathering it on before bedtime.
Formulated with:
• Apple Stem Cells to help reduce appearance of wrinkles + improve skin texture.
• Palmitoyl Glycene, which acts as a skin nutrient, helps minimize signs of aging.
• Shea Butter & Olive Oil to nourish + moisturize. • Antioxidant Vitamin E to help scavenge free radicals.

eclos banner

I didn’t notice any more breakouts than I typically have (stupid hormones), but not any real changes in the structure/imperfections of my skin either. I did love the “glow” I got from using the cleanser regularly, and I also like the cleanser didn’t make my face feel tight. I’m definitely interested in including their serum into my daily routine.

I was especially impressed by their price points. I’ve been bouncing around several different cleansers and lotions and night creams for the better part of my 30s and there’s always something I don’t like. But something that does the job of preventing future aging and sun damage AND is budget friendly, this 30-something can get behind. Check out a “before” picture from this #barenaked story at Point Park News article (taken right about when I started the challenge).

Like Eclos on Facebook and purchase their products at Freeman Beauty.

Disclosure: I received product samples from Eclos, on behalf of the Klout Perks program. All opinions herein are my own.

Every 30-something needs… a skin cancer screening.


I am a 30-something, fair-skinned, mole- and freckle-covered, former tan-addict, once-a-year accidental sunburner, beach and sun-loving woman… who just discovered she has skin cancer.

The biopsy done on my face last month: basal cell carcinoma.

Thankfully, it’s the most common and treatable type of skin cancer. I will be having MOHs surgery later this month to remove everything, with hopefully minimal scarring or disfiguring or concern for the cancer spreading. The sobering news has been a HUGE wake-up call to me. Naturally, I’ve been feeling a lot of emotions over finding out — most of which, stupidity that I could have done more when I was younger to help prevent this. Last year, I had a semi-scare, with my doctor removing two flat little freckles (not cancerous, but concerning enough to be biopsied). One of which was underneath my butt cheek. For real. My face, for whatever reason, feels REALLY personal. I have to see it every day. Underneath my rear end, it’s easy to forget the warnings.


Serious time. Listen to the advice of the experts: USE SUNSCREEN. Don’t just rely on makeup SPF. STOP TANNING. No really, not even the one before your wedding or vacation or whatever dumb excuse of an event to be tan. Get your annual screening.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness month, and I need to emphasize how important it is to regularly see a dermatologist and raise your awareness of skin cancer warning signs. Rite Aid and the Skin Cancer Foundation are hosting the Road to Healthy Skin Tour (in its sixth year!), which be making its way across the country throughout the summer. Full-body skin exams are conducted on a first come, first served basis available to the public. Check the Tour Schedule for locations in your area.

Check out for everything you need to know about the signs of skin cancer, early detection and prevention, treatments and references for dermatologists in your community.

While you’re at it, take this Skin Quiz to inform you of your risk.

Weekly Therapy: April!!!!!!

the week:
This week, I started my April 30 Challenge to “do something new every day.” The opportunity is there to do some amazing things… but a few things will be kind of ridiculous. And by ridiculous, I mean, I NEED IDEAS! Won’t you leave some in the comments?

Also this week was my annual skin cancer screening. I had to have a biopsy ON MY FACE. Thankfully, it was tiny, so I didn’t need stitches. BUT STILL: ON MY FACE. For the record, it wasn’t a mole either, which makes it all the more scary. Ladies, if you haven’t stopped with the tanning beds and vacations full of sun exposure, I feel it’s my purpose to tell you STOP. NOW.

skin cancer screening
Don’t look at my blackheads! Also, don’t look at my balding eyebrows.

And don’t forget the sunscreen.

I’m taking yet another road trip to Ohio this weekend. We have a game on Saturday, so I’m making a mini-vacay out of it: dinner (and carb load) with an old friend on Friday; hockey game on Sunday. Plus, we’re seemingly out of the season of 800 layers (woo).

If you’re looking for something to do in Pittsburgh, check out this Awesome Events post from I Heart PGH.

seven things, seven days:
1. One of my reviews made it into the Weekly Yelp!
2. Speaking of Yelp, we went to a performance at the new Arcade Comedy Theater on Monday courtesy of the social network. So much funny.
3. BASEBALL!!! (you’re going to get a lot of that from me this time of year)
4. Second year in a row that I won some cash from the scratch-off lottery ticket in my Easter Basket. BINGO!
5. I don’t know how I got subscribed to The Red Bulletin magazine (from Red Bull), but it’s my absolute favorite right now for its stories of travel and wonderful articles on adventure-seekers.
6. I applied for a job at google… kinda blew my mind hitting “send” on my resume. Why not, right?
7. Can you believe that more than HALF of Americans shop in order to feel better? {StyleCaster article} Ahem. I am one of you.

Every 30-something needs: a skin care routine

Cleansing and moisturizing, twice per day, is IMPERATIVE for women our age. But this is only part of what’s required as part of a healthy skin care routine for 30-somethings. As my esthetician likes to repeat: plan NOW for the face you want in 10 years. Her skin looks fantastic, by the way; I’m envious. I wasn’t too good to my skin (or my body) in my 20s and pay for those mistakes in my 30s: smoking, heavy drinking, tanning. Ugh.
The Trifecta of Early Aging.

But I was also guilty of not getting a lot of sleep — and sleeping in my makeup when I finally did find my bed — and not using any sort of anti-aging product, especially eye cream (whomp!).

{ Exuviance Evening Restorative Complex / Murad Renewing Eye Cream / Clarisonic PLUS / Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleansing Pads / Vichy Eye Makeup Remover }

At the very basic level, a daily skin care routine for 30-somethings should include:

  • make-up remover — better for your eye area than the rubbing that comes with cleansing.
  • cleansing — be sure to get it all off! Might I recommend a Clarisonic?
  • treatments/troubleshooters — anti-aging, acne, spot removal, rosacea, eczema & other sensitive skin issues
  • moisturizer — day lotions are different than night lotions!
  • eye cream — this is different than your lotion.
  • water — and by water, I mean, you should be drinking it. A lot.
  • sunscreen — no exceptions; my dermatologist says that SPF in lotions and makeup is NOT enough. Sunscreen should its own separate layer before moisturizing.

Sounds much more intense than “basic,” right? But trust me, once you get into a regular habit of doing these steps, it won’t seem so taxing.

Side note: Some women also like to tone, but I only typically do this step for a little “mid-afternoon skin pick-me-up” on those days when I don’t wear make-up.

Additional regular treatments for your face should also include:

  • professional facials — I opt for seasonal.
  • exfoliation — gently! At least once a week; more, if you have hormonal congestion on your chin and cheeks.
  • peels or masks — I’m highly recommend: the Rejuvenating Treatment Masque from Exuviance.

End note: ALWAYS remember to wash your makeup brushes weekly!
I recommend these two products from Sephora: a daily disinfectant spray and weekly purifying shampoo.

What’s your skin care routine? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

Eminence:14-day trial

My sister offered up some samples of her Eminence skin care products — enough for a 14-day trial of their handmade organic cleanser, moisturizers, masque, scrub and…something else (another masque, I think). The products are all organic, which I’m hoping translates into “good for sensitive skin.” And that whole “hormonally unbalanced” problem I seem to have with… well, everything these days.

After recently — and randomly — being diagnosed with eczema, my product purchases are heavily scrutinized. Can you believe I even had patchy dryness on my freakin’ eyelids?! I still haven’t pin-pointed what is causing an allergic reaction on my hands either. Soap? Lotion? Self-tanner? Birth control pills? My gummy vitamins? 

So far, I love how the Eminence products are concentrated and that only a tiny amount is needed (then add your own water). I’ve been fairly satisfied with using Murad over the last few years, but I keep getting a “Proactiv” vibe with them, with every mailed catalog. Plus, the products I NEED to supplement my skin care program (from the Resurgence line) — while awesome — are pricy.

Here is what I’m currently trying out for two weeks:

Mineral Cleansing Concentrate – good for acne AND sensitive skin
Eight Greens Whip Moisturizer – for “age-defying” on hormonally-imbalanced skin (although I will admit, hearing “whip” makes me fear breakouts)
Seven Herb Treatment (masque) – to help clear my “combination” skin problems (read: adult acne *groan*). It’s applied every other day for 2 weeks for only 10 minutes (I am already in love with this stuff after one use)
Eight Greens Phyto Masque – currently on hold, until I use the above treatment for a couple weeks, but it’s supposed to be an amazing anti-aging treatment.
Strawberry-Rhubarb Dermafoliant – did you know that rhubarb is a natural astringent and disinfectant? (it’s also delicious in ice cream; the fruit, not this product, of course)
Wild Plum Eye Cream – for dark eye circles and “signs of fatigue.” I only hope this product works as amazingly EVERY day, as it does on my first couple days of use. 

I’ll let you know my thoughts about the products after my two weeks are complete.