Weekly Therapy: All you need is love and love is all you need.

the week:
Finals Week. I’m stressed. I’m also doubly-stressed about preparing my prospectus for my Capstone project that basically starts NOW. I’m sitting in a little pressure cooker now, with six weeks left until I am DONE done with this program and all I want to do is meditate and yoga and zone out.

By the way, how about that Supreme Court decision, eh? <33333333 weekend:
Pretty sure I’ll be finishing up a paper or two on Saturday, and Sunday I will be prepping for my last two courses that begin on Monday (including aforementioned Capstone project). NO BOOKS REQUIRED, holla!

Sunday is also Open Streets PGH, and I’ll at least be doing the 6-mile training run with SCRR in the morning. Shit, I’ll probably have a few mimosas too.

52 books, 52 weeks:
#23: Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework by Cameron & Quinn. Textbook that I really need to read in depth again before my Capstone class starts. I think the instruments and insight in this book will be usable for my senior project.

#24: Your Nutrition Solution to a Healthy Gut. I needed another easy read to catch up on my book goal and to take a break from my coursework. “Healthy Gut” was another food/nutrition guide book that was mostly easy-to-understand but not completely targeted to gluten-free folks (there’s an entire line of these nutritional books by Kimberly Tessmer, by the way). There’s a great meal plan and I like the section about “10 things you should (and should not) be eating.” This book was provided to me by the publisher, FYI. And it’s so newly-published that it’s not even on Goodreads.

seven things, seven days:
1. A Ranking of all 169 episodes of Seinfeld. If you’re into that. I know what I’ll be doing once I’m done with school. {via Vulture.com}
2. Not only did my boyfriend & I make it on the Kiss Cam at the Pirates game this week, but I was (embarrassingly) shown on the Chicken Dance Cam. #streetcredruined
3. The first of the FUSE@PSO concert series was this Wednesday at the Symphony and OMG you CANNOT miss the next one in October!
4. Received my President’s List letter from winter semester, and I’m on a straight-A streak! Which, of course, leads to more anxiety about performing well during my last semester.
5. I’m so happy that my friend-slash-neighbor joined me for a 6am run and could be both my running and accountability partner. Although 5:45am wake-up calls…zzzzzzzz.
6. I enjoyed this article from The Book of Life immensely: When is One Ready to Get Married. Although I got lost a bit on the intention of #6, the rest is profound maturity in the making for readiness in marriage.
7. “Professional Introvert” — well, this post just resonated too much for me {via The Financial Diet}

Training Week 2: Niagara Falls International Marathon

While I did increase my mileage this week, I did not meet my frequency plan. One day I feel really awesome, and then the next I’m struggling like a beginner all over again. I’m wondering when my body will acclimate to this heat.

MONDAY: Rest Day

TUESDAY: Flipped my training plan, since I found out about the Flash 5K Pop-Up on Thursday (which, news flash, I didn’t end up doing), so I did some cross-training. Similar to the Kick My Ass workout that burned last Thursday, but did a few sets of push-ups instead of planks.

WEDNESDAY: Lunchtime yoga (1 hour, restorative) / run//yoga club at Urban Elements, we did 4 miles at a 9:20 pace.

urban elements run yoga club pittsburgh
run//yoga club!

THURSDAY: Flash 5K! Er, nope.

FRIDAY: Rest Day

SATURDAY: I did my 108 sun salutations to welcome in the summer solstice. It was a lot harder than I anticipated. I hoped to do it outside or at a studio, but after canceling the Flash run the other night, I knew that I couldn’t rely on going anywhere else (plus the weather outside wasn’t having it).

SUNDAY: Break in my new shoes (and new sunglasses and new armband) — and run (almost) 5 miles. This was the grossest, worst training run I’ve had since I started running in September. WAY too hot, humid — I had to stop after 2 miles… and then after 3. I walked after 3.5 for about 5 minutes before running again. I started cramping up (side stitch) too, even though I was barely doing a 12:00 pace. I barely eeked out that 4.91 miles, holy Lord. I feel terrible. Afterward (and after a cold shower), I was so tired that I had to nap — and was cold but sweating profusely. Something went terribly wrong today, and I don’t know what.

Replacement Saucony Ride 7 (in a different color -- I love these shoes! And my new armband from ArmPocket.
Replacement Saucony Ride 7 (in a different color — I love these shoes! And my new armband from ArmPocket.

Weekly Runs: 2
Weekly Miles: 8.91 miles
Total Training Miles: 6.02 + 8.91 = 14.93 miles
*also walked 5 out of 5 days to/from work for 10-ish extra miles, not included in the training total

It’s now finals week, and I have a baseball game AND a concert this week, so it will be tough to fit in three runs this week; however, that’s my foundation goal for upcoming Week 3. How are you doing on your training plan?

Weekly Therapy: Party on, Wayne

the week:
It’s been another week where I’ve felt I haven’t slept enough and slog through the day just out-of-my-mind exhausted. Hopefully it’s just some good old-fashioned PMS and not another glutening.

Tonight is the Urban Garden Party at the Mattress Factory. I love this party because it’s an awesome fun time, mostly outdoors, celebrates a fabulous institution in Pittsburgh, AND it’s in my neighborhood. Last year we ended up with an amazing painting of Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner, and I can’t wait to see what silent auction items are available this year to add to our quirky collection.

I’m also trying to find somewhere to do my 108 sun salutations for the solstice this weekend. Unfortunately, my yoga studio is holding an event on Friday evening, which I can’t attend. Whomp whomp. I might attempt to do on my own Sunday afternoon. MIGHT.

Because finals week is next week.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#21: The Gluten-Free Cheat Sheet: Go G-Free in 30 Days or Less by April Peveteaux

The publisher sent me this book, and it was a super-easy finish (I’m not sure if their contacting me was triggered by reading her previous book or because of my 52 books goal or just a coincidence). I like this one for its main purpose as a recipe guide — especially the 30-day meal plan chapter — and probably would have chosen this book first (I like it’s “pocket guide” size too). Most of the info in the first few chapters was similar to Peveteaux’s other gluten-free book, which was annoying and redundant… and, I don’t know, I just don’t find her all that funny or informative. Meh.

#22: The Blind Side by Michael Lewis: I was a HUGE fan of Lewis’ “Moneyball,” and I equally enjoyed “The Blind Side.” A departure from the psychology and mental training books that I’ve been reading but touching still on the sport element that I enjoy immensely. This is a terrific story about football with a wonderful story about its athletes who play that “blind side” position, specifically Michael Oher. Highly recommend!

Edited to add: And I just realized that this was made into a movie with Sandra Bullock recently, so I’ll have to watch that!

seven things, seven days:
1. Friends who host dinner and find all my dietary restrictions a fun cooking challenge are the best kind of friends.
2. Finally floated successfully out of Crow position at yoga this week…
3. AND the same night we got a free pair of Run Top Speed Crops from lululemon at run club!
4. I also received a few more pitches this week for more advanced copies of books. I like this perk of whatever PR list I am on.
5. Pay-day lunchtime manicures are my new favorite.
6. Recently fell in love with Stash Tea; subsequently bought 100 different teas.
7. Another great column from Brett Steenbarger, compiling the recent findings of how the focus on positives can bring negative consequences: when Strengths are Weaknesses and Weaknesses are Strengths {via Forbes}

Training Week 1: Niagara Falls International Marathon

The Niagara Falls International Marathon is 20 weeks away, and I have my plan mapped out from various training programs across the internet. I found one that has 3-4 days of running and incorporates my love of cross-training for a total 6 workouts a week. I’ll be trying to stay on plan for most of it, with some two-a-days as my body (and schedule) tells me that I need another day of rest — or for the days I go to my run//yoga club.

Check out this course map!

niagara falls marathon course
Niagara Falls International Marathon Course Map

I think I’ll struggle most with the intensity of my cross-training days though, since I still want to do some CrossFit-type workouts. It will be challenging, but I’ll need to back out of any super high-intensity WODs that I cannot scale for the next 20 weeks. Also, Monday is called for a Rest Day throughout the plan and I REALLY like my low-impact spinning classes on Monday nights. Might just alternate rest days every other week. I’m a work-in-progress!

MONDAY: Rest Day

TUESDAY: My training plan called for 20 minutes of cross-training, but I scheduled another rest day because of my Wednesday workout plans.

WEDNESDAY: Restorative yoga practice at lunch time for an hour; we focused on some core work, and the session felt a lot more intense than usual. After work was my weekly run//yoga club with the lululemon crew at Urban Elements (seriously, if you’re interested in joining this group, send me a message!). It was a warm one! We did a quick 3 miles (9:30/pace) and 75 minutes of hot flow yoga with a LOT of hip opener exercises.

THURSDAY: Rest Day / plan called for 20 minutes of cross-training but Wednesday was enough!

FRIDAY: Three miles before breakfast (uh, that was dumb). I don’t know how it happened, but MapMyRun told me that I ran that first mile at 6:19 (I didn’t run with my watch, so was not replicated); altogether average pace over three miles (3.02) was 8:28. OK. I think I’ll run more at 6am, eh?

SATURDAY: Did a 20(ish)-minute cross-training workout that really burned, adapted from a Runner’s World program:
1 minute of squats
3 sets of biceps curls (10# x 12 reps)
1 minute of jumping jacks
1 minute of mountain climbers
1 minute of static lunges (alternating)
30 seconds of weighted “car driving” (10#)
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of front kicks (think: kickboxing; alternating)
1 minute of plie squats
3 sets of triceps extensions (this was actually really hard for me at 10#, so I did 1 set of 12; then alternated reps of 6 with following movement; followed up by a 12-set of flies)
1 minute of squat jumps (doing in the attic was fun! LOL)
1 minute plank


SUNDAY Eh, sometimes the rain and humidity come along at the same time, and you’re all NOPE. I had a small window where I could get out between finishing a major paper and having dinner with friends, but I flaked out on my run. Meh.

Total Runs: 2
Total Miles: 6.02

Training for a Fall Marathon? Share your link in the comments, so I can follow along on your adventure — and we can commiserate together in our long-run weekends. 🙂

List of 10 things I do every morning

1. Drink a glass of water… and take my Vitamin D3.
2. Brush my teeth; wash my face.
3. If I haven’t already, feed the cats. Then drip the faucets because that meow-ing will inevitably come soon.
4. Drink a couple mugs of coffee.
5. Stretch. Some sun salutations if I wake up early enough.
6. Eat some oatmeal or gluten-free cinnamon-raisin toast.
7. Pack my lunch, if it’s a work day; consult with the boyfriend about daily meal plan, if not.
8. Make sure I have my keys, wallet/work badge, sunglasses, and umbrella. And a snack if I’m running errands. Headphones, if I plan to listen to a podcast on my walk to work.
9. Decide on walking shoes or dress shoes, and pack day bag accordingly (make sure I have Band-aids).
10. Make a list for my day and consult weekly to-do and calendar.

Weekly Therapy: When you take responsibility you ensure your evolution

the week:
I’m so exhausted this week, you guys. What’s up with that?

Tonight is the Tar & Feather party at Wigle, followed by Beauty Slap at James Street Gastropub. Saturday, I FINALLY get to see a Steel City Roller Derby game this season. Sunday evening we’re having dinner hosted by some friends in the neighborhood. And OH GOD, WHEN WILL I DO HOMEWORK.

Pilates Fest is this Sunday at Keystone Health Club in East Pittsburgh. I’m hoping to get most of my homework done on Saturday so that I can attend. There’s also Yoga in the Square and Pride March, if you’re staying around downtown.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#20: Using Individual Assessments in the Workplace (course textbook) — I’m sure it will be a good resource in the future, but… thank god I’m done with it! (I have three books for this one class.)

seven things, seven days:
1. The Aviary’s new Condor Court exhibit is complete and looks to be opening soon — the birds were out testing their new rock structure and ponds!
2. Six-year-old children are exhausting. Maybe that’s what I’m still recovering from?
3. GOT MY NEW MACBOOK! (Happy belated birthday.)
4. I’m on an organizational rampage this week.
5. Ooooh, Knix Wear has a subscription! Probably the best exercise-friendly underwear EVER.
6. Found a new armband for running: this Armpocket Xtreme (yes, in the wild colors) is AMAZING.
7. The Mental Game: great piece to about what sports psychologists are doing at The University of Utah.

Race Recap: Stride for Pride 5K

I’ve been working hard to get my 5K time under 30 minutes since October, and was seriously bummed after what happened at the RnR 5K a few months ago. So I scheduled two 5Ks in June — the Stride for Pride and Gold Jacket Hall of Fame — to try to reach my goal again.

Pre-race: my new Fabletics pants are awesome.
Pre-race: my new Fabletics pants are awesome.

This past Sunday was the Stride for Pride. I didn’t sleep that well the night before, but the start was a little later in the morning to help adjust. AND I could walk to the start line, so that was already a win.

Registration and Cost: Early registration was $20, and I received a $5 discount with my SCRR membership.

Packet Pick-Up: I couldn’t get to Shadyside for pre-race packet pick-up, so went over about 15 minutes before race start time to pick up my bib and swag bag. There was a line, given only two people were working the registration table; but with only a couple hundred runners total doing this race, everything moved quickly.

stride for pride 5k start line pittsburgh
Start line!

Weather: Before I even reached the start line, I was muttering to myself about the heat (and the fact that I wore capris instead of shorts). Don’t get me wrong, it was a beautiful day, but I just haven’t switched over to my shorts game yet.

Course: Out-and-back down the north shore trail — my stomping grounds! Easy, mostly flat, a little gravel to deal with, but not a challenging course by any stretch. I like that it wasn’t closed to the usual traffic of runners and bicyclists — although the race certainly overwhelmed the path.

LOVE this image from the course photographer, but OMG I look so warm.
LOVE this image from the course photographer, but OMG I look so warm.

Charity: The purpose of this race was near and dear to my heart, benefitting The Stride for Pride Student Community Leadership Scholarship and awarding a self-identified LGBT (Pittsburgh area) student with a $1,500 scholarship.

Stride for Pride and its beneficiary foundation strive for Pittsburgh to be a community that supports equal rights and equal love. We are so grateful to have the Pittsburgh community rally around this event during Pittsburgh Pride week and hope to create an event that is welcoming to ALL members of this beautiful, colorful community! Join us to run or walk with PRIDE!

Finish Line: I finished within the top 100 and there were already NO bananas left when I got to the refreshments table. I couldn’t have the cookies or bagels because gluten. Also, no water bottles, which sucked (considering I had to walk home and a dixie cup just wasn’t enough with that heat). I was unfortunately not prepared (and obviously have been spoiled by other races).

Medals and Swag: No medals for this race, but I really liked the t-shirt design! The lululemon handled bag was nice too. Thankfully I found a friend who was running — who had someone NOT running with her to hold my stuff.

After Party: Since my sister and niece were visiting, I didn’t stick around for the medal ceremony. Went home for my usual post-run chocolate milk treat (and a shower), and we spent the afternoon at the Aviary.

The Great: SUB-30 MINUTE 5K!
The Good: pacers!
The Bad: Ugh, I shouldn’t have worn capri pants.
The Ugly: OMG, so thirsty.

OH MY GOODNESS, ALL THE EXCITEMENT! (watch time, unofficial, obvs)

#94 (8th in my age group) with an Official Time of: 28:15.42 (Pace: 9:07/mi)

See more race day photos here.

Accountability Week and May Wrap-Up

I’ve got one accountability week left until I start training for the marathon (*gasp*). There isn’t/wasn’t much accountability this week, as I was considerably sore for a few days after my yoga retreat (and inadvertently glutened at some point too).

yoga//run club (me, on right)
run//yoga club (me, on right)

May was mostly a month of rest from running (or short runs), as I considered my plans for my full in October and recovered from the half. May I totaled 29.42 miles, which includes the Pittsburgh Half Marathon.



WEDNESDAY No lunchtime yoga this week. In run//yoga club after work, we covered 3 miles at about a 10-min pace, and it was another 75 (tough) minutes of hot yoga. Man, I was still so very tired and realized that I needed much more recovery.



SATURDAY Does running around cleaning, moving furniture, setting up for the yard sale, and chasing my six-year-old niece count? Because I’m beat! #functionalfitness

SUNDAY Ran the Stride for Pride 5K (recap coming!)

Total miles: 6.22
I also walked my round-trip commute to work 4 out of 5 days this week.

Next week’s post will be Marathon Training Week #1!

List of ten things that I have saved in my email

Inbox Zero is the name of the game in my gmail world. I have to mark everything as read, even if I didn’t read it, with intention of returning to the email at a later date if it’s a) important or b) interesting. Anything else is filed away into specific folders or deleted immediately.

If you thought my blog post drafts were random, check this list out:

1. “Unwrap your NARS birthday gift” from Sephora: Need to order something stat.
2. Tweet by PBSAmerMasters, emailed to myself: A reminder to watch the American Ballet Theater film that is available online.
3. “Beginner’s Yoga for Relaxation #4” from a YouTube “latest videos” email from JANUARY: Still haven’t watched it; I’m sure I can bookmark this in a better manner.
4. Oh, and a “Relaxation or Bedtime Yoga Routine” from February.
5. “Notification of Federal Loan Servicer Agreement” from you-know-who. *sigh*
6. “Your Fabletics return label” for a package to return (for Matthew in LA) that I received. My printer at home is broken right now, so…
7. “Music Performance Anxiety Assessments” from my Div47 listserv: Thought it might be useful for a later class, given our use of assessments and my interest in performance psychology. Filed to the right folder now.
8. Oh, yay! My POPSUGAR MustHave box is on its way!
9. Also, so are my replacement running shoes, per this email from Zappos.com Customer Service.
10. Private Coaching/Weekly Program email response that I’m sitting on, regarding my marathon training plan.

Vino & Vinyasa: Yoga Retreat on the Lake

Last weekend I went to my first yoga retreat with South Hills Power Yoga. It was hosted at Lakehouse Inn & Winery in Geneva-on-the-Lake with teachers from the SHPY studio. SHPY was my first yoga “home” in the Burgh, before a studio finally opened up on the north side this year (although I still keep a few sessions loaded up in my account and travel back for special classes). I traveled with a fellow yoga-loving friend, who was also attending her first retreat AND also celebrating her birthday in May. Geneva is an easy 2.5 hour drive from Pittsburgh.

lake erie hotel ohio b&B
The B&B grounds were gorgeous and RIGHT on the lake.

Check-in was late Friday afternoon, and the yoga studio provided each of us with a bag full of goodies upon arrival. Our first two-hour session was soon after check-in with LA Finfinger, former instructor from SHPY who sadly moved away to Baltimore. She embodies a lot of what I love about yoga, and I’ve probably felt more connected to her style because she was my first regular teacher. She oozes warmth and authenticity and has that spiritual connection to the practice that I long to, well, practice. Her practices make me think about much more than just yoga and much more than getting a workout. I feel truly self-aware and present when she teaches. Seriously, her classes are transformative.

The restaurant did a fantastic job in tailoring meals for my (and my friend’s) dietary restrictions, given that food was included in the cost of the retreat. I got to eat gluten-free manicotti for dinner #1 — topped with a pesto sauce and filled with asparagus, spring onions and mushrooms. It was fantastic. And yes, naturally since we were at a winery, we had some wine.

We skipped the “optional” thai massage yoga in the evening, since we planned to wake up early for the lakefront sitting meditation in the morning. Which was incredible. Man, I miss the lake so much.

sunset lake erie ohio beach
Seriously. The BEST sunsets ever.

Saturday we started with the meditation and the day included two additional two-hour sessions on the schedule, with a nice break in the afternoon to explore The Strip. Our morning class was led by LA again, and she’s just so inspirational. She left us each a card at our mats to take with us to continue our practice.

yoga card responsibility

GOTL is a weird place if you’ve never been; it’s nostalgic for me, but I’m always disheartened that it couldn’t be so much more because the setting on the lake is just beautiful and makes you feel as if you’re a hundred miles away from home.

tattoo studio geneva ohio
This is where I got my first tattoo at age 16. Yeah, my mom was mad. (I think she still might be.)
GOTL outdoor patios
Outdoor bar on The Strip.

The afternoon class started outside, but as the thunderstorms rolled in, we rolled up our mats and went indoors. This was my first class led by Darcy Lyle and she is adorable — I would definitely attend more of her classes. She has a more playful style and encouraged us to take some chances with advancing our practice. It was in that class that I FINALLY was able to balance for a few breaths in Crow.

big waves lake erie ohio
The lake was angry Sunday morning.

Our Sunday morning class was only an hour-and-a-half, but man was I tired and sweaty. Stacey really focused on powering us through that last session — and I even attempted a float out of crow (I belly-flopped and it was hilarious). Like Darcy, Stacey empowers us through advancing our movements and supports the learning and practicing (and failing) side of yoga with encouragement and laughter. She brings out the fun in yoga, which we all need to balance (pun intended) our practice.

After breakfast, it was time to check out and head back home to Pittsburgh. I totally sold my friend on Madsen donuts, and she grabbed a box to take home with her (just as a line was growing outside). I was fine with a contact high from the delicious smells.

I’m excited to hear about a fall retreat in Cook’s Forest… I might have to add that to my agenda for this year as a graduation present to myself.