Weekly Therapy: Ringing in 2016

the week:
Happy New Year, everyone! I’m still working on my goals sheet and resolutions for 2016, so stay tuned. My 30 days of posts kind of took a dump there after Christmas, given my primary goal of completing 52 books before the end of the year. I did it!!!

a 30-something New Year's Eve: cheese plate, wine, cat kisses, and giant sparklers.
a 30-something New Year’s Eve: cheese plate, wine, cat kisses, and giant sparklers.

That said, I’m really enjoying reading from my fellow runners about their yearly “bucket lists,” and I think my 2016 goals will likewise reflect that approach. As for personal and professional goals, that’s where I’m feeling mighty stagnant and lost โ€” and I need to take some journaling time for reflection. I might not make the January 1 deadline, but I think it will work out better that way. There’s some news that could happen by Month 2 that could definitely change the course of my goal-setting anyway.

I’ll be enjoying the last of my days off from work โ€” and also enjoying a facial and massage appointment!

52 books in 52 weeks:
YOU GUYS! I completed 52 books this year!

#51 My Year With Eleanor by Noelle Hancock โ€” I want to read this book immediately again; I sincerely loved it, and it’s probably my favorite book of the whole year! Much of the lessons about fear and anxiety and not really having a purpose really resonated with me. A great book to absorb as I ponder the focus of my goals for 2016.

#52 The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less by Barry Schwartz โ€” an obvious choice/topic for my final book of the year, no? Fascinating research-based book on how more choices can actually have the reverse effect on life satisfaction — and possibly even correlate to an increase in rates of depression! I like that the book is straight-forward and doesn’t get too science heavy for the layman reader. Highly recommend this one!

seven things, seven days:
1. I finally used coconut oil for the first time as a make-up remover. And holy shit, it took off the waterproof mascara that I wear during the rainiest and sweatiest of runs that won’t. come. off. with regular cleanser alone.
3. The boyfriend repainted the kitchen walls and doors back to white, and I feel so much better about this room.
4. I also completely cleared all of the clutter and decor from on top of the cabinets that’s been bothering me for nearly two years. I’m sure it will all sit in a box until we move again.
5. Got to hang with some of my coworkers from my old job (celebrating a going away, resignation party). Many of us have moved on from the organization, and I miss everyone immensely.
6. In addition to my personal, professional, and running resolutions for 2016, I am making a list of blogging goals โ€” this post from The Wonder Forest has a great resource for tips on taking your blog to the next level.
7. The six most interesting Psychology papers in 2015 โ€” the most interesting, personally, is the study about nonpharm solutions to insomnia (mine has been pretty bad the last few months) {via NY Times}

Sunday Bibliotherapy: From a New Book

“Perfectionism is the fear of making mistakes. There are two sides to perfectionism. At its best, it is motivating and inspires you to set high goals for yourself. But it can also get out of control. Perfectionists can turn into workaholics because their efforts never feel good enough. They engage in all-or-nothing thinking about their performance โ€” if it isn’t perfect, it’s horrible. They give up easily. They procrastinate on their goals, waiting for inspiration to strike or the timing to feel right. They avoid social situations if they aren’t feeling “on.” They organize their lives around avoiding mistakes and end up missing wonderful opportunities.”

โ€” from My Year with Eleanor

Weekly Therapy: Merry Christmas, everyone!

the week:
It was a two-day work week for me, and I cannot explain to you how exciting it is that I don’t have to return to the office until January 4. After the last couple years of working most holidays and/or their surrounding days (including NYE AND New Year’s Day, the day after Christmas, Easter, etc.), this is a special treat this year. I don’t have to rush through Christmas celebrations and travel because of worrying about work the next day.

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Duh, I’ll be playing with all of my new toys!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#50: American Savage by Dan Savage — I received this book as a Christmas gift last year and it’s been sitting on my nightstand… well, for about a year. I probably would have enjoyed it more last year when I was eager to read it. Overall, I felt the message was pretty redundant, especially if you already read the Savage Love column and listen to his podcast (which I don’t even do either anymore).

seven things, seven days:
1. My friend was kind enough to drop off some gluten-free pizzelles over the weekend, and… OMG I HAVE SO MANY COOKIES.
2. Cookies for breakfast, cookies for lunch, cookies for snack…
3. The party we went to last Friday was seriously one of the BEST parties I’ve been to since moving to Pittsburgh where I knew NOBODY, besides my boyfriend. Every single person that I mingled with was so interesting and friendly. And we all got turns to ride a hoverboard in the hallway.
4. Totally missed the boat on putting a selfie stick on my gift list this year! Dang it.
5. Listening to Christmas music in the shower in the morning has done wonders for my holiday spirit. ๐Ÿ™‚
6. James Clear on mental toughness and the Marathon Monks If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything. I’ve read about the Kaihogyo 1,000-day challenge before, and I particularly like James’ lessons from which to apply to our own lives and goal-setting.
7. There’s no excuse to be bored? Ehhhhh. How boredom is becoming anything but boring {via Dallas News}

This 30-something’s Wish List (my Top Five Things I Hope I Get For Christmas)

Last holiday season, I made a Pinterest board: Gifts for 30-somethings. Most of my suggestions still hold up! And I’ve been pinning more items to it as the holiday approaches (it’s a super-easy way for the boyfriend to know exactly what I want).

Here are my Top Five this year:
OMG, I am SUCH a 30-something — I wrote “socks” in response to basically every email to family asking for gift ideas. I need a couple pairs of these DryMax socks for running in winter [purchase here], but also these SmartWool socks for winter in general [purchase at REI and many outdoor stores]. MORE SOCKS!

I don’t know how I keep losing my wide yoga headbands (blame the cats, I’m sure), but I needed a couple more to stash into my workout bags. Hindsight, I wish I would’ve asked for another Buff too.

My multi-media list includes things to read and things to listen to — and something to write in (I guess you could say that I’m obsessed with journal books). But my Amazon Wish List is full of books that I want to read in the New Year (and yes, some adult coloring books). I also asked for a couple vintage vinyl records that are missing from my favorites collection: Blood, Sweat & Tears; Presidents of the United States of America; and King Harvest. Also in this category is a Five-Year Diary.

How am I a young-ish urban professional and don’t own a black crossbody bag?! A stretch for my Wish List, but I’m currently coveting this black leather bag from Bartaile.


Since marathon training, I realized that I could use a few additional items for next year’s cycle: a jar of Cytomax (yes, I really put this on my wish list, and please, only lemon-lime); a water belt — I currently use a handheld for my training runs which can get annoying during long runs (and is often, not enough water) and I need a smart way to carry all that Cytomax AND water; I also asked for a kettlebell for my at-home workouts — no idea where I’ll swing the dang thing but I’ll figure it out.

What’s on your Wish List?

Weekly Therapy: One week until Christmas!

the week:
So many things have made me happy this week. Like, immensely, beaming, ridiculous goofy grin happy.

I haven’t baked cookies in FOR.EV.ER. And I finally had the chance for our office cookie swap this week (I made gluten-free butterscotch-and-dark-chocolate-chip cookies, bee tee dubs). Scrimmage practice was silly and exhausting fun. The giddy happiness of my run/yoga club buddies also rubbed off on me. I don’t know that anything was Christmas Spirit-specific, but it’s definitely a good lead in for the Santa’s Big Day next week.

PS: It started snowing this morning! Granted, I know it’s going to be 65 degrees on Christmas but it made me happy on my walk to work.

Tonight is the last of the holiday parties until the actual holiday. We made reservations first at Marty’s Market, since we’re headed over to that side of the city. I’ve been to Marty’s for lunch and had a GREAT meal (and they were incredible about all my food restrictions/allergies), so I’m excited to see what they do for dinner.

As I mentioned above, my office is having its cookie swap today, and I have another tomorrow morning to coincide with the annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD at CrossFit. I haven’t been to CF since summer, so this will probably hurt real bad. But YAY, cookies!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#48 The Monopolists: Obsession, Fury, and the Scandal Behind the World’s Favorite Board Game by Mary Pilon — a long-winded history of the infamous board game (which the boyfriend and I played a couple weekends ago), with an interesting back story about the supposed inventor(s) of the game and Parker Brothers’ ploys at monopolizing (see what I did there?) the gaming industry.

#49 Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom by Ken Ilgunas — a memoir on one way to get out of debt. I hope that I never have to resort to “vandwelling” to pay off my student loans! But it’s certainly a cautionary tale about the emotional weight of debt — with a little adventuring thrown in.

seven things, seven days:
1. I had a sense that there were trade/sell groups on Facebook for people wanting to sell off their Stitch Fix clothes [affiliate link!]. And sure enough, there are several. I sold six pieces already!
2. …and that reminds me how much that I need to get rid of these donate bags in the basement.
3. I think I’m done Christmas shopping! Can’t wait to start wrapping.
4. Starting next week (Wednesday), I have the rest of the year off!
5. I LOVE the idea of making a personal annual report! (Though actually doing it is another story.) {via The Muse}
6. Doctor’s Orders: Prescribing exercise to patients — YES, THIS {via wbur}
7. “It takes me 15 minutes to make coffee using a simple pour-over technique: boil water, grind beans, position filter, add grounds, pour water. This process keeps me occupied during the low-willpower period when I would otherwise check email or look at Twitterโ€”both of which are likely to send me into a reactive vortex of unproductivity.” [emphasis, mine, because this is also my experience] How I Became a Morning Person {via Medium}

Weekly Therapy: It feels nothing like Christmastime.

the week:
FRI-YAY! We made it! And I successfully made it through another work week of waking up with my first alarm. This morning, I actually woke up at 5:45 and got a three-mile run in before work.

You guys, it’s going to be 70 degrees in Pittsburgh this weekend. So, I don’t know about you, but I’ll be spending some time outside (and definitely running every day).

52 books in 52 weeks:
Crunch time! I’ve got 5 more books to finish in three weeks — and one of my intended readings is a whopper 800+ pager. I’m looking forward to those admin days at the end of the month!

#47 Dataclysm by Christian Rudder (cofounder of OKCupid) — really interesting insight about stats in the online dating world and how those identities we portray online are the same (or not) on how we live in real world. Don’t feel like the scientific data will be over your head! Rudder does a great job of breaking down social research terms and explaining the biases and desires that exist in our personal data. Good stuff! I received this book from Blogging for Books for review.

seven things, seven days:
1. First time having brunch at The Porch at Schenley — so excellent!!!
2. At our annual holiday season Girls Night, we also do a fun gift exchange. This year, I ended up with all the fixings for boozy hot chocolate. AND AN ENTIRE BAG OF MINI MARSHMALLOWS!
3. UPS almost ruined Christmas though! Geesh.
4. Um… I broke my big toenail at practice this week in a very precarious location. And now it’s basically wrapped in medical tape until it grows out a little further (and to keep it from ripping off). o_O
5. My amazing friend brought me back a “Built With Chocolate Milk” towel from her race expo last weekend. YAY! #teamchocolatemilk
6. Does it matter if women soldiers can’t do pull-ups? {via Pacific Standard}
7. This NY Times opinion piece is pivotal to the “can you be addicted to distraction” conversation: Addicted to Distraction.

Sunday Bibliotherapy: Page 202, Last Paragraph

My current book didn’t have anything on Page 202, so I went with the last paragraph on Page 203:

String theory predicts that our physical existence requires somewhere between ten and twenty-six dimensions. Our emotional universe surely has that many and more. And in combining these spaces โ€” our interior landscape with our external world โ€” we can portray existence with a new depth.

โ€” from Dataclysm

Want to share your bibliotherapy? Post in the comments your excerpt from Page 202, Last Paragraph from the book you’re currently reading.

Weekly Therapy: I really want to complain about still being sick…

the week:
I woke up with my first alarm every work day this week (which was only Tuesday through today, since I took a holiday on Monday). This is a HUGE step for me, and after having a conversation about how awful I feel about setting five (sometimes more) different snooze alarms, I decided to start taking action. This fits into a bigger picture of some of my New Year resolutions, and I’m happy about taking these little baby steps now (which hopefully equals more successful, eventual goals).

I have a busy week coming up, with nearly every night scheduled with holiday parties and celebratory happy hours with corresponding gift exchanges, so I need to do a little Christmas shopping over the weekend.

Sunday afternoon is this awesome Girls Rock! CD release event and skating party at Romp n’ Roll. You should come!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#46 Lost at Sea — another excellent read from Jon Ronson! His storytelling keeps me intrigued and entertained, and I liked how this book is essentially a collection of randomness (though he calls them mysteries). This book has plenty of trivial pursuit/pop culture/jeopardy-answer material, spanning topics like James Bond (a chapter that had me laughing out loud several times), Insane Clown Posse (!!!), and (religious) cults.

seven things, seven days:
1. I popped a blood vessel in my eye from coughing so hard. OVER IT.
2. A bird pooped on my leg while I was walking to the yoga studio. I worked in a bird zoo for almost three years and never once got pooped on… so, irony?
3. Coffee has returned to my neighborhood!
4. The INTJ gift guide (you know, if you’re looking to buy me something) — links to other Myers Briggs personalities at the bottom of the article.
5. Just… WOAH. Mental Toughness with the Navy Seals. {via Lifehacker}
6. Does exercise slow the aging process? {via NY Times}
7. Head nodding in (almost) complete agreement with this writer. The difference being I do NOT like to cook. The Myth of Easy Cooking {via The Atlantic}

Weekly Therapy: Happy bellies, happy hearts.

the week:
I’m giving a lot of gratitude this week: to a holiday-cooked-for-two, and full bellies, and convalescence from this cold that’s been dragging me down all week. I was too sick to run the Turkey Trot this year. And I guess in hindsight, though disappointed, it was the right thing to cancel our travel plans for the holiday. We stayed home, and the boyfriend smoked a small turkey (even though neither of us eats/likes it that much, it was delicious!) and made all the Thanksgiving fixings (enough for a week’s worth of leftovers for 8 people, for sure).

Work gave us an extra holiday today, and I’m using a vacation day on Monday. A five-day weekend sounds like perfection right now. I might be crazy enough to go out shopping for some deals (since I have a couple gift cards still yet to use from my birthday/graduation), since I am nowhere started on my Christmas lists yet. At some point this weekend, I’ll get back on my exercise plan that’s been wholly derailed because of this sickness (I’d really like to do the Ugly Sweater Run on Sunday).

Make no mistake, my cats are NOT happy about all this coughing!

52 books in 52 weeks:
#45 Life and Other Near-Death Experiences by Camille Pagan — Quite different of a book that I usually go for, but thanks to Kindle Unlimited for the title suggestion and pulling me out of the non-fiction shelves. Enjoyable, guilty-pleasure sort of read, despite the main character’s cancer diagnosis and (without giving away plot lines) other life shit. Considering the circumstance — her circumstances — the book provoked some optimism in an otherwise tragic story.

seven things, seven days:
1. I found out this week that my favorite face cosmetics brand (the only powder that has ever matched my skin tone and not changed color when I get oily!) has discontinued stocking in the US. So, currently stalking eBay and Australia beauty sites for Napoleon Perdis camera finish compacts. Apparently they ship internationally, but OMG $69 for a compact is a real sticker shock… and I can’t get my checkout order to process anyway, and their customer service is downright awful. DAMMIT IT ALL TO HELL.
2. I was detecting a funky smell somewhere in my kitchen and as I walked around looking for it, I smacked my face right into the side of the table. YEP.
3. Pre-Black Friday Deal: Finally purchased an Apera performance duffle during an online sale this week. Hopefully my search for the perfect gym bag ends here.
4. We started binge-watching The Leftovers on Thanksgiving… and ZOMG. Only 5 episodes into Season 1, so NO SPOILERS, PLEASE!
5. I realized when clearing boxes out of my front closet that my marathon shoes were a half-size smaller than my training shoes in the same exact model. That’s… interesting.
6. Everybody needs to read this: Exercise is not punishment for eating. {via Nia Shanks}
7. The technology that created a whole new generation of runners {via The Atlantic}