the week:
Happy New Year, everyone! I’m still working on my goals sheet and resolutions for 2016, so stay tuned. My 30 days of posts kind of took a dump there after Christmas, given my primary goal of completing 52 books before the end of the year. I did it!!!

That said, I’m really enjoying reading from my fellow runners about their yearly “bucket lists,” and I think my 2016 goals will likewise reflect that approach. As for personal and professional goals, that’s where I’m feeling mighty stagnant and lost โ and I need to take some journaling time for reflection. I might not make the January 1 deadline, but I think it will work out better that way. There’s some news that could happen by Month 2 that could definitely change the course of my goal-setting anyway.
I’ll be enjoying the last of my days off from work โ and also enjoying a facial and massage appointment!
52 books in 52 weeks:
YOU GUYS! I completed 52 books this year!
#51 My Year With Eleanor by Noelle Hancock โ I want to read this book immediately again; I sincerely loved it, and it’s probably my favorite book of the whole year! Much of the lessons about fear and anxiety and not really having a purpose really resonated with me. A great book to absorb as I ponder the focus of my goals for 2016.
#52 The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less by Barry Schwartz โ an obvious choice/topic for my final book of the year, no? Fascinating research-based book on how more choices can actually have the reverse effect on life satisfaction — and possibly even correlate to an increase in rates of depression! I like that the book is straight-forward and doesn’t get too science heavy for the layman reader. Highly recommend this one!
seven things, seven days:
1. I finally used coconut oil for the first time as a make-up remover. And holy shit, it took off the waterproof mascara that I wear during the rainiest and sweatiest of runs that won’t. come. off. with regular cleanser alone.
3. The boyfriend repainted the kitchen walls and doors back to white, and I feel so much better about this room.
4. I also completely cleared all of the clutter and decor from on top of the cabinets that’s been bothering me for nearly two years. I’m sure it will all sit in a box until we move again.
5. Got to hang with some of my coworkers from my old job (celebrating a going away, resignation party). Many of us have moved on from the organization, and I miss everyone immensely.
6. In addition to my personal, professional, and running resolutions for 2016, I am making a list of blogging goals โ this post from The Wonder Forest has a great resource for tips on taking your blog to the next level.
7. The six most interesting Psychology papers in 2015 โ the most interesting, personally, is the study about nonpharm solutions to insomnia (mine has been pretty bad the last few months) {via NY Times}