Sunday Lately for this 30-Something:: Week 68

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for April 17 (Week 68), are:: Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting, Craving.

Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!

Creating:: This morning, I’m creating something for a Hangover Cure. WOOF. It was a VERY good bottle of wine though.

Finding:: I’m discovering a really different work culture here, in that a LOT of people start early (like, 7am early) and end early. My current shift is 8am-4:30pm, and I do have the option to adapt it to my schedule. At first, I was nervous starting so early (and because of my tendency to stay up WAY later than my bedtime), but if I start any later, I’ll be the last man in the dang parking lot! I asked the boyfriend, and he says it’s pretty similar at his company, too. I’m still finding myself adjusting at all the earlier TV schedules too. Let’s call it: Central Time Culture. If I eventually adjust, I might start working at 7:30 — just because getting out of work at 4pm sounds amazing.

Switching:: I’ve been cleaning up my Pinterest boards, in anticipation of receiving a Fix from Stitch Fix next month {affiliate link!} for my birthday. And WOW, has my style changed over the last couple years! It seems that I’ve come full circle though, switching back to my “signature style” of fitted jackets and cardigans over tailored pants or straight-leg denim (would you call that menswear inspired? Classic?). I would also like more hot pink for Spring, Stitch Fix. kthxbai.

Stitch Fix shoes 30-something
Have you received shoes in your Stitch Fix yet? I got these awesomely-bright Nine West flats this month – LOVE!

Forgetting:: Speaking of birthdays… yeah, it’s probably intentional that I keep forgetting that my birthday is next month. But since my boyfriend brought it up, we’ll be making some fun plans in downtown. I would truly like to forget how old I’m going to be — but I think turning into the LAST year in my 30s (*gasp*) is something to celebrate and not fret about anymore.

Craving:: Well, it’s PMS time for this 30-something, and my usual monthly All Things Sugar craving is at its peak. This also means that I’m probably going to have my period for my birthday next month. Ain’t that a bitch! -_-

Retesting and being tested.

Guys. I did NOT pass my food sensitivity test. At all. In fact, this six-month retest is worse than my initial one. My body was obviously trying to tell me something what with all the sugar cravings, and well, now I can’t have sugar. NO SUGAR. No cane sugar, no HFCS, no brown sugar, no white sugar, no corn sugar. NO SUGAR.


Do you know that sugar is in basically everything?

List of items in my pantry/fridge that are now off-limits:
My gluten-free oatmeal packs.
Peanut butter AND the PB2 that I recently fell in love with.
Gluten-free honey nut Chex. (Obvs, but this makes me sad.)
My poop bars.
Mayo. FREAKING MAYO HAS SUGAR IN IT. Do you know how hard it was to find a brand that didn’t contain paprika?
Nomato ketchup.
Bolthouse Chai drink that I use in my fridge oats.
My gluten-free, nightshade free honey mustard from Annie’s. See: mayo.
The chocolate milk drink boxes that I have after every workout/practice. OMG.
My gummy Vitamin D supplements. Seriously. I can’t swallow pills. What am I supposed to do now?
That brand of beef jerky that finally (FINALLY!) didn’t have nightshades.

On top of ol’ sugar, I again tested for nightshades and gluten and hops; I also tested for potato starch, which I didn’t have a sensitivity to in my prior test (pick up a gluten-free anything, there is potato starch in it). So, buh-bye gluten-free pancake mix and frozen waffles and anything easy that I can make for breakfast when I haven’t had enough coffee in the world. Incredibly, my shellfish sensitivity (which I consider to be truly an allergy) fell off the radar, but I’m NOT ready to reintroduce projectile vomiting into my diet changes just yet.

I feel really lost right now. Have you given up sugar in your diet (because of medical/sensitivity reasons or otherwise)? Send help.

{photo credit: Energy We Bring}