Sunday Lately for this 30-Something:: Week 70

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for May 01 (Week 70):: Completing, Visiting, Repeating, Writing, Scheduling.

Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!

Completing:: Even though we have bi-weekly cleaning appointments (and they were just here this past Thursday), I just completed mopping all the floors on the 1st floor because they all smelled like wet dog. WTH!? It’s like they cleaned a house before hours with dogs and used the same mop water. After two days, it didn’t dissipate, and I couldn’t take it anymmore.

Visiting:: Today, we’ll be visiting ALL THE HOME STORES. Ha! Now that we’re mostly settled in, we’ve figured out a few needs for our living spaces. Plus, we’ll be hosting our first out-of-town visitors this month!

Repeating:: Despite how bummed I am about not returning to Pittsburgh to run the marathon with friends this weekend, I need to repeat how I felt immediately upon running the PGH Half last year: I don’t EVER want to run that again. It’s difficult in this current moment because I was so excited to take on the full; but last year, I was miserable (I only signed up this year because I had won a free entry and wanted to join a few friends running their first marathon). But… I was really overwhelmed by the crowds. UGH THE CROWDS. And the weather is always totally unpredictable. It’s a conflict that I thought would be resolved with not training appropriately and moving away and separating myself from the city. Instead, it’s bubbled up emotions that I wasn’t really ready prepared for.

Writing:: I’m currently writing down some lists for a possible 30-day challenge project to take me through the next year. Because…

Scheduling:: It’s BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! Besides making plans for the BIGGEST DAY/LAST YEAR of my 30s, my scheduled Birthday Fix arrived a week early — and it’s seriously one of my favorite Stitch Fix boxes [affiliate link] that I’ve ever received (seriously!!!). I really feel like they curated it specially for me and my style (I asked for a Fix specific for my birthday celebrations, to include some new shoes and a pink dress and THEY DELIVERED).

Stich Fix Birthday Box WIN!
Stich Fix Birthday Box WIN!

The CUTEST Adrianna Papell floral dress, the Pixley green tropical print blazer that I asked for (over a white lace-up top that’s not really my style but ended up looking super cute on), and the Franco Sarto heels that I had pinned! I also received a pair of distressed Kut from the Kloth denim, which are my second pair from the brand — I really like how they fit me!

Sunday Lately for this 30-Something:: Week 68

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for April 17 (Week 68), are:: Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting, Craving.

Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!

Creating:: This morning, I’m creating something for a Hangover Cure. WOOF. It was a VERY good bottle of wine though.

Finding:: I’m discovering a really different work culture here, in that a LOT of people start early (like, 7am early) and end early. My current shift is 8am-4:30pm, and I do have the option to adapt it to my schedule. At first, I was nervous starting so early (and because of my tendency to stay up WAY later than my bedtime), but if I start any later, I’ll be the last man in the dang parking lot! I asked the boyfriend, and he says it’s pretty similar at his company, too. I’m still finding myself adjusting at all the earlier TV schedules too. Let’s call it: Central Time Culture. If I eventually adjust, I might start working at 7:30 — just because getting out of work at 4pm sounds amazing.

Switching:: I’ve been cleaning up my Pinterest boards, in anticipation of receiving a Fix from Stitch Fix next month {affiliate link!} for my birthday. And WOW, has my style changed over the last couple years! It seems that I’ve come full circle though, switching back to my “signature style” of fitted jackets and cardigans over tailored pants or straight-leg denim (would you call that menswear inspired? Classic?). I would also like more hot pink for Spring, Stitch Fix. kthxbai.

Stitch Fix shoes 30-something
Have you received shoes in your Stitch Fix yet? I got these awesomely-bright Nine West flats this month – LOVE!

Forgetting:: Speaking of birthdays… yeah, it’s probably intentional that I keep forgetting that my birthday is next month. But since my boyfriend brought it up, we’ll be making some fun plans in downtown. I would truly like to forget how old I’m going to be — but I think turning into the LAST year in my 30s (*gasp*) is something to celebrate and not fret about anymore.

Craving:: Well, it’s PMS time for this 30-something, and my usual monthly All Things Sugar craving is at its peak. This also means that I’m probably going to have my period for my birthday next month. Ain’t that a bitch! -_-

Weekly Therapy: another year “wiser”

the week:
Yeah, yeah, yeah… birthday week. It’s been one of the hardest of my last few years — and has nothing to do with aging. Well, I’m sure that I’m thinking too much about it because of my age, but it’s nothing to do with NOW I’M 36. I’m equal parts just speechless about a lot of things right now and really stressed. Relationship maintenance is hard, you guys. I don’t even know where to start or finish after saying that.

But thinking about this Cooking for Two: Reconnecting with Your Loved One from A Taste of Therapy.

photo 1

Bout Day! actually, I have TWO bouts this weekend (one of which, a hangover bout… woof) and hopefully a little bit of birthday celebration.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#12: “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell – wasn’t quite as engaging as “Blink,” but I did enjoy the personal stories of success.
True story: I was NOT posting this weekly update until I finished this damn book.

seven things, seven days:
1. Started off the week with a Cinco de Mayo stoop
2. …and a big argument. *sigh*
3. Continuing tradition with a free birthday dinner at Eleven (third year). They always have the best birthday desserts too.
4. Started my 10-day NO IBUPROFEN challenge. It’s not really a challenge so much as it is REQUIRED… but, because we took this month off from 30-day challenges, why not?!
5. Rules for Life from the lovely Bloggess. Don’t stop reading at the end of the article… the comments are just as important.
6. Want this book! It’s so pretty to look at.
7. 13 reasons why growing up is mind boggling {#12 is so hard to admit sometimes}

Every 30-something needs… a reminder on her birthday.

happy birthday lollipop where did you come from

Of how far you’ve come.

Of where you’re going.

Of all the bullshit you’ve endured already in this life. Nay, this year.

That this, too, will somehow pass. No matter the shattering of hearts and testing of resilience.

That friends are really important.

That family is even more so.

That age is just a number. Like a street address or a phone number on caller ID reminding you of your past.

Of where you were this time last year.

Of how you didn’t know what a difference a year would make.

Of where you are now. Now might not be so good… but it will be better. It’s always better.

And that next year you’ll be another year older and there will be more imbalances with your hormones, so just. stop. stressing.

No. No more birthdays. Please.

It’s less than two weeks away from my 36th birthday, and I’m having another identity crisis. It’s like a one-part identity crisis and one-part hormonal meltdown really.

I don’t swear (here) too often, but… HOW THE FUCK AM I TURNING 36?!

Working my way from 35 to 36 hasn’t been too tragic. You know, “Meh. Another birthday.” once I finally got over the last one. I mean, you want a tragedy, you should have been around me when I was approaching 35. Woof. But the closer my next birthday gets, the more I am absolutely. freaking. out. Again. Me, the person who used to LOVE birthdays so much that she celebrated for an entire month.

I’m questioning everything in my life: past choices that I can’t even change if I wanted to (a to-do list of life redos, if you will), relationship ghosts and friends who suck (from a wtf happened kind of perspective), why I can’t find work (am I unmotivated, unexperienced or uneducated?)… sexuality stuff (typical day-in-the-life of a 30-something female with raging hormones). Why I spent so much on my credit card last year to make myself feel better about turning 35? Ugh. I’m both reminiscing too much and hoping for too much. EXPECTING too much. Paying too much in interest. Repeat: questioning everything. Which is destroying my psyche and my mojo. I feel off balance and that All of the Things are amiss.

I am pissed at the world because of it. Because of getting another year older. Or because I feel like my life is unraveling right now because of being older. Fuck. I don’t like being angry. But I’m angry.

To say I need therapy is an understatement.

Nov 9th & 30-something half birthdays

You know what’s worse than turning 35?

Turning 36.

No, I’m not kidding.

35 is still in the middle (even though you’ve just skipped to the next age demographic); you’re no closer to 30 than 40… well, not until the day after your birthday if you’re a Glass Half Empty type of 30-something. Alas, the hump: you’re officially in your mid 30s. Mid-effin-30s.


Yes, all caps and bold. And *puke*

Today is my half birthday, and I’m officially halfway to 36.

I feel like I’m about to have a crisis…