Weekly Therapy: “There’s a huge difference between losing and being a loser”

the week:
It’s time to make the introductory rounds of new doctors in Iowa – I had my dentist appointment this week, and I get to meet my new PCP on Monday (morning. At 7am. WTF was I thinking?!). From that appointment, I need to get referrals for a new gyno, a new dermatologist for my annual skin cancer screening, and a trip to the Ortho (hopefully continuing my luck of having hot sports medicine doctors).

I also apparently got poison ivy while I was on an urban vacation… SERIOUSLY. So I had to cancel my pedicure this week. And there’s a possibility that I might have some kind of stress reaction in my foot. At least there was good news with no new cavities!

tl;dr – I’m falling apart. Bring wine.

I got an amazing care package from ToGoSpa this week (their Ice Water EYES product is wonderful!); so in my earlier promise of self care, I will be relaxing with some face masks and bubble baths. I’ll also probably go outside a LOT because it’s 73 degrees and BEAUTIFUL right now.

seven things, seven days:
1. There are 33.814 fl oz in a 1000ml water bottle. #tmyk
2. After a pretty shit week at work, I was SUPER excited to receive an invitation to National Root Beer Float Day (yes, free root beer floats for employees in my department). BEST DAY EVER!
3. We went to an AMAZING Penfolds wine tasting at the country club. And brought home more than a few bottles.
4. Started AND finished “Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?” this week. Probably one of my favorite books of the year. I really loved Timothy Caulfield’s writing style and humor, and his compiling of research really had an impact in how I think about the health and beauty industries (especially the myth of “anti-aging”). 30-something approved!
5. “There is no such thing as perfect”: Female athletes fight expectations for perfection online {via Reebok}
6. Since I’m a creature of habit — and now mostly settled here in Iowa — I’ve been really looking at some of my routines, and if they’re really “working” for me. Here are some signs that your routine might be getting in your way. {via The Muse}
7. James Clear with another wonderful essay: Motivation is Overvalued

January Success: 30 days of no alcohol for this 30-something!

I cannot wait to kick back and drink a beer with my teammates after practice Thursday — my 30 days without alcohol challenge is complete (yes, that 31st day is a “freebie”). And I earned it!

On tap since 12/28/12: still haven’t been able to drink it.

This month has been nothing short of stressful: tryouts for derby and adjusting to subsequent practice schedule, medical issues and weird doctor appointments, planning and executing a friend’s bridal shower… I can’t tell you how many times I wanted a drink. And, considering that we never drank our bottle of champagne on New Year’s Eve (we didn’t drink at ALL, so technically speaking, I’ve already accomplished 30 days off the sauce), I’ve had to look at that tasty bottle of Rose for THIRTY DAYS. Down the hatch for brunch on Sunday.

The challenge was to get my head in the right place for the beginning of my season. I also need to find alternative ways to deal with my stress. If I had drowned my feelings in vodka then I likely would have been hungover or generally feeling pretty crappy and unmotivated to do HALF of these things. But I’ve had a clear mind and my body feels pretty good. It wasn’t life changing, but it was definitely a test.

More about my 30-days-for-2013 resolutions challenge.
Up next: waking up before 8 am every day in February. Yeah, it’s not 30 days, but we do what we can with the short month (I’m drawing in the 31st from January to make it at least 29)! This is going to be harder than not drinking.

Teeccino: drinks for my non-caffeinated 30-somethings!

I was so excited to get a package on a Sunday afternoon (who knew the USPS delivered on Sundays?!), to look inside to find a box FULL of Teeccino products (and TeeChia, which I haven’t yet tried). While I don’t have a resolution to stop drinking caffeine, I do have reasons for not drinking it throughout the day. That said, because I AM an insomniac — having caffeine in the afternoon is a big no-no — this lends itself to an afternoon slump like no other. I don’t always have the luxury of napping either.

Teeccino is a non-caffeine herbal coffee, perfect for those of you looking to taper off regular coffee or, like me, seeking a mid-afternoon “pick me up.” Mocha and Vanilla Nut are my favorites. Their coffee alternative products contains no caffeine, no preservatives or GMOs or synthetic additives. I prefer the single-serve tee-bags, but Teeccino also makes an all-purpose grind (brews just like coffee).

Why Teeccino products are good for 30-somethings:

  • helps you taper off caffeine
  • prevents insomnia effects that are directly related to drinking too much caffeine
  • no more upset digestion from acidic coffee
  • none of those harmful caffeine effects on fertility and/or pregnant or nursing mothers
  • bye-bye anxiety/stress/high blood pressure/migraines/insomnia/heartburn (oh, the time of your life when your body basically rejects all things you love)
  • extra treat for dessert-loving coffee drinkers

More about Teeccino:
Teeccino has a number of health benefits, including being naturally caffeine free, non-acidic, heart-healthy and good for digestive health. Teeccino provides a natural energy boost, making the non-caf drink perfect for an afternoon pick-up or after-dinner dessert beverage. Also good for morning-only coffee drinkers or people wanting to reduce/eliminate caffeine as part of their daily habits.

Have you heard or tried Teeccino products? Which is your favorite?

Disclaimer: I received complimentary products from Teecino, courtesy of Naturally Savvy, to sample FREE with no compensation in exchange for trying or review. All thoughts and opinions contained herein are my own. See more information on my disclosure page.

Nov 9th & 30-something half birthdays

You know what’s worse than turning 35?

Turning 36.

No, I’m not kidding.

35 is still in the middle (even though you’ve just skipped to the next age demographic); you’re no closer to 30 than 40… well, not until the day after your birthday if you’re a Glass Half Empty type of 30-something. Alas, the hump: you’re officially in your mid 30s. Mid-effin-30s.


Yes, all caps and bold. And *puke*

Today is my half birthday, and I’m officially halfway to 36.

I feel like I’m about to have a crisis…