Every 30-something needs: comfortable shoes!

It seems like every year, I’m asking all my fashion and beauty people for good recommendations for shoes — I’m talking comfortable boots for women, appropriate for the 30-something city person who walks everywhere, even in inclement weather (hello, Fall!). Because I am a sucker for comfort above all things.

This is where I insert a picture of a stylish, comfortable-looking boot. One that fits all my criteria. Notice how this space remains noticeably picture-free.

An uncomfortable foot is an uncomfortable person. FACT.
Hashtag, shoe therapy.

My checklist is:
No heels.
Real leather — footwear that will eventually “mold” to my foot. Not patent leather either. Nothing plastic-looking.
Low- or mid-calf height — that will. not. sag.
Not ugly.
And not those fuzzy UGGS, for that matter. C’mon, I’m 36, not 16!
No heels!
Bonus: warm.
Bonus, bonus: won’t upset my bank account too terribly.

But seriously, people. I AM WILLING TO PAY.

I typically get a few of those from the list, but never the full package. I don’t need a snow boot, since I rotate between my Hunters (with liners) and Sperry’s on wet and flurry days. The Hunters are stylish, yes, but not easy on the feet for long walks — even with insoles. I love my cross trainers, but I haven’t signed away my life to yoga pants and tennis shoes. Yet. I find a cute pair, but they’re cheap; I find a slightly-expensive pair, and they’re ugly. Most often, I succumb to the cheap, but then I get one season out of them.

Why can’t I be stylish AND comfortable? And why can I still not find the right pair of boots? So, spill it, 30-somethings: what boots are your fave?

Wearing the unwearables… MAKE IT SO!

That face is one of a woman who is REALLY pissed that her boyfriend packed her camera and tripod doo-hickie. *groan*

iPhone photos it is for a while… we’ll be in the new place by the end of October, so it will be a welcome change of scenery, with many new places to take photos (including my own private patio).

Feeling a little “wild” for a performance of Electra at the Public Theater with some of my fellow Yelpers.

This outfit — consisting of wardrobe items that have spent quite some time in my closet — fit the (play) bill for the theater. That skirt? I owned for nearly four years before FINALLY bringing to the tailor to have it fit properly at my waist.

The result: super comfy style that is fun-meets-classy (yes, I can actually walk 5 blocks in those boots!).

Top: H&M
Skirt: Old Navy
Sweater Shawl (in hand): hand-me-down from my awesome sister (LOVE this cover-up!)
Tights: Gabriel Brothers
Boots: Hmmm… I actually cannot remember. Likely, online (off-brand is “Delicious”)
Necklaces: Claire’s Boutique 

How in the world do you wear over-the-knee boots without looking like a hooker? I have no idea.

I may or may not have purchased this very pair just to find out. 

The trick is being demure in ALL OTHER places — not showing off legs, tits AND ass (I’m looking at you Station Square hootchie). Although the length of this dress looks like I’m wearing leather pants in some photos. THAT’S A WHOLE OTHER BLOG POST.


I even attempted to fold down the tops (yes, I know… YOUR TAG IS SHOWING) to see if that made a difference. Maybe a balance of over-the-knee and lower (or no) heel would have fared better for me. To be truthful, I’m not sure that I can leave the house with a straight face wearing these. I might have to get drunk first.

But you know what? That’s what makes fashion awesome — playing around in your closet to see what works. And make a ridiculous statement (on your blog, of all places) with what doesn’t.

Dress: NY & Company
Vest: Express (gift a few years ago)
Hooker Boots: ShoeDazzle
Necklace: Revival (the cutest boutique in Akron! Highland Square is where it’s at, Ohio peeps!) 
Ring and Earrings: both Nina Nguyen (on loan from Spoil Me Fashion) 

Also: I’m still not completely sold on this NY&CO dress. As much as I want to love it. Something’s off with the shape. Something that I think not even a higher hem might fix. Or… maybe I just need to style with different colors. I’M NOT GIVING UP YET!
