Every 30-something Needs: a Halloween costume!

Because of the storms (but in hindsight, a ill-conceived premonition), Trick-or-treating was postponed to Saturday.

I haven’t dressed up in costume for a couple years, but since organizing our basement, I know exactly where ALL OF THE HALLOWEEN things are. I used to be REALLY into Halloween costumes and parties; hence, the box dedicated to its holiday. So, I pulled together this character that was also easy to layer, given that the temperatures hovered around 40 degrees.

I even still had my old football cleats from when I used to play flag football in Ohio (and there was still some caked-in mud on the soles). You know, for authenticity.

Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood is INSANE — we get HUNDREDS of kids. We bought six bags of candy last year… and ran out in less than an hour-and-a-half. This year, we purchased more (and made an effort to buy the variety bags with small, kid-friendly sized candies) — and STILL RAN OUT. Our neighbors had plans, so they gave us an extra bag for us to make it through the last half hour. Cutest costume: the toddler in the train costume.

And then our other neighbor (who’s been on our street since 2000) brought over a bottle of champagne to celebrate our one-year-anniversary. That’s my kind of treat!

Post #4 Completed!

Sequin love: Topshop bodycon dress *swoon*

I WAITED TOO LONG! The dress I wanted for New Year’s is out of stock. *sigh*

(via Sequin Bodycon Dress By Dress Up Topshop** – Topshop USA