Caucus Season is Crazy

Caucus craziness has descended upon Des Moines. It’s three months until The Caucus, and today is the Democratic celebration of Liberty & Justice (formerly, and no longer named after a slave owner and that other guy who was horrible about Native Americans), which brings in (almost) all the candidates and their associated entourage… and, apparently, celebrities.

Weezer is doing an outdoor (!) concert at noon, by way of a rally for Andrew Yang. YANGAPALOOZA.

I received an alert that Ben Harper will be joining PETE. Pete and PETE were walking down the street…

I have an event this evening – that is NOT the democratic dinner, sadly – and am disappointed at being unable to hang out downtown to see who else shows. However, this will be the first of many, I’m sure, opportunities for a “Pete Up” at one of my favorite local watering holes or Selfies with Warren.

And thus begins my Caucus Season is Crazy check-in and column.

Also, I’m going to attempt to blog every day in November per NaNoBloMo again this year. See you tomorrow. Yeah, no… this isn’t happening this month. 😆

Fall into Iowa (Because Winter is Coming)

Snow is in this week’s forecast! I’ve already seen flurries at least once and it was not of much significance. But with temperatures falling to a possible FIFTEEN DEGREES, there’s a chance this might stick for a bit. At least until it’s 40 again over the weekend. I’ve barely opened my apple cider – and YES, my Halloween lights are still up.

november snow showers

I’m one of those weird people who positively loves the approach of winter (but maybe I don’t have the same fondness for my ugly winter tires). Playing outside in the snow feels like being a kid again. I love trail running in the snow. I miss my snowmobile so much (and always tempted to get another one). Last year I purchased a saucer to use on our back hill. Growing up on Lake Erie, I’m used to getting dumped on in terms of snow accumulation – like, when it snowed in Ashtabula, it would snow 3 feet. Iowa finally gave me a bunch of snow last winter. What Iowa also gives is an unholy wind chill. On New Year’s Day last year, it was negative 30-something. So, as I do every New Year’s Day, I joined my fellow runners. My Garmin died because of the cold. My eyelashes froze into mini icicles. At times, it was painfully cold. But it was one of those things I had never experienced, and I had to know what -34 felt like.

Iowa’s got nothing on Cleveland Lake Effect.

In looking for more ways to enjoy the cold winters in Iowa, I have been on the hunt for clothing items that will resist those sub-zero wind chills. Spoiler alert: Most winter gear is shit and rated to only, like, 20 degrees F. This search also includes what fun outdoor activities I can enjoy. I already enjoy trail running, and I have snow shoeing on my “winter bucket list.” I’ve also been kind of obsessed with fat bikes – especially seeing them out in snowy conditions, so I went to Rassy’s and “test drove” one last week. I’m pretty sure you’re going to find me on two wheels this winter on the Des Moines trails… but you might not recognize me under all the layers.

What outdoor activities do you do in the Iowa winters? SHOW ME YOUR LAYERS!

Farm Report: 3.30.18

While we await the return of the starlings

’tis the season

Tyler (‪@TylerJRoney‬) forgot corn season. Pothole Season is so real right now though.

mooooove along, nothing to see here

Guess I only have a few days left for my husband to surprise me with a farm animal. YES I’M STILL OBSESSED WITH COWS.

midwest shenanigans

Are there any Easter traditions that are specific to Iowa? We have our cultural food customs (ham, pickled eggs, hrutka aka “egg cheese”) that aren’t really homeland specific, but I wonder if there are regional differences in how Iowans celebrate (or eat during) the holiday.

Share your traditions in the comments!