Weekly Therapy: There is no mastery when it comes to love, there is only humility.

the week:
My buddy Glen Hansard spoke those words {see post title} in Pete Holmes’ podcast You Made it Weird. A beautiful sentiment, no? He’s so dreamy. But seriously, I’ve been ruminating on those words for a week.

Nonetheless, interesting to think about mastery in terms of love — and not just in loving other human beings. Becoming passionate about something comes with the process of mastery, but you don’t necessarily love it any less when it kicks you down or breaks your heart. That continuous growth is what keeps it exciting, fulfilling, challenging, content… what keeps you humble. All the things that keep romantic love alive just the same. No more philosophical thinking from me. Much to anxious this week.

Saturday morning is the Fineview Step Challenge — a course that is one part road race, one part trail race and another part obstacle course. Not to mention the many, MANY flights of stairs. I loved doing this one last year. Of course, I’ll be taking it easy and enjoying the view (and the hot chocolate) from the top.

I still need to pull out my Halloween decorations from the basement too.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#34: Wild by Cheryl Strayed — I LOVED this book, and was entertained and engaged throughout. While her personality is mostly annoying (at times, even repulsive), I enjoyed reading about the characters in the story and how those connections impacted her growth. To be honest, I’ve longed to become a hiker since I love the outdoors so much, and this book — while wholly improbable for an over-planner like me — provided a little kick-in-the-ass to start somewhere. Is there a hiking group in Pittsburgh?

seven things, seven days:
1. I started my week IN A POOL. Outdoors. In Western Pennsylvania. Oh, did I mention it’s OCTOBER. I savored every moment.
2. I also started my week with a gnarly drinking-induced sickness. Woof. No more wine pairings with a 7-course dinner.
3. I also took a vacation day this week; though this week still feels long.
4. Got notice as well about having to move my office soon-ish. I figured it was inevitable, and thankfully I still have an office. With a door.
5. Last weekend, to unplug, I deleted my social media apps off my phone. I still haven’t put them back, although since coming home I find myself going to Facebook via the browser from time-to-time. Certainly, much less than usual though. While I feel “unplugged,” I also feel wholly disengaged. I’m texting more, ironically.
6. Have you guys tried FLYJOY bars yet? I AM OBSESSED.
7. IMPACTFUL: The Digital Breakup {via The School of Enough}

Every 30-something needs: to belong.

Belonging is on the psych triangle (Maslow), and an inherent part of the human condition and centric to motivation. It is a relationship requirement to have affection with significant others, feel wanted in friendships, with teammates, in community, church or with coworkers, and so on. We 30-somethings are becoming more comfortable with our sense of selves and in relationships with others as motivation for higher needs… and realizing where we belong in the process — where we need to belong.

maslow triangle psychology needs

Switching gears just a little bit. I’ve talked about the death of a blog before, and how it has an impact on personal identity. This post: Can a Blog Die? reinvigorated my internal argument about where I do belong. And then I had to create a personal goal plan in my Psychology of Personal Development course (finals week!). One of my three goals before graduation (without going into all the SMART specifics) is to blog again.

One of my life satisfactions is to have an outlet like this and feeling like part of this blogging community — I need this blog, as much as I need others’ blogs. Perhaps this space here will help me with some accountability in goal tasking, in realizing some of my gratitude, and maybe help some other undergrad trying to navigate the psychology career path. But most of all, I get to share my life and its highs, lows, and life lessons (ahem, mistakes) with a community that understands WHY we blog.

We belong. (Did I get Pat Benatar stuck in your head?)

Do you believe that Maslow’s hiearchy still applies in aspects of your 30s? Would you change the order?

More reading:
Why We All Need to Belong to Someone {Psychology Today}

The “Need to Belong” – Part of What Makes Us Human {Science of Relationships}

Image credit: liveit.loveit.blogit