My Favorite Podcasts

I’m looking for a few new additions to my podcast list. What are you listening to and enjoy and would recommend? I know that is a very loaded question, as podcast requests are as individualized as the genres of books we read. I already listen to way too many long-form shows – so, looking for episodes that are regularly less than an hour long (but even better if the show trends closer to half of that run time). I have 169 Unplayed episodes queued up right now, and regularly delete those that are three months out-of-date (unless there’s a guest that I really, REALLY want to (eventually) listen to)… sooo, maybe I shouldn’t download anything new? In any event, maybe you’ll find something new to listen to here!

podcast header blog reviews

Here’s what is on my regular rotation (as you will read, I have various moods and interests):
Real Talk Radio with Nicole Antoinette*
99% Invisible (I mean, who DOESN’T love Roman Mars’ voice?)
The Psychology Podcast*
Sooo Many White Guys (which I think might be on extended hiatus?)
How I Built This
You Are Not So Smart
Sincerely, Hueman (uplifting stories, and easy-to-digest length)
Stuff You Should Know (sooooo many episodes; I’m totally backlogged!)
Hidden Brain
Finding Mastery with Michael Gervais
Freakanomics Radio

What I listen to more infrequently:
You Almost Had It!
Everything is Alive
The BibRave Podcast
You Made it Weird (this is actually one of my FAVORITE podcasts because I am regularly LOL’ing but the episodes are kinda long at 2+ hours, and I have been procrastinating on their priority)
Recode Decode
Armchair Expert (I like this show a lot and mostly save the episodes for long road trips because they are really fun interviews)

Series that I am currently enjoying:
The Dream (about MLM – it’s SO GOOD)
Happy Face (if you’re into murder-type series; this one is interesting, coming from the daughter’s perspective of her father being the Happy Face Killer)

Series that I finished in whole and would wholly recommend:
Atlanta Monster
Heaven’s Gate

What is currently on my list and I’ve yet to get into:
Slow Burn (Season 2)
Longform Podcast
Yo, Is This Racist?
Hell and Gone

I wish Apple Podcasts kept a record of the shows I’ve deleted out of boredom, disinterest in the hosts, or irritation at unbalanced sound levels because OMG there are so many terrible ones out there.

*I financially support these podcasts via Patreon because I positively believe in doing so. And if more podcasts went this patron-backer route, I totally would give up more of my money!

Weekly Therapy: 10.20.17

the week:
Oh, HI! It’s been a few weeks. ?

I’m closing out Week 4 of grad school, and as expected, it’s kicking my ass! I’ve finally found a groove with my assignments and reading (so much reading!), but will admit to feeling wholly intimidated by so many brilliant people in my classes. I’m inspired by the topics and coursework so far (though wish I could spend more of my time focused on school – still trying to figure out the work-school balance). Actually, that balance part has been really important to me and I have worked HARD on the days I need to in order to enjoy a “free” day.

I took a week off running after Chicago (oh yeah, I haven’t posted about that or ANY of my races from last month either!), and felt good to have some space from that. This past weekend, I cheered on the Des Moines’ marathoners from Mile 20 (half marathoners Mile 7) and it filled my whole heart to be able to do so.

Des Moines Marathon Cheer Station Mile 20

This weekend is GOATz 50k in Omaha. Yep, another race weekend road trip. Have I mentioned this is my first ultra race? This should be a fun one! I’m WAY less anxious about running this than Chicago.

seven things, seven days:
1. My knuckles are bruised from extreme cow-belling at the marathon last weekend.
2. Story of my life: I bought this for my cats (they don’t care), and now I’m having all the fun!
3. I saw Christmas lights up (and on!) during my morning work commute this week. ?
4. I also saw a meteor! Peak meteor showers this weekend from Halley’s Comet!
5. Generation X Women are having midlife crises. {sigh, Oprah}
6. My podcast feed is stale. What are your favorites? Got any new ones to recommend?
7. Find your motivation in sport. {via Psychology Today}

Sunday Lately for this 30-Something:: Week 72

Blogger Tribe_Sunday Lately It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for May 15 (Week 72) :: Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting.

Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!

Doing:: All weekend, I was volunteering at the derby tournament (hence, this post being late). So, for the rest of Sunday afternoon, I basically did NOTHING. Well, I definitely made a sandwich first… then, nothing.

Appreciating:: I’m still feeling all the warm fuzzies from friends who reached out with birthday wishes. For anyone who has moved to a new city, it can feel incredibly sad to miss out on celebrating with friends (who have likely celebrated with you for past birthdays).

Designing:: a new playlist! Man, I don’t think that I’ve updated my running songs since I ran the marathon. It’s no wonder I’m unmotivated to workout (a big HA! there because we all know the real reasons — my friends Lazy Tendencies and Procrastination). 😉

Have any new, good dance, electronica or remix recommendations that I should download?

Humming:: the jingle for one of my favorite podcasts, We Know Nothing (as sung by Anya Marina, an artist that opened up one of my FAVORITE live show memories back in my Cleveland days — she was on the bill with Greg Laswell and Jay Nash).

At work, I’m allowed to wear headphones/earbuds, so I’ve been plugging back into my growing list of unplayed podcasts. I’ve also been catching up on Nicole Antoinette’s past seasons of Real Talk Radio on my commutes, and have gained much-needed insight into some life decisions that I’ve been struggling to make. I’m pretty sure she’s about to release another new season, so I want to be caught up!

Expecting:: We’re expecting our first guests (boyfriend’s parents) at the end of the month and OMG it’s already halfway through May! I need to start putting stuff up on the walls and figure out my living room arrangement already.

Weekly Therapy: Devil’s Night

the week:
I started off the week by running a marathon… and, well, I’m just riding that high. Read my race recap for the Niagara Falls International Marathon.

Trick-or-treat in my neighborhood is always the best. And Halloween marks our four-year anniversary of moving into our house. I like to dub this weekend as “one of two yearly hangovers that I look forward to.” I only just thought of a fun idea TODAY for a costume. So, I’ll be running around tomorrow trying to find a beard. HA!

And I have my post-marathon massage. NINETY MINUTES, BABY.

seven things, seven days:
1. Season 2 of Nicole Antoinette’s Real Talk Radio Podcast is live!
2. I’m really bummed about my hair right now. Last week, it got totally fried, and I’m losing so much hair every day — it’s breaking off completely at my hairline — and it didn’t even lighten properly. Not to mention, for the first time the processing KILLED my scalp while it was on. I guess I’m more pissed than bummed.
3. Moved to my new office at work this week, and was greeted with door decorations, a “welcome to the 3rd floor!” gift bag, and a lunch party (and a giant Snickers bar).
4. It’s tights season! And I’m finding getting dressed to work overly complicated again. Also, who puts tags in tights seams — THE WORST!
5. I participated in an EEG research study at The Scarehouse last year, and I got my brain activity info this week. SO NEAT.
6. On our road trip from Canada, I found “Kool Ranch” Kale Chips at the rest stop. Oh man, they were so good! Definitely not better than Canada’s Intense Pickle Doritos though.
7. This last one is for my Pittsburgh runners. Here, since I forgot to include this picture in my marathon recap:

Pittsburgh runners say LOL.
Pittsburgh runners say LOL.