Weekly Therapy: Pick Your Therapy

the week:
I barely made it through my first week back to school without having a serious breakdown from stress. (I almost typed “breadown” so maybe I need a sandwich.) One assignment took me TWO HOURS LONGER than I expected, and both classes have major assignments of the week due on Thursdays instead of Sundays. Anyway, it just screws up my schedule a little bit, and I have to readjust. But I had to cancel on my fun Thursday night event, and I’m still reeling from how crazy, out-of-control I felt.

While it was only in the 40s early Friday morning, THE POOL OPENS THIS WEEKEND! I have a lot of being lazy on the veranda happening. And I’m going to play some golf with the boyfriend.

Also, TEDxPGH is Saturday at the Byham.

52 books in 52 weeks:
#16: Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think by Brian Wansink. This book covers a new category of interest, food psychology! I highlighted a LOT, as there a lot of realistic ways to change your eating habits by being mindful of portions and labeling (they trick us!), and taking the role of gatekeeper for your household more seriously.

The irony is that the day after I finished this book, I was walking behind two women conversing about eating habits. One of them BLAMED HER CHILDREN for having bad food in the house. Pretty sure they’re not doing the shopping, and this is where these healthy eating habits can be learned. Although, it’s important to note that the foods we take comfort in can be realized at any point in adulthood — it’s not only a trigger from childhood.

Pet Therapy Booth: Best thing to happen to your lunch break, ever
Pet Therapy Booth: Best thing to happen to your lunch break, ever

seven things, seven days:
1. Went super blonde for summer!
2. Sooooo… where my Bachelorette-watching friends at? (Watching it with my boyfriend, by the way, is a hilarious experience.)
3. Trying to stay away from all these email deals for the holiday weekend… never mind, too late.
4. There are so many options for outdoor yoga in Pittsburgh this summer — Saturdays in the park by my neighborhood too!
4. Speaking of yoga: Yoga & meditation in detention centers.
5. OMG There was a therapy booth set up in Market Square at lunch today, and I got to hang out with some little kittens. I was very SQUEE.
6. Oooh, the myths of self-development. {via a daring adventure}
7. I’m seriously considering this Foodist Kitchen program to finally get over my inability (or unwillingness) to cook for myself.

Weekly Therapy: Rooted in Reality

the week:
Starting the week on a 4-day stretch of headaches was no way to jump start my training routine! I think I’ve only had one migraine in my life, but this felt dangerously close to one at times — Tylenol wasn’t working, a massage didn’t work, coffee only subdued it temporarily (cheese plates made me happier, but depressingly do nothing for headaches either). My eyes were super light-sensitive and unfocused; the pain radiated from behind my eyes all the way to the innards of my cranial cavity. I can tell you that wine all but made it disappear, but returned with a roaring vengeance the next morning (with a noxious hangover, natch). Since nothing alleviated my symptoms, I’m left to think I was glutened something harsh last week, and darn it if I can’t figure out from what! See also: hormones.

The reality is that I’m now a week behind in my training for the 10-miler, and I’m just going to dust myself off and try it again (and so far, on schedule!).

Wine course from our Bar Marco dinner last weekend.
Wine course from our Bar Marco dinner last weekend.

Birthday celebration tonight for a friend downtown (there may be more champagne with sparklers). The National Aviary is having one of their 21+ events too, Party in Paradise, which I’m also hoping to attend (albeit late).

I am also SO looking forward to a scheduled (and “free”) facial at my massage place for continuing my membership (yeah, those monthly massages are splurge-worthy AND necessary for this 30-something body).

And holy CRAP do I have a laundry list of shit to do and homework this weekend.

seven things, seven days:
1. Someone finally came over and took away my old couch (bittersweet, a bit). But YAY! My new sofa is finally in my living room (and now all the decorating re-begins).
2. A lunchtime dentist appointment brought about the scheduling for replacement of two silver fillings from, like, 20+ years ago. I seriously have A HOLE in the filling of my last molar. This reality? WHOLE PAYCHECK.
3. This week the Cultural Trust announced their 2015-2016 PNC Broadway Across America season (and specials) with a fun party at the Byham.
4. YES. >> “Books like The Secret are like McDonald’s for the mind. They’re easy and make you feel good, but they also make you mentally fat and lazy, and emotionally, you die a much more painful death.” {via the ever-provoking and awesome Mark Manson}
5. 30 YEARS of reality television, of which I have consumed with much guilty pleasure — a retrospective via Pacific Standard.
6. What you need to know about limiting beliefs: a really great post from Belief Alchemy, with includes some helpful exercises. How can you change your reality?
7. The research of walking vs. high-intensity interval training in The New York Times.

Weekly Therapy: OK, really vacation therapy this time.

the week:
Two weekends ago already was my Florida trip. Wut?! But THIS weekend is actually, really our little getaway.

ft. lauderdale florida harbor boats
Ft. Lauderdale is pretty.

It’s been a week since my birthday so unceremoniously passed… huh. I should write about that. HUGE emotional difference from last year.

ft lauderdale brunch spots beach
A nice spot for brunch, eh?

There will be relaxation. And none of that looking at next week’s school assignments.

scavenger hunt florida
High fives, Florida!

seven things, seven days:
1. Developed a stress management/development project for my Psych class this trimester, and currently putting the plan into motion. Maybe I’ll post about that here too?
2. In any event: STRAIGHT A grades this semester!!!
3. And a week off between semesters. Hooray!
4. New hair, don’t care. I went shorter and lighter for the warmer weather and feel GREAT.
5. Reading: Gluten Freedom. Intending to read every week NOT just for school — or at the very least, a complement to coursework that is NOT the textbook.
6. Continuing the stress talk: 6 Strategies that Surprisingly Don’t Shrink Stress (I wasn’t surprised… but maybe you will be!)
7. And there ARE benefits to stress! No, really!

Weekend Therapy: recharged and ready

the week:
Ah. The first week back from vacation. Usually tortuous, but I feel good. RECHARGED. Like I really had a vacation. But oh, do I miss Costa Rica!

Sneak peek:

Guess what I'm about to do?
Guess what I’m about to do?

Staying low key, given that August is busy every. single. weekend. If we get an itch, we might walk over to the Beer Fest at Stage AE on Saturday. I’ve got brunch with the girlfriends planned for Sunday (psssst, the place has a DOUGHNUT MACHINE).

seven things, seven days:
1. Free lunch at work this week because of national “thank a zoologist” (or something) week. It was also birthday cake week. A nice way to ease back into the real world. I also had my yearly review, which was excellent.
2. Ha. We have a push lawnmower now, but we lost nearly all of our new grass. We think the sod might have been bad. *cry*
3. The cats are crazy. The end.
4. Catching up on old favorite — nip/tuck — while I’m doing other work. What a fun show! Season 2 was definitely my favorite. Or, maybe 3. Season 5 is so weird.
5. Finishing up some DIY projects this week. Feeling crafty!
6. Processed my FAFSA – school is getting close!
7. The Truth About Female Desire via Salon

Weekly Therapy: buh-bye skin cancer

the week:
Had my MOHs surgery this week, so this post will be short-and-sweet. I have to wait 7-10 days to do any kind of physical activity, so I’m also on derby break. I’ll know more next Thursday when I get my bandages removed (for further healing time). I have no idea how long my stitches will be in my face, which is weird — especially if they’re going to be exposed.

Neighborhood yard sale (also, first time in public since the surgery). Power game on Saturday, and then the Pirates game with my dad on Sunday. But lots of rest and learning how to cover up a black eye with makeup.

52 books in 52 weeks:
I got 17% through a new book about Ted Bundy, but it was boring, so I cut my losses and started reading something else.

seven things, seven days:
1. I won a $100 restaurant gift card from Dawg’s Dish. SO AWESOME! And we have a new restaurant to try when we return to Cleveland.
2. Yoga. Needed.
3. Purchased a CC cream (finally) and was disappointed to learn it didn’t contain sunscreen. Plus, the product itself sucks. Meh.
4. We booked a trip to Costa Rica!
5. Now I need to renew my passport though… holy expensive — especially for expedited processing!
6. Homemade strawberry milkshakes: for those days when you cannot drink alcohol. Sober Therapy.
7. Does trying to be happy make us unhappy?

Every 30-something needs… some resolutions.

I hate the word “resolutions” just as much as the next 30-something (I mean, it’s like settings up for failure, right?), but I do set some goals for myself for the year. We need goals — something to live for, strive for and accomplish. This is what makes our life worth a damn: purpose.

Resolutions. Or at least some intentions.
To be a better person (in more ways than one).
To be healthier.
More motivated. More generous.

The following for 2013:
Financial: Pay off my credit card debt before starting school next Fall. Pay off old school debt to get my transcripts released.
Education: Apply to an additional college (not one I was originally anticipating attending, but would be proud to “get in”.) Finish all application and registration requirements. GO BACK TO SCHOOL! (yay!)
Diet & Exercise: Make A-level travel team. Train for my relay leg in the marathon. Get stronger. Lift more. Find easy, healthy meals that I can make on my own.
Work: Better business tracking: time spent on projects, job app-to-hire percentage, all business expenses. Continue to look for work that is new and challenging. Pitch more.
Relaxation: Shut down the phone and read once per day. If I’m on my phone every day, I can have my nose in a book everyday. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes.
Home: Finish house projects. Complete paint remodel of the first level. Decorate my master bathroom.
Love: Love and support the boyfriend in all aspects of his life (including his high-stress job and travel). Stop being so bitchy and expecting to suddenly live with a mind reader (ie: tell him what’s on my mind instead of being defensive upfront). More date nights.
Friendships: Send one handwritten letter to a long-distance friend or family per month. Make the time to visit and reconnect with long-time friends in Ohio. Connect and hang out more with my team/leaguemates.
Do Good: Continue to volunteer and donate time and money to my favorite charities and causes. Be emotionally available for friends and family in need.

But then I took this whole Resolutions thing one step further. I made a list of promises for each month of the new year. Because I’m mostly crazy, but also because I really like to challenge myself. Each directly relates to my resolutions — and are tied bad habits that I’d like to break or motivation that I’d like to gain.

A Year of Promises
January: 30 days of no alcohol.
February: 30 days of WAKING UP BEFORE 8am. (I’m going on vacation this month; will be interesting)
March: 30 days of no sweets
April: 30 days of “something new”
May: 30 days of yoga
June: 30 days spending freeze
July: 30 days of NO PANTS (dresses and skirts only; save for working out)
August: 30 days of volunteering
September: 30 days without social media (this is when I intend to return to school; will be taking a month-long hiatus from both social media and blogging because I WILL NEED IT)
October: 30 days of dates!
November: 30 days of blog posts
December: 30 days of relaxing (sit back and listen to Christmas music; you’ll need it!)
*if there are 31 days in a month, consider Day 31 a “freebie”; 28 days, an “easy” goal, which… not really.

More: 5 Questions You Need to Ask Before Making Your New Year Resolutions {from Psych Central}
10-step Guide for Making Your New Year Resolutions {from PsyBlog}

Image credit: FrameAngel

Every 30-something needs… some crafty time!

A few weeks ago, I had to paint numbers on a scrimmage shirt. (I was out of iron-ons and stencils, and using a black Sharpie is for amateurs!) What I discovered, was that surrounding all the stress and hectic schedule leading up to that scrimmage (yes, I waited until the night before to do it! Always the procrastinator!), I was relaxing in that moment.

No screens. No noise. Me and paint brushes.

It’s also a feat to complete not one, but TWO craft projects in one day, but I painted a birdhouse and made bows for our Christmas tree. Before, during and afterward, there was SANTA’S CINNAMON (my favorite hard cider of the year).

Sure, the former is a kids project (30-something kids-at-heart too!), but I get to look at something fun and creative that I planned, executed — and it has a purpose. We have a wonderful bird community in our new neighborhood; something I missed while living in the heart of downtown.

I’m no artist, that’s for sure, but I like a good DIY project. For years, I made cards (and still have a small nagging in my heart for doing something paper based professionally or etsy-based at some point in my life), and nearly forgot how crafting or painting or gluing makes me so relaxed. It’s a Project Finished, to which I feel sort of accomplished.

The bows needed to be done, considering we’re still adding to our holiday ornaments collection (the tree is quite bare without). The plaid ribbon was too cute, but ultimately didn’t work for the tree decorations… but I’ll be planning something soon for those extra spools.

Both projects back-to-back made me realize that I should be making more time to be crafty.
Tell me about what DIY projects you’re working on in the comments!