Weekly Therapy: The realization and acknowledgement that I only have a couple weeks remaining in my 30s

the week:
So… yeah. Can I remain 30-something in this blog space if I’m actually 40? I knew this moment would come, and I don’t yet have a plan for the change. I know that I want to continue to blog — blogging been a part of my life for 15 some years, and I’ve been posting here for about 6 years. I’ve been waiting for a “big idea” lightbulb moment. And since that hasn’t happened yet, I’ll remain here as a 30-something in spirit.

not yet 40 something banner

Having a kind weird weekend — I’ve been feeling something wonky in my right knee intermittently for a week, along with my left arch feeling sore since Illinois. And now my lower back is bothering me since Friday. I don’t have it in me to run outside in 30-degree temperatures and rain. And when I attempted to make up some miles on my treadmill, the machine started smelling like burning rubber and I got nervous about the motor burning up (or the thing catching fire) and had to QUIT. Things are rough over here right now.

You know, in case you wondered what 40-something blog posts would be like.

seven things, seven days:
1. Took a DNS for the Drake Half marathon. I just didn’t have it in me.
2. Golf season has arrived (amidst the snow showers in the forecast, WTF), and I’m finally spending my Dick’s Sporting Goods gift card from LAST Christmas on a new pair of golf shoes.
3. I found an additional VISA gift card, as well as a Dunham’s (hopefully those still exist?) and another for Amazon. Maybe I need to clean out junk drawers more often?
4. Is running contagious? {via NYT}
5. This food article spoke right to my soul (and inspired me to make a gluten-free carrot cake this weekend): The Nonnegotiables of Good Carrot Cake {via Taste}
6. Sports Psychology: The effects of loss aversion (sorry in advance about the auto-play video) {via Stack}
7. A guide for giving your cats their annual performance review — OMGGGGGGG ???

Weekly Therapy: “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell”

the week:
Man, was it difficult to return to work this week! I felt like I hit a wall every day around 3pm and not even espresso could help me recover.

Seeing as how we’re already a week into the new year, I’m spending some time reflecting on 2016 and the areas in which to focus this year. I also have to write my annual review (due next week, GAH!), which has always been a struggle for me — despite keeping regular notes of my successes throughout the year. I feel like my head is constantly spinning!

Does anyone else have a journal that they keep on them to “brain dump” throughout the week? Mine is mostly a giant book of to-do lists, but I feel crazy if I don’t get the running list out of my head.

Still no working treadmill, so I need to decide if I’m bundling up for the great outdoors this weekend or making extra trips to my gym. *groan*

I’m going to love the shit out of my massage on Sunday. And maybe I’ll go to ULTA and spend my Christmas money.

seven things, seven days:
1. Visit two with my stylist this week, and she was able to correct how much red was pulling in my hair. Going back to “natural” from platinum blonde is a process and remind me of this when I want to go lighter again.
2. The Limited is closing. 🙁
3. Some great tips to beat the running blues… if you’ve lost your mojo. {via Mizuno Running}
4. Old habits die hard – how to really change your life in 2017, per Gretchen Rubin {via The Guardian}
5. OMG check out these old runners advertisements from ADIDAS.
6. Have an ultra on your challenge list for 2017? READ THIS >> A Century or Bust: 100-Mile Lessons
7. The Kaizen approach — and how to be 1% better every day {via Medium}

Cherry Blossom 10-miler: Training Weeks 3 and 4

So Week #3 was another bust: after suffering a serious case of DOMS from Crossfit (that lingered for three painful, terrible days), I endured a four-day painful and terrible streak of headaches.

Moving on…

I invested in a few more cold weather running pieces, since it seems as though this winter is sticking around. 180s was having an uber-awesome sale around Valentine’s Day, so I picked up another pair of thermal running tights (only $20!), a neck gaiter (free with my purchase!), and these fun ear muffs that have speakers in them (now if I could only get my phone not to die in these extreme temperatures). Their site has a bunch of awesome solutions for being outside in the frigid temps — and sells one of the best pair of convertible running gloves I’ve seen/worn.

180 running gear

Week 4
Monday: 3.25 miles, treadmill
Tuesday: 3.21 miles, treadmill
Wednesday: REST DAY
Thursday: (homework day)
Friday: REST DAY
Saturday: 4 miles OUTSIDE (4.03 via Garmin; 4.26 via MapMyRun). I was only supposed to do 3, but felt good, so I took a longer run in the chance I wouldn’t get out on Sunday.
Sunday: AND THEN OF COURSE, THE WEATHER. Welp, I’m one mile longer behind again in my training, but I had a paper due and couldn’t get to the YMCA before it closed at 2pm. (Seriously?!)

run collage

I’m not quite sure how this neck gaiter works, but I LOVE these new ear-warmer speakers!!!

Alas, I feel MUCH better about this week of training than I have in a while, but I’ll have some make-up work to do.

Total runs this week: 3
Weekly mileage: 10.49 miles
Total training mileage: 21.13 miles

February totals (per MapMyRun):
7 runs
21.37 total miles

Weekly Therapy: rock me mama like a wagon wheel

the week:
Do you do the unthinkable in the name of fitness? Like, waking up at 5am to go to a 6am Crossfit class? Two sessions in, and I am totally hooked (also, very sore). Also, also? I squatted with a bar for the first time in my life (many squats!).

HOOTIE! Going to see Darius Rucker Friday night — my first time at Stage AE — AND we’re scheduled for the preshow meet-and-greet.


Then I’m on “assignment” for the Steel City Big Pour. And then it’s the infamous waffle brunch at Fathead’s the next morning; ah, the sweet nectar of KBS. And hopefully CBS. How did yet another beer week sneak into my schedule?!

Sunday also marks the Steelers home opener… if you’re into that kind of thing, Pittsburgh. 😉

seven things, seven days:
1. Two nights out this week with various neighbors. So much white wine.
2. We’re signed up for the home & garden tour (the latter portion; we’re definitely not ready to show the inside) in our neighborhood and were hosted to a wonderful dinner this week.
3. Adding to that, we’ve got a new plan for the garden — and one week to finish it. I feel like I’m on a home decorating reality show, for real.
4. Somebody in the neighborhood said they thought the gray trim on my house was primer. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.
5. I lost my D&G sunglasses at some point in the last two weeks. So mad. Not going to admit that the shopping therapy for a new pair made me feel any better (buyer’s remorse again).
6. No remorse over my latest Stitch Fix [affiliate link] though! Once again, I loved EVERYTHING in it.
7. Don’t Panic! But Psychology isn’t always a science … but it can be. {via Mind Hacks}

May & June 30 Challenge: Promises Made, Promises Broken

Because of my surgery and mandatory activity break last month, I couldn’t complete my 30 days of yoga challenge for May. I will likely revisit this later in the calendar (perhaps at the end of my derby season). The 30-day promise for 2013 moves on, as I am currently on a spending freeze for June.

I’m glad that I noticed it was June before I did any shopping therapy this weekend. Because… ALL OF THE THINGS ON SALE.

frozen credit card

This is a big month for my budget… and by “big” I mean this month will be HARD to budget. I’m still paying off doctor bills (estimate there’s another $300 left to pay; all these bills keep coming from various billing offices. ANNOYING.) It’s my last month of car payments (woohoo!)… but my car’s 95,000 mile maintenance is scheduled for the weekend. Also, new tires and front brakes are in the works (we have a $2,000 cap for car work before we just push that towards a down payment on a newer model. I’d like to have no car payments for a year, but that might be lofty plans.) Passport renewal cost me $200 because of expedited fees. Paying off an old debt to a former college so I can obtain my transcripts for Fall registration (what a mess) is over $1,000 (baby steps).

This kind of challenge is difficult for summer. But it’s all June, with none of the frivolous spending around here. I’m talking freezing the monies on: shorts, shoes, happy hours, all the little house things that I do not need right this minute, nail polish and snack box subscriptions, nip toys for the cats, trinkets from the gift shop at work, amazon books (*gulp*)… derby schwag (eeek). No charges on my credit cards. FROZEN. I need to dip into savings and joint account to even make this month work financially — and our joint account is already taking a beating from home repairs, renovations, decorating and an upcoming (kinda unplanned) vacation. Picking up a new freelance client was definitely a highlight (and much needed) this month.

And if I *do* find myself with a shopping itch, I have a $60 Target gift card from my birthday with which to scratch it. 😉

Read more about my year-long 30-day challenges.
Jan: no alcohol
Feb: wake up early
March: no sweets
April: something new (post coming!)

Weekly Therapy: needs more room service

the week:
I spent most of my week in Buffalo… doing nothing but work. I forgot my book, which made me do even more work. Even online distractions didn’t sway my production. Even though I decided not to explore the city (um, it was 22 degrees, nothankyou), I had something of a writing retreat, so it’s a win in my book.

When I got back, I had an interview for a part-time boutique position. I should find out some time next week about that…

Friday night is GIRLS NIGHT OUT (special holiday gift exchange edition). I hope you make time for your girlfriends this busy season because we all need a release from the stressors (and holiday triggers). And wine. We NEED wine. (and in our case, cheesecake.) Check out the gorgeous earrings I got from my “Secret Santa” (also, a gift card to Starbucks for eggnog lattes so she doesn’t have to bring them to me anymore. ha!):

I promise, my finger is NOT that stubby in real life.

If you’re in Pittsburgh, pick up some unique gifts at Handmade Arcade on Saturday (11am-7pm) downtown at the Convention Center. Then Sunday, come see ROLLER DERBY! It’s our annual Toys for Tots charity scrimmage, so bring a toy for a child who needs a special Christmas.

52 books update:
So, I’ve finished four books since Thanksgiving. Not a bad start!
Kelly Cutrone’s If You Have to Cry, Go Outside
Nixon’s Darkest Secrets
Stop the Wedding! (A Romantic Comedy) – a random, silly book that Kindle store recommend; super easy read

seven things, seven days:
1. Christmas shopping started! (and finishing this weekend); Boyfriend is proving to be more difficult to shop for this year. Men.
2. Also, writing out all the Christmas cards. (I’m early!)
3. I’m hosting a bridal shower for a friend; check out these cute invites from Wedding Paper Divas.
5. Holiday shopping doesn’t mean I didn’t pick up a lil’ something for myself (duh!): this sequin sweatshirt from GAP is so fun (and comfy! And was 30% off.)
6. Bloggers Elsie & Emma from A Beautiful Mess geek out about Tea. More tea-geeking, please!
7. The Psychology of everything in 48 Minutes from Paul Bloom:

Weekly Therapy: on vacation

I had intentions of posting a variety of pictures from my trip… But when using the most recent backup from my old phone to set up my new phone, the pictures were gone. *sigh*

So you get a picture of my splurge from Black Friday:


No discount from Apple — save for signing a new contract with Verizon device discount — but so much nicer to blog from! And I didn’t have to wake at some crazy hour to get it. I also purchased it when tipsy from hoppy beers, so there’s that.

Did you make any big Black Friday purchases? What was your best deal?

Wardrobe Therapy: Banana Republic, LOFT & Trina Turk sales

I totally failed my November shopping ban. Totally. Completely. Utterly. Failed. This is what happens when there are sales, coupons and discount offers all up in my email this time of year.

But… I’m not mad. I’m EXCITED.

1. Rice Dot Tee {LOFT} / 2. Sims Pants {Trina Turk} / 3. Cozy Cable Cardigan {LOFT} / 4. Chunky Cable Open Front Cardigan {LOFT} (I love cardigans!) / 5. White Wool-blend Belted Coat {Banana Republic}

I also picked up a standard gray crew-neck tee shirt and gray-and-cream striped sweater from BP

Retail Therapy
See, when I turned 35, I made it a year-long mission to reinvent my closet. I now seek out classic, versatile and well-structured pieces. Clothing that is an investment (for, hopefully, the next 5 or so years of my age bracket) takes over where throw-away trends are concerned. On that same note, I needed long-sleeve shirts, which is where the $30 tops and sweaters sale at LOFT comes in. I have, like, one long-sleeve shirt in my closet. And it’s misshapen and almost five years old itself. Why the former obsession with 3/4-length, Mel?

Plain-and-simple, I need to dress more like I am 35 and less like I am 25. There’s a difference between being young and youthful, and being chic and playful with your wardrobe. And by “your” of course I mean myself.

About a Coat
I’ve had my (current) tan-colored wool coat from Banana Republic for nearly a decade. But… I’ve grown out of it (and by “grown” I mean it’s easily four sizes too large for me; someone at the consignment store will surely give it some more love). I bought it at an end-of-season sale for almost 50% off. It was a good deal then, and considerably so now, for how long it’s lasted in my closet.

Alas, it’s ill-fitting now… boxy — even with layers of sweaters underneath, it just looks like I’m wearing my grandpa’s coat — so I wanted a new warm winter coat that was fitted to my proportions and more chic.

I FOUND THE PERFECT COAT (see above)! On top of that, the coupon for friends & family deal (50% off!) from my neighbor was just too kind. This was also an excuse to head into the cute local neighborhood, Shadyside, of Pittsburgh. I only hope this one lasts me another decade. I can’t lie, I’m terrified about the winter white. But the style and fit was too pretty to resist.

Retail as Therapy. Makes me happy inside and out. And probably just as expensive.

Do you take advantage of great sales this time of year for personal shopping? Tell us about your Biggest Score in the comments!