My Favorite Podcasts

I’m looking for a few new additions to my podcast list. What are you listening to and enjoy and would recommend? I know that is a very loaded question, as podcast requests are as individualized as the genres of books we read. I already listen to way too many long-form shows – so, looking for episodes that are regularly less than an hour long (but even better if the show trends closer to half of that run time). I have 169 Unplayed episodes queued up right now, and regularly delete those that are three months out-of-date (unless there’s a guest that I really, REALLY want to (eventually) listen to)… sooo, maybe I shouldn’t download anything new? In any event, maybe you’ll find something new to listen to here!

podcast header blog reviews

Here’s what is on my regular rotation (as you will read, I have various moods and interests):
Real Talk Radio with Nicole Antoinette*
99% Invisible (I mean, who DOESN’T love Roman Mars’ voice?)
The Psychology Podcast*
Sooo Many White Guys (which I think might be on extended hiatus?)
How I Built This
You Are Not So Smart
Sincerely, Hueman (uplifting stories, and easy-to-digest length)
Stuff You Should Know (sooooo many episodes; I’m totally backlogged!)
Hidden Brain
Finding Mastery with Michael Gervais
Freakanomics Radio

What I listen to more infrequently:
You Almost Had It!
Everything is Alive
The BibRave Podcast
You Made it Weird (this is actually one of my FAVORITE podcasts because I am regularly LOL’ing but the episodes are kinda long at 2+ hours, and I have been procrastinating on their priority)
Recode Decode
Armchair Expert (I like this show a lot and mostly save the episodes for long road trips because they are really fun interviews)

Series that I am currently enjoying:
The Dream (about MLM – it’s SO GOOD)
Happy Face (if you’re into murder-type series; this one is interesting, coming from the daughter’s perspective of her father being the Happy Face Killer)

Series that I finished in whole and would wholly recommend:
Atlanta Monster
Heaven’s Gate

What is currently on my list and I’ve yet to get into:
Slow Burn (Season 2)
Longform Podcast
Yo, Is This Racist?
Hell and Gone

I wish Apple Podcasts kept a record of the shows I’ve deleted out of boredom, disinterest in the hosts, or irritation at unbalanced sound levels because OMG there are so many terrible ones out there.

*I financially support these podcasts via Patreon because I positively believe in doing so. And if more podcasts went this patron-backer route, I totally would give up more of my money!

Life’s Littlest Annoyances

Are there certain little things in life that just… ANNOY THE EVER-LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU?

I have — well, had — two:
1. The cheap ass Mr. Coffee coffee maker that dripped EVERYWHERE when filling up the basin and during the brew process.
2. The silverware drawer organizer that had moveable parts and knives and spoons would slip underneath partitions… and get stuck.

These two things have been on my annoyance and Must Replace lists for quite some time… because, well, see the first line of this post. It kind of reminds me of relationships: you love everything about something (err, someone in this analogy) and then one day, all the little quirks make you recoil in disgust. That coffee pot had an amazing stainless carafe that held the perfect two-cup amount. That drawer organizer was easy to clean because of its removable pieces. Then one day, everything changed.

Look, sometimes life’s little annoyances are just that: little. Usually that feeling dissipates. If something so minute bothers to an extent of rage, however, it’s sometimes masking something MUCH larger (perhaps you need more sleep, Mel, or your boyfriend REALLY needs to fix that dripping faucet). But let’s be honest, a LOT of times, these events can multiply beyond the boiling point — building up to an eventual epic meltdown that you can no longer ignore. Day-after-day-after-day of being frustrated, the annoyed feelings transitions to anger. And then you break up. The end! Maybe that’s me and my tolerance for frustrating life moments (like, waiting for people who are habitually late… or, traffic). I’m terrible at managing or channeling that irritable energy. If you flare up just at the thought of walking into the kitchen maybe you need a coping strategy.

How to restore the calm:

Option 1: Accept the triggers; just don’t ignore the triggers. The latter will just come back with a vengeance. Either figure out how to cope with the annoyance, take a time out, or learn how to increase your tolerance of the situation.

Option 2: If Step 1 doesn’t work, remove the triggers or remove yourself from the hostile situations. Like how much did I have to deal with these annoyances? I’m a daily coffee drinker, and I eat at some point in my home every day. So I was attempting to cope every. single. day. Therefore getting frustrated every. single. day. I had to change the situation (which, in this case meant purchasing new items for my kitchen).

Option 3: Kick something. Kidding. Sort of. Physical activity is a known stress release — use its advantages on days when you’re feeling a spike of irritation in one-off events. As for other types of negative coping skills, like causing harm to yourself or others, these not only do NOT solve the problem, but creates additional problems. Don’t do that.

Group Therapy: Tell me your biggest annoyance in the comments and how you deal with the situation.