Weekly Therapy: 10.20.17

the week:
Oh, HI! It’s been a few weeks. ?

I’m closing out Week 4 of grad school, and as expected, it’s kicking my ass! I’ve finally found a groove with my assignments and reading (so much reading!), but will admit to feeling wholly intimidated by so many brilliant people in my classes. I’m inspired by the topics and coursework so far (though wish I could spend more of my time focused on school – still trying to figure out the work-school balance). Actually, that balance part has been really important to me and I have worked HARD on the days I need to in order to enjoy a “free” day.

I took a week off running after Chicago (oh yeah, I haven’t posted about that or ANY of my races from last month either!), and felt good to have some space from that. This past weekend, I cheered on the Des Moines’ marathoners from Mile 20 (half marathoners Mile 7) and it filled my whole heart to be able to do so.

Des Moines Marathon Cheer Station Mile 20

This weekend is GOATz 50k in Omaha. Yep, another race weekend road trip. Have I mentioned this is my first ultra race? This should be a fun one! I’m WAY less anxious about running this than Chicago.

seven things, seven days:
1. My knuckles are bruised from extreme cow-belling at the marathon last weekend.
2. Story of my life: I bought this for my cats (they don’t care), and now I’m having all the fun!
3. I saw Christmas lights up (and on!) during my morning work commute this week. ?
4. I also saw a meteor! Peak meteor showers this weekend from Halley’s Comet!
5. Generation X Women are having midlife crises. {sigh, Oprah}
6. My podcast feed is stale. What are your favorites? Got any new ones to recommend?
7. Find your motivation in sport. {via Psychology Today}

Weekly Therapy: Is dissatisfaction the direct opposite of satisfaction?

the week:
I’m done with this heat and humidity and feeling as though my eyeballs are sweating every time I go outside (and even knowing wtf a dew point is, but know every day that it’s terrible). I miss laying out in my hammock a lot. The cover hasn’t been off the thing since early June when my sister and niece visited. Gross.

It’s FURRIES WEEKEND — and probably one of my favorite weekends in Pittsburgh! This year, Anthrocon is doing its annual parade outside for the public on Saturday afternoon, and I intend to be there. I’ll also be gathering with some friends on Friday for Happy Hour to help welcome them into town.

Saturday night is the Deutschtown Music Festival, and I’ll be bar-hopping a little that evening as well. Sunday, I’ve got a long run (7 miles) on the schedule and MUCHO homeworko. Or something.

52 books in 52 weeks:
In the middle of a couple books, but didn’t finish anything this week.

seven things, seven days:
1. Started my week off with a 90-minute massage — with someone new and also a man, which is beside the point — I’ve been having difficulty with my usual therapist’s schedule fitting mine, so I might have a new go-to because I feel amazing. (And I’m not waiting two months to go back again.)
2. My friends (who we traveled to Costa Rica with two years ago) sent me some coffee straight from Guatemala and I just want to hoard it. SO DELICIOUS.
3. Blood work this week to check on how my Vitamin D levels (and everything else) are doing. Having a late morning appointment when having to fast is something awful. And then I almost passed out on the nurse. :-/
4. …and the results are already in by the publishing of this post: I’m now back on prescription D. Again. UGH.
5. How do you find time for more reflection every week? Asking for a friend.
6. This post from Ash Ambirge STOPPED. ME. IN. MY. TRACKS. I can’t get her/this post out of my head. Kick in the ass needed. {via the middle finger project}
7. Speaking of which, Yes & Yes also has an amazing post about change. This one resonated with me so much, especially with recent events of which I’ve vague-posted. {h/t to Nicole at Life Less Bullshit for emailing out this article}

Weekly Therapy: if it ain’t broke… it’s probably ligament damage.

the week:
How did this week go by so fast?

I had my first follow-up dermatology appointment since my MOHs surgery. Everyone keeps telling me the scar “looks really good!” or “they did a good job!” And why do I still feel, like, HAVE YOU SEEN MY FACE?! I know, I need to get that looked at… I did get a referral for another dermatologist in the area who can treat some of my other face “issues” — procedures they don’t do in my doc’s office (microderm, deep peels, laser). So, yay?

MOHs scar, circa four months ago
MOHs scar, circa four months ago

I also openly admitted that I’m all for Botox, just “not yet.” How you know you’re a 30-something.

Date night at the Three Rivers Film Festival. We’re going to see the Lance Armstrong documentary, and then probably get some more bourbon and snacks at Butcher & the Rye. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been dreaming about that cauliflower dish since last weekend. Yes, CAULIFLOWER.

Saturday, my team is hosting a derby training camp. Which, meh, I’m off skates because my foot started bothering me again this week (I was actually starting to get excited about skating again). Scheduling an MRI as we speak.

seven things, seven days:
1. Took my few days off this week to binge-watch the first two seasons of Scandal. OBSESSED!
2. A day spa is opening in my neighborhood — I’m so freaking excited!
3. Also back on the Sprig box bandwagon.
4. Now that I know we’re hosting some family for Thanksgiving, I’m starting some Holiday Meal Planning Pinning. Leave me some ideas, please!
5. The coffee table I wanted from West Elm is DISCONTINUED. I’m so mad. SO MAD.
6. Running outside in the cold. Nope. Can’t get used to it.
7. We all have people like this in our lives. Energy vampires: how to avoid being drained (and a quiz!). {via Psych Central}