Color Love: ORANGE!

The color orange has found its way into my closet in a number of ways — including in this hint-of-sparkle knit turtleneck (that I have to fold down twice so I don’t choke), these faux leather boots and this multi-tiered chain necklace.

For whatever reason, when I get into this color mood, I play matchy-matchy. Not a usual trait of my style, but this outfit feels so Fall, especially on a particularly gloomy, drizzly day when the boyfriend and I traveled Lawrenceville-to-Garfield for some delicious noms at both Tamari and Salt of the Earth (yeah, we’re like the traveling dinner party over here). But, Happy Birthday to the boyfriend and all that gooey stuff.

Bonus: I kinda like blending in with all the pumpkins. Gives me the warm fuzzies. Now, if only there were any pumpkins around…

These boots were super cheap, are totally versatile, and are SUPER COMFY… and are now entering into their fourth season. I’m not sure that they’ll last another winter, but I can’t find another replacement pair like them. Recommendations appreciated!

Top: hand-me-down (from my cousin, by way of my sister)
Jeans: J Brand (awesomely repaired by Denim Therapy)
Boots: CutesyGirl (who I stopped shopping with a couple years ago because of their insane shipping “rules”… I wonder if they’ve come to their senses)
Necklace: Gabriel Brothers (I knotted the chain in the center for a different look)