the week:
Almost done with my second full week of NO RUNNING. And I’m doing a whole lot of… well, nothing else. Though I spent the last two days volunteering at the Principal Charity Classic Pro-Am Tournament, so lots of walking and lifting golf bags and sunshine. I’ll definitely go back next year to volunteer again; I had a blast!
What an inspiring story about a woman who I hadn’t previously known! As the epilogue emphasizes: This is a story about a courage. Brownie Wise was a strong woman with the courage to change and strive for independence in the 1950s – And not be quiet in a man’s world of business. This is an incredible story of success; I also hadn’t known much on the history of Tupperware (which we all have in our homes). High stars!
One more weekend that I won’t wake up for an early Saturday morning long run. I think I may check out the Farmer’s Market, and then spend some time at the club pool. But then again, I finally got my hammock set up at home and I may just dive into that. And this.
And then Sunday, we’re going downtown for Capital City Pride Pridefest and parade.
It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for April 24 (Week 69), are:: Updating, Remembering, Needing, Wearing, Being.
Updating:: My closet wasn’t well organized since moving in, so I’ve made a few updates throughout the weekend. I’ve punched out a shelf in one “cubby” (to make room for hanging longer dresses — so now that ALL my dresses are hanging together) and added shelves in different places to stack my denim, sweaters, and tights/leggings. This all started with my irritation that my shoes aren’t all in one space — and I wanted them mostly out of boxes, so I can actually SEE and WEAR what I already own. By the way, I have some super cute bright blue booties that need to be worn — send me your outfit suggestions!
Remembering:: Oooof, I got my first Iowa sunburn. I wasn’t out in the sun for very long, and wore a coat for most of our BBQ tailgating because of the wind. I’m thinking it was from the 30-minute drive — we had the windows and sunroof open, since only my chest and a few weird places on my arms got pink. This frustrates and upsets me because I’m typically SO DILIGENT about remembering my sunscreen and this shouldn’t have took me by surprise, and yet… UGH.
Needing:: a kick in the ass (see above).
Wearing:: Some new clothes from my first Trunk Club! {referral link!}. It was a lot of fun to have a fashion show at home, as I received 20 items — a couple handbags, dresses, jeans, tops, and jewelry! I really like that you have 10 days to try everything. She didn’t *quite* hit the mark on my style and size (it typically takes a few boxes to pin that), but I received a couple items that I want to absolutely LIVE in. I was hoping (and asked) for work pants, which I didn’t receive. Soooo, looks like I’ll have another request in soon.
Being:: Today, I’m all about being in Sunday Cleaning Mode. I’ve already stripped the bedding off and started the laundry. The bedrooms all need vacuumed. I might get all crazy and lint roll (read: de-cat) all the furniture.
And we’re back! After missing last week’s prompt, I’m catching up here with Week 56. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). Every Sunday morning, the Tribe shares a small glimpse into the last week — and I’m sharing along, too. Every week, a new theme is release for all of us to post and share your link through one of the host’s post. I’m so happy that I found this amazing community of bloggers! All are welcome, so click through and join us in the Blogger Tribe Facebook group.
This week’s themes: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling.
Planning: Another closet purge. I definitely fall into a “sunk cost” loop and really struggle with getting rid of things that I spent a good bit of money on (a pair of bright blue Hunters, a pair of too-big winter Sorels, two pairs (!!!) of Jeffrey Campbell platforms, and a Banana Republic wool coat, for starters). I haven’t had much luck on Poshmark aside from BUYING MORE, and then there is the annoyance (and expense) of shipping {my invite code is HPGQA if you’re interested in signing up and getting $10 for downloading the app!).
But I definitely do not feel joy by looking at these items, hanging out unworn.
Loving: I LOVE winter, so I am loving this recent snowstorm. Comfy PJ pants, good books, cats on laps, lots of hot chocolate… after running around like a crazy person outside first, of course!
Reading: Speaking of good books, I borrowed “The Girl on the Train” from my neighbor after seeing a lot of great reviews on Goodreads, and it’s been a really enjoyable and interesting read (so far). You know, since we’re snowed in here in Pittsburgh, the weekend calls for this kind of cozy.
Wishing: Too much to wish for another snowstorm? 😀
Feeling: A little stressed from big decision making. I feel like I can’t adult. Maybe I need to read “The Paradox of Choice” again.
the week:
Happy New Year, everyone! I’m still working on my goals sheet and resolutions for 2016, so stay tuned. My 30 days of posts kind of took a dump there after Christmas, given my primary goal of completing 52 books before the end of the year. I did it!!!
a 30-something New Year’s Eve: cheese plate, wine, cat kisses, and giant sparklers.
That said, I’m really enjoying reading from my fellow runners about their yearly “bucket lists,” and I think my 2016 goals will likewise reflect that approach. As for personal and professional goals, that’s where I’m feeling mighty stagnant and lost — and I need to take some journaling time for reflection. I might not make the January 1 deadline, but I think it will work out better that way. There’s some news that could happen by Month 2 that could definitely change the course of my goal-setting anyway.
I’ll be enjoying the last of my days off from work — and also enjoying a facial and massage appointment!
52 books in 52 weeks:
YOU GUYS! I completed 52 books this year!
#51 My Year With Eleanor by Noelle Hancock — I want to read this book immediately again; I sincerely loved it, and it’s probably my favorite book of the whole year! Much of the lessons about fear and anxiety and not really having a purpose really resonated with me. A great book to absorb as I ponder the focus of my goals for 2016.
#52 The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less by Barry Schwartz — an obvious choice/topic for my final book of the year, no? Fascinating research-based book on how more choices can actually have the reverse effect on life satisfaction — and possibly even correlate to an increase in rates of depression! I like that the book is straight-forward and doesn’t get too science heavy for the layman reader. Highly recommend this one!
seven things, seven days:
1. I finally used coconut oil for the first time as a make-up remover. And holy shit, it took off the waterproof mascara that I wear during the rainiest and sweatiest of runs that won’t. come. off. with regular cleanser alone.
3. The boyfriend repainted the kitchen walls and doors back to white, and I feel so much better about this room.
4. I also completely cleared all of the clutter and decor from on top of the cabinets that’s been bothering me for nearly two years. I’m sure it will all sit in a box until we move again.
5. Got to hang with some of my coworkers from my old job (celebrating a going away, resignation party). Many of us have moved on from the organization, and I miss everyone immensely.
6. In addition to my personal, professional, and running resolutions for 2016, I am making a list of blogging goals — this post from The Wonder Forest has a great resource for tips on taking your blog to the next level.
7. The six most interesting Psychology papers in 2015 — the most interesting, personally, is the study about nonpharm solutions to insomnia (mine has been pretty bad the last few months) {via NY Times}
I’m participating in this week’s Sunday Lately round-up again with Wild & Wanderful. Today’s focus: Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting.
Doing: Now that we’re back in Pittsburgh and unwinding from the Ohio holiday celebrations (and their respective party platters and mixed beverages), we have to focus on some of our growing clutter situation in the basement. Admittedly, I have my own personal piles of clothing and shoes that need to go to the donate bins or listed for sale online; we’ve also realized several boxes on shelves that haven’t been opened for a few YEARS… and well, it’s time for this stuff to go. So, I’ll be doing some organization and de-cluttering!
Appreciating: I’m so thankful for the time I could spend with the boyfriend our families this holiday, and I’m also looking forward to spending a day with my sisters and nieces this week. I appreciate my work organization giving us these extra days off to be able to see everybody!
Designing: There are some big things that are happening early in the New Year. This weekend, I’m designing a weekly plan for January and February to keep my goals in check, so that I don’t get overwhelmed and/or procrastinate.
Humming: Have we moved on beyond Christmas songs? Because I’m still humming this one.
Expecting: I’m expecting to finish two more books this week to make my 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge a reality. I can’t wait to cross this one off my 30s Life List! And it truly grew my passion for reading for fun again.
the week:
Finally got my butt back to spinning (and working out in general)! I’m trying to figure out what my workout schedule should be through December — when I then start training for the Gasparilla race(s) challenge in February 2016. I’m super excited about this destination running event, by the way. I need to sit down and figure out my race and training schedule for 2016 overall too.
I woke up on Tuesday morning at, like, 3:30 a.m. and considered staying up and going to a 5:15 a.m. CrossFit session but I found my way back to slumber (and dreaming again that all my hair was falling out, which is a little too close to reality right now). Daylights Savings Time, amiright? To be honest, I don’t know if my training will ever revert back to regular CF. I have a TRX system now at home (that I still need to set up) and maybe I’ll ask for a barbell for Christmas… but I just can’t stomach the $135/month membership fee anymore when I have a YMCA membership and a yoga pass and own enough equipment to get in decent at-home workouts.
It only seems life-appropriate to have some dental work done the week after Halloween, right? I’ll also be watching a bit of the WFTDA Championships. I plan to get my first post-marathon run in on Sunday morning too, before my inlaws come out and spend the afternoon with us.
52 books in 52 weeks:
I finished FOUR books this week — I am determined to catch up! And it’s amazing how much time I have to read when the boyfriend is traveling for a week. HA!
#36: Lion of Hollywood: The Life & Legend of Louis B. Mayer — So happy that I kept with this book (it took me a LONG time to finish but it was worth it. Read my Goodreads review.
#38: Five Weeks in the Amazon by Sean Michael Hayes — well, I just hated this book. But after seeing how quickly I could finish it, I kept with it (hoping that Hayes would become more likable or authentic… and that just didn’t happen). Final thoughts: immature writing and attitude, and what a hypocrite!
#39: Living With a SEAL by Jesse Itzler — I received a Release Day copy of this book from the publisher, and I really enjoy Jesse’s casual writing style. I mean, I read it in two days! His storytelling of training with a Navy SEAL for 31 days was fun and you feel as though he’s one of your closest friends telling you his latest crazy story (and it’s nuts!). He cracked me up more than once! There’s even a tear-out workout page included in the book if you’re so inclined to repeat his insane month-long training schedule.
seven things, seven days:
1. When looking for socks for a Halloween costume, I realized that my ENTIRE collection of derby shorts, tights and socks are GONE (save for one pair of socks and one pair of cat shorts) — likely stored in a bag in the basement and tossed during our sewer backup over the summer. And, well, I’m pretty devastated about it.
2. All things considered, my Halloween costume turned out awesome for thinking of the idea on the day before.
3. My stylist seemingly mitigated my hair breakage problems with a keratin treatment (even if it has the faintest hint of a rose gold color… which is, surprisingly, kind of awesome). But it seriously looks and feels SO much better, and I got a few other products to use as daily/weekly treatments to help protect it.
4. When it’s 70 degrees on a November evening in Pittsburgh, you go have Thai food on Nicky’s patio.
5. “At distances over 2,000 miles, you are negating the benefit that males have due to increased muscle mass and aerobic capacity.” On Longest Hiking Trails: A Woman Finds Equal Footing {via NYTimes}
6. My definition of work-life balance is, simply, that I’m not living to work. But beyond that… it gets a little complicated. More about the assumptions of work-life balance {via APA Center for Organizational Excellence}
7. The things I learned from being an Ironman. SO GOOD. {via The Things I Learned From…}
the week:
This has been a rough week. My job was realigned into a new department, on a new team, and I now also report to a new person. There has been a lot of confusion about how my role is changing for the company, and I’m really trying to be open about embracing those changes. What a lesson in organizational development and change management! I wish I was currently in those i/o-psych classes to tap into the experience a little more. And, maybe… help me process everything.
It’s finally here — graduation and commencement! (Are they the same thing? WHO CARES! HOORAY!) I’m looking forward to spending some time with my family and celebrating this accomplishment. But also will be doing a LOT of thinking about my future on this weekend’s 16-mile (!!!) long run (I ended up registering for another half marathon to keep me accountable). I really think that I need that career coach.
52 books in 52 weeks:
I realized this week that I’m *tired* right now of reading self-development/inspirational/how-to books. I need a break and some more reading for fun. Have any good book recommendations? Please leave in the comments! I do prefer non-fiction, so a good memoir or biography that you’ve read would fit my interests.
seven things, seven days:
1. We went out (and subsequently got *smashed*) on a Sunday night when we found out that Howl at the Moon was having a luau because of the holiday weekend. We had a BLAST! Nice change of pace.
2. I’m all for social media, but can we PLEASE stop with the wedding hashtags?
3. Speaking of change, I had some lavender dyed into the “hidden”/underneath part of my hair. YOLO, amirite.
4. Pittsburgh blogger? Sign up for Allegheny Inn’s “Partei Für Blogger” happening next Friday.
5. The heel of my loafers somehow completely fell off on my walk to work on Thursday. Like, seriously life?
6. Performance sportswear gives psychological as well as physical boost
7. A breakdown of research about the role of Vitamin D in athletic performance — something that I’ve long considered is the reason behind all my persistent fatigue and exhaustion (I have extremely low levels of Vitamin D, despite supplementation; and yet, still have no answers as to why).
the week:
I started making plans for what I wanted to do once I finished my degree program (in THREE WEEKS!), and my focus will be on decluttering my life. I have this really weird habit of making sure that I have back-ups of stuff that I *might* need when something runs out, and sometimes it’s months before I actually need it. I have hundreds (thousands) of people who I follow over a variety of social media platforms who add no value to the online conversation. My brain is cluttered. My house is cluttered (albeit organized). My inbox is cluttered. My twitter is too noisy.
I seriously have 20 things already on its own Uncluttering to-do list, and I am serious about living a more minimalist life. I feel as though I’m drowning in stuff lately… and frankly? I don’t want to clean or organize it anymore.
I have, like, 10 hours of OMMMMMM planned for the Whirl YogaFest on Saturday (place any bets if I actually wake up for the 6am session?). And Sunday is this summer’s last (boo!) OpenStreets PGH event. I’ve got another 6-mile run on my plan for the morning, so I’ll be running with SCRR peeps again.
52 books in 52 weeks:
I feel as though I’ve been reading this book I’m on forever… and I’m only 20% through. I’m wondering if I should just switch to something else.
seven things, seven days:
1. Do you get the daily helloprompt newsletter? Every day there is an amazing source of inspiration within. It’s a beautiful and fun little community.
2. Before I implement a self-imposed shopping strike, I bought myself a little something (and something else) from the lululemon factory sale and because I’m not buying cheap, trendy workout shit anymore.
3. This week, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar titled: How to Deal with Difficult People. Isn’t it great when you learn a little bit more about yourself at these things? (I’m totally High C, “get it right”-type personality, by the way.)
4. Propelled (*honk*) by the ladies of Propelle, I did this 60-second/30 circles creativity test. Follow along on social media #propelle30
5. Came home from work last night to cat puke all over the sitting room (including the couch and side tables, wtf), and dotted along the hallway and dining room. SRSLY, CATS.
6. More of the same from the gluten-free haters… or, rather, the people who want to be first in line to pitchfork someone for wanting to feel better by adapting their diet. Don’t read the comments. Also: do you even understand what placebo effect means, bro? UGH. The Myth of Big, Bad Gluten. {via NYT}
7. Rethinking exercise as a source of immediate rewards. {via NYT}
My neighborhood is filled with inspiring, supportive and successful women. One of those neighbors is a consultant with the UK-based company House of Colour. House of Colour has consultants around the U.S., and Julie is here in Pittsburgh — right in my neighborhood — helping women look and feel their best. And she does it through the power of color!
Let’s face it: I have always needed a little help with dressing myself. I don’t really “fit” into any of those pre-determined body fruit shapes; I’m long where I should be short — short where I should be longer. I can’t even figure out the shape of my face (maybe a heart? oval?), and I’ve only recently realized how important it is to accentuate my waist. Regardless of my ignorance, I knew I needed an appointment to sit in Julie’s studio to determine my colors. She categorizes this in “seasons,” which was done using a series of fabric drapes in various colors to determine my skin’s undertones first (on my clean, no makeup face). Once it was determined I had cool undertones, she continued placing and removing these drapes, placed over a white smock, to show the real life effect certain colors had on my face in natural light. As the session progressed, it became much easier to see what colors were either emphasizing my features or making me look sallow, “washed out,” and tired. The results were undeniable. WHO WANTS TO LOOK THOSE ANY OF THOSE THINGS WHEN YOU’RE 30-SOMETHING?!
Results: I’m a WINTER.
Which means I’ve been an Ice Princess all along… Muah-hah-hah
I have blue undertones, when I always thought I was yellow. I definitely went in thinking I’d be an Autumn (if based on nothing more than the current collection in my closet and the colors I trend to). No wonder warm tones and makeup and hair color wasn’t working for me, and I worked doubly hard to “warm” my skin and clothing, which had the complete opposite — I’m a COOL tone. Embrace the pale, Mel. Also, HELLO, my color profile includes Pantone’s Color of the Year: EMERALD.
After determining my season, Julie also put some makeup on me — and I definitely played up the dramatics with red lipstick. Yes, I — who “can’t wear red” — was wearing red lipstick. Well, I CAN wear red, it’s just I need a blue-tone red. She went through all 36 colors in my season (yes, 36!) and rated each on a star-or-check system and also on a percentage of saturation, based on placement of the color in the garment (head-to-toe, accent, accessories). What I was also impressed with was the ability to match several unique colors together and have everything look perfectly matched; it’s all about making sure the shades are within the same season and have the right tone.
There was so much valuable info — and I went home with a small binder of all my swatches and checklist to help me shop and dress (and clean out my closet)! I’m so lucky to have Julie’s color services right outside my door (but she’ll also come over and help separate/clean out closets based on your color analysis or can go shopping with you AND will soon offer styling sessions). This session will definitely save me money in the future and hopefully prevent my hoarder-like tendencies to keep things-in-my-closet-that-I-never-wear-yet-maybe-will-one-day. Truth is, I’m not wearing these items because I likely don’t look good in them.
Buh-bye browns and oranges. It’s like you don’t even want me to root for my favorite football team anymore.